Title: Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Tokimeki
Genre: puzzle/mini-games
Company: Bandai
Release date: 1996
Platform: Sega Pico
Description: the
game has two modes: sugoroku and standard. The first one can
be accessed by clicking "minna de sugoroku" option on the
cover. In the second mode you can flip through pages of the
cartridge and play two mini-games on each, in total there
are ten games. Also, by clicking any character on any
cartridge page you can play quiz, where you'll be asked (by
the character you pick) basic questions about the series
(attacks, names, enemies, etc.)
You can pick from one (you play as Usagi against Sailor Buri)
to five characters (other characters will be other four
Sailor senshi, you control them all by turns). You throw a
dice and then move to corresponding amount of steps. Regular
crescent moon shaped squares do not give you any bonuses.
Circle with "game" text allows to play one out of the ten
mini-games (picked randomly). Circle with question mark
allows to play a quiz (picked randomly). If you win game or
quiz you will see a new screen with Chibi Chibi where you
can pick your prize. Prizes are: five steps, three steps,
throw a dice, or wait one turn. If you loose, you will see
the same prizes, but after picking one you go in backwards
direction. Highlighted prizes are rotating so you should
choose timing carefully. Blue star-shaped square with a dice
allows you to throw a dice again. Pink-shaped square with
text "1 kai yasumi" will make you to stand for one turn
(that is, your opponent will have two turns in a row).
Circle with microphone will bring you to another mini-game
(available only in sugoroku mode) where you'll have to sing
along with the Three Lights. There is also one special
square that you can't skip (Eternal Moon Article) - you'll
play the mini game with two chests and watch Eternal Sailor
Moon transformation.
Game 1: you will see six boxes that have six (three pairs)
of animals/birds hidden in them. You should guess correct
pairs by clicking on the boxes.
Game 2: You control Sailor Moon and must reach two chests,
hiding your Eternal Moon Article and Eternal Tier. Once you
get both you can finally attack the enemy on the top of the
screen shooting blasts at you.
Game 3: You are in Usagi's room and must prevent your stuff
(clothes, toys, etc.) from escaping from closet, suitcase,
and drawer.
Game 4: You must eat your dessert/ice-cream in given amount
of time (by pressing red button as fast as possible).
Game 5: You and three other senshi walk in circle around
three chairs. When music stops playing you must run and take
one of them. One who did not manage to take a chair looses.
Each next round has one chair less.
Game 6: There are six circles and you must "erase" them to
reveal the Eternal Moon Article (using Sega Pico pen to
perform "erasing" movements on the touchpad).
Game 7: Jump from one cloud to another to reach the cloud in
the top right corner.
Game 8: You must gather other four senshi and avoid Sailor
Buri in a maze.
Game 9: You must release three air balloons calculating time
in order to prevent crows from popping them.
Game 10: Sailor Iron Mouse sends her shadows to attack you,
and you must eliminate them using the Eternal Tier.
As of June, 2009, there is no functional Sega Pico
emulator, so you can play the game only if you buy Sega Pico
console itself. The videos below show the entire game. You
can also download archives with scans of game booklet and
scanned pages of game cartridge.