Title: Sailor Moon SuperS
Genre: puzzle/mini-games
Company: Bandai
Release date: 1995
Platform: Sega Pico
Description of gameplay:
In this game you go to next "stage" by turning over pages of
game cartridge. Each page contains areas that can be touched
by console's pen, allowing you to interact with the game.
Title page: you can click on Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon and
hear them saying short phrases.
Page 1: There are two mini games: in the first game you will
be shown a hiragana letter and then you must click with
touch pen an image with that letter; in the second game you
will be asked simple questions about the series and must
pick pictures with correct answers (examples: "where are
Luna and Artemis?", "what senshi has orange fuku?", "what
senshi does perform 'Wide Sparkling Pressure" attack?").
Page 2: You can pick jewelries/accessories for one of the
five inner senshi and then you will see an image of that
senshi with accessories you picked.
Page 3: Dress up game - you pick a senshi and clothes for
Page 4: By clicking on Sailor Moon or Chibi Moon you can see
their transformation; by clicking on Zirconia you can make
her attack Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon; by clicking on one of
the Amazon Trio you start a mini game; Tiger's Eye
mini-game: playing as Sailor Moon or Chibi Moon you balance
on a ball and must dodge Tiger's Eye whip attacks by
pressing red button; Fish Eye mini-game: you must jump from
one swinging rope to another to reach Fish Eye; Hawk's Eye
mini-game: you will play three rounds of the shell game.
Page 5: you can draw with touch pen on Sega Pico's touchpad
anything you want picking different brushes and colors.
As of June, 2009, there is no functional Sega Pico
emulator, so you can play the game only if you buy Sega Pico
console itself. The videos below show the entire game. You
can also download archives with scans of game booklet and
scanned pages of game cartridge.