SailorVGame @ LainNet




LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) games are hand-held portable devices for playing interactive games, often miniaturized versions of video games. The controls, display and speakers are all part of a single unit. Rather than a general-purpose screen made up of a grid of small pixels, they usually have custom displays designed to play one game.

(All pictures and descriptions on this page are thanks to Andreani Xavier)



Title: Sailor Moon R - Sailor Senshi Shots!
Genre: puzzle
Company: Bandai
Release date: N/A
Platform: LCD

Bandai LCD Sailor Moon R (1st part) game is a reflex game. For each level, you have to kill 10 Cardians before the time limit (with 30 points per Cardian that will make 300 points). The time is represented by moon phases which progressively decrease (full moon means that you have between 41 and 50 seconds left).

A card first appears at the top of the screen and then shows the left or right Cardian for some time. You have to attack quickly with the corresponding Senshi without being hit by the Cardian's fire balls and then Sailor Moon will finish the Cardian. If a Senshi is hit by a fire ball, you'll loose a moon phase. If you reach the time limit, Chibi Usa will appear, and that means the end of everything for you...

At the end of the level, Luna will sing in Japanese "You've succeeded Sailor Moon" and go to Artemis. Then, Moonlight Knight gives you a 200 points bonus per remaining moon phase. So, while you don't time up, you will always get a 200 points bonus for the last moon phase (between 1 and 10 seconds left).

Of course, at higher levels, everything is faster and you get more fire balls... Up to a point that you have to have to guess which Cardian (left or right) the card will show and attack before the Cardian is shown...

Download 3 shots of the game (1.00 MB) lcd_Sailor_Moon_R1.rar



Title: Sailor Moon R - Moon Sensation!
Genre: puzzle
Company: Bandai
Release date: N/A
Platform: LCD

Not much info save for a single shot as yet: lcd-r-moon_sensation.jpg



Title: Sailor Moon R - Revival! Moon Power
Genre: puzzle
Company: Bandai
Release date: N/A
Platform: LCD

Download archive with scans and photos of booklet, box, and game (6.58 MB)



Title: Sailor Moon S Kimero! Haato Atatsuku
Genre: puzzle
Company: Bandai
Release date: N/A
Platform: LCD
The game consists of 9 levels. Your goal is to defeat professor Tomoe and Kaolinite. Using the mode button, you can select at which level you'd like to start.

You begin the game with 3 lives. You are controlling Sailor Moon's moves using the arrow keys, and have to avoid daimon eggs that keep coming from the right of the screen. If you're hit by a daimon egg, you loose one of your lives, and the number of misses shown in the top-left corner of the screen increase by one. If you miss 3 times, it's game over. Professor Tomoe and Kaolinite will only show up in a level if you reach a score ending by 5000 or 0000.

In order to increase your score, you have to be able to attack. You first have to collect a pure heart (score +100), that will randomly appear on the right of the screen. Only then, the Moon Wand will randomly appear on the left of the screen, and you'll have to pick it up (score +100). Then you'll be able to shoot 8 times.

You can either shoot at the Daimon eggs that will disappear (score +100), or at Professor Tomoe and Kaolinite. You'll have to hit Professor Tomoe and Kaolinite 8 times to kill them. Then, they disappear while your score increases by 500. After that you begin at the next level. While the level increases, daimon eggs move faster, and have more special moves (diagonally).

Download scans of the game box & booklet + shots of the game itself (3.56 MB)



Title: Sailor Moon S - Touch Panel Game
Genre: puzzle
Company: Bandai
Release date: 1994
Platform: LCD
This game has no buttons. Everything is done by pressing the screen with the included stick.

You have 3 lives. The game consists of 2 mini games in which you have to fight/compete against Kaolinite:

1st game:
You begin with an untransformed Usagi. Heart crystals randomly appear on the screen. You have to collect 10 of them before Kaolinite, just by pressing them with the pen. Each time you collect a heart crystal, you get 10 points, and 1 star appears at the center of the screen. When you've got the 10 stars, you get a 100 points bonus, and once you've pressed the screen several times, Usagi will transform into Sailor Moon.

2nd game:
You are now Sailor Moon in the center of the screen and you begin with 2 stars around you. You have to fight against Kaolinite who will appear in one corner of the screen and shoot at you. You have to press around Sailor Moon to aim, and then press again at that same place to shoot. Tuxedo Masked may come to help you, and will randomly appear on the bottom of the screen. Each time you hit Kaolinite, you get 30 points (or 50 if you hit while Tuxedo Masked is here), and 1 star appears around you. If you're hit after loosing all your stars, then your life is over. Once you get 10 stars, you'll go back to 1st game but at the next level, where everything is faster.

Download scans of the game booklet + shots of the game itself (3.52 MB) lcd-Sailor_Moon_S-Touch_Panel_Game.rar



Title: Sailor Moon S - Moon Cosmic Power
Genre: puzzle
Company: Bandai
Release date: 1994
Platform: LCD

You have 3 lives. The game consists of 2 mini games:

1st game:
You begin with an untransformed Usagi.
Objects with daemons' eggs inside (cat, wheel, music note, money bill) attack from 4 sides: bottom-left, bottom-right, top-left, top-right. Usagi can only be in 2 places (left or right) and can attack in those 4 directions when the objects get close enough. (10 points - left/right key to move, then top/right key + attack key to attack in the right direction). If you miss it, the object changes into a monster which stands behind you (top). You can't attack in that direction, so you have to stay far from that (moving) monster. Else, professor Tomoe will appear and that means the end of your current life. After hitting 10 daemon-objects (100 points), you get a heart broach each time displayed on the top left of the screen. When you've collected 8 heart-broaches (800 points), Usagi will make up into Sailor Moon (you collect 100 points), and game 2 will begin.

The game comes with a magnetic broach. After pausing the game, if you apply that broach on the "make-up" mark on the right of the game, Usagi will immediately transform into Sailor Moon (but without the attack points, just the 100 points), and then after unpausing the game, you'll be directly at game 2. (this was very useful for me to work on the 2nd game, as 1st game is quite long... if you've understood, you have to hit 80 objects to go to game 2...)

2nd game:
You are now Sailor Moon and can move in the 4 corners of the screen, while Kaolinite randomly appears on the screen in several corners at the same time. She then attacks and you'll be hit if you stay in those corners and will loose 4 hearts.
When you loose all your 8 hearts, you loose a life, untransform to Usagi and then go back to game 1. In each corner, you can meet one of your Sailor mates (bottom left: Mars, top right: Mecury, bottom-right: Jupiter, top-left: Venus). If displayed, a planet symbol in those corners, means your Sailor mate is about to appear. Then your mate may come towards you and hold you the hand. If you are in the right corner at that time, just press the attack button to get energy from her (you'll earn 20 points).
After holding 5 hands (100 points), you get back one of your lost hearts.

2nd game is keeping its secrets:
Unless someone can translate the Japanese instruction sheet. Whatever I'm scoring, nothing good happens...
After some time, you loose 2 hearts even if Kaolinite is not near you... It seems to be some kind of time-up, triggered because I didn't manage to do what I had to do in time... But for now, I couldn't find a way of attacking Kaolinite or something like that... (there's only one action button you know...) So, description to be continued... For the moment, I didn't manage to end that 2nd game alive... Another unexplained feature: when the game is paused, holding the attack button makes you loose hearts one by one... A suicide-feature?... Or something that could be useful? I just didn't find the way...

Download scans of the game booklet + shots of the game itself (3.64 MB) lcd-Sailor_Moon_S-Moon_Cosmic_Power.rar