SailorVGame @ LainNet


AIML files used in "Virtual Sailor Moon" chat robot

"Virtual Sailor Moon" chat robot uses modified AIML files from "AAA" set ( Annotated A.L.I.C.E. AIML ). Rewriting these files to recreate Usagi's personality is a constant work-in-progress so if you will use the files below to set up your own "Virtual Sailor Moon" please check this page from time to time for latest versions of AIML files.

The table below lists all files currently used in the robot. The ones with "SM" prefix are new files (not from AAA set); the ones with "Fix" prefix are modified files from AAA set; the files without "SM" or "Fix" prefixes are either files that do not require modification or files to be fixed as yet (check also color codes table).

Download of all files in a single archive (it's not big so there is no reason to upload each file separately) can be found below.

Key to Color Codes
AIML Color Code Description
Pink New file written specifically for VSM
Yellow Modified file from original AAA set
Green Not modified file from original AAA set.
AIML Files
File Categories File Name Description Last Modified
1. 3365 FixAtomic.aiml Categories with patterns without wildcards. August 09, 2007
2. 1207 Client.aiml Getting to know the client. 2005
3. 138 Computers.aiml Knowledge about computers and software. 2005
4. 45 Date.aiml Date and time using Pandorabots formatted AIML date tag. 2005
5. 10 Dialog.aiml Display the recent conversation history. 2005
6. 123 Emotion.aiml Emotional responses depend on personality type. 2005
7. 1295 FixAdverbs.aiml Omits adverbs without changing logical semantics. May 26, 2007
8. 13 FixAstrology.aiml Star signs. May 26, 2007
9. 2927 FixBot.aiml Knowledge about the robot's personality. May 26, 2007
10. 4819 FixDefault.aiml Non-committal replies to imprecisely matched inputs. May 26, 2007
11. 20 FixHappy.aiml Checking robot's birthday and holidays. May 26, 2007
12. 25 FixInquiry.aiml Gather information without repeating questions. May 26, 2007
13. 99 FixInterjection.aiml Yes and No. May 26, 2007
14. 33 FixMoney.aiml Economics. May 26, 2007
15. 3 FixPickup.aiml Pickup lines. May 26, 2007
16. 5369 FixReduce.aiml General purpose symbolic reductions. May 26, 2007
17. 824 FixReducer.aiml Symbolic reductions using <srai><star/></srai>. May 26, 2007
18. 9187 FixReductions.aiml Atomic reductions. May 26, 2007
19. 166 FixSex.aiml Handling sex-related topics. May 26, 2007
20. 843 Geography.aiml Places and locations. 2005
21. 1 Gossip.aiml Spreading rumors. 2005
22. 230 Human.aiml Human-specific topics. 2005
23. 9 Humor.aiml Telling jokes. 2005
24. 2 IU.aiml Default categories for inputs starting with I and YOU. 2005
25. 1459 Knowledge.aiml General knowledge. 2005
26. 8980 Parts.aiml Simplifies some past participle expressions. 2005
27. 67 Personality.aiml Simple personality test. 2005
28. 714 Psychology.aiml Psychology related topics. 2005
29. 141 Salutations.aiml Hello and Goodbye. 2005
30. 103 SMBasics.aiml Basic Sailor Moon knowledge. May 26, 2007
31. 580 SMPeople.aiml Knowledge about people from the series. August 09, 2007
32. 73 SMUsagi.aiml Specifically mentions Usagi by name. May 26, 2007
33. 252 Spam.aiml Filters out some spam. 2005
34 6 Stack.aiml Manipulate a stack of topics. 2005
35. 60 Stories.aiml Telling Stories. 2005
36. 1354 That.aiml Categories with <that>. 2005
37. 567 Update.aiml Recent AIML additions. 2005
38. 5 Xfind.aiml Search for external knowledge on the web. 2005
Total amount of categories used: 45114
Download "Virtual Sailor Moon" aiml set (643 KB): vsm_aiml_08092007.rar

This page was updated on: May 26, 2007.