Title: Sailor Moon S
Genre: puzzle/mini-games
Company: Bandai
Release date: 1994
Platform: Sega Pico
In this game you go to next "stage" by turning over pages
of game cartridge. Each page contains areas that can be
touched by console's pen, allowing you to interact with the
Title page: you can click on the five Sailor senshi and
watch their transformation phrases.
Page 1: you can change colors of some objects in the
room. When you click on the notebook you proceed to
mini-game where you'll have to guess numbers and watch
images of characters from the series (you'll be shown two
out of three numbers).
Page 2: celebration: you can click on all characters and
Luna-P. When you click on the dish, you proceed to mini-game
where you'll have to decorate a cake.
Page 3: Kaolinite captured Mamoru and Chibiusa and you
must save them. You'll see a circle with senshi symbols and
must press red button when symbol of the senshi you picked
is highlighted.
Page 4: you fight against Kaolinite and Nekoneru. When
you click characters you'll see them performing attacks.
Clicking on Sailor Moon allows to play mini-fight of Sailor
Moon vs Nekoneru.
Page 5: dress-up game: you pick senshi and dresses for
As of June, 2009, there is no functional Sega Pico
emulator, so you can play the game only if you buy Sega Pico
console itself. The video below shows the entire game. You
can also download archives with scans of game booklet and
scanned pages of game cartridge. ( scans of the cartridge
are provided by Nicsailor,
webmaster of
Paradise )