SailorVGame @ LainNet





Collection of several mini-games built using RPG Maker XP engine, created by SailorV-Chan in 2008. The demo version contains 3 mini games (maze, quiz, and fighting).

The game requires installation of RPG Maker XP runtime package (23.8 MB):

Download the game (1.00 MB)



Version 3 of the game was made (2004) with the OHRRPGCE engine. You will need an OHRRPGCE player (GAME.EXE) to run it (the last version of the player is available for free at OHRRPGCE site). The game gives a rewritten beginning of Sailor Moon's story, starting from the battle on the Moon and death of Queen Serenity. The game itself starts from awakening of Tsukino Usagi as Sailor Moon. In 2008 the project was restarted from a scratch using RPG Maker XP engine.
Download Sailor Moon RPG: The Alternate Beginning v. 3 (1.40 MB)



screenshot is n/a

Title: Sailor Moon Another Story 2
Genre: RPG
Developed by: SailorStarVenus
Site: (closed)
Last version: February 24, 2004
This game is made with the OHRRPGCE RPG making engine. You will need an OHRRPGCE player (GAME.EXE) to run it (the last version of the player is available for free at OHRRPGCE site).
Another attempt to "continue" Sailor Moon Another Story game. Development was abandoned in the very beginning so there isn't much game play in it.

Download (76.8 KB):



This game was being developed by Danny Mao until abandoned in the end of 2006 for the sake of "Sailor Moon: Another Story 2" RPG. You can see two shots from this game below. No playable version was released.



screenshot is n/a

Title: "Sailor Moon Online"
Developed by: Kas Althume
Last version: N/A
This project was an unsuccessful attempt to create a Sailor Moon MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role playing game). Development of the project was started in 2001 by Kas Althume, KingJamis, Steele73, Mystic Man, Cyrus (Cyronias) and abandoned in the same year. The initial idea was to make a 3D game; after it failed the developers switched to 2D using BYOND engine and sprites from Sailor Moon: Another Story game, but it looks like the team lost all interest in further development shortly after that. No playable version was ever released.



Title: Sailor Moon Friendship for Eternity
Genre: RPG
Developed by: Bis_Senshi
Last version: N/A
Platform: Windows
The project was developed with the OHRRPGCE engine.
"A long time ago, an evil spirit called Tharos had been defeated by Galaxia. A thousand million years after, Galaxia is defeated by Eternal Sailor Moon...As usual Sailor Moon, gets up to go to school. But she doesn't know that Tharos's minions have invested the Juuyban High School, ready to steal love to resurrect the power of their master. Usagi-chan and her friends must challenge them. The story starts at the end of the Sailor Moon Stars season."
Development of this game was started by Charlotte Cremaschi (Bis_Senshi). No playable version was released. The project was abandoned in 2005. As on February, 2007, website of the developer is still online.



Title: Sailor Moon RPG
Genre: RPG
Developed by: Takahiro Horie
Last version: July 6, 1998
Platform: Windows
The development of this game (written in C++) was started on June 23, 1998 and abandoned on August 31, 1998. Apart from Takahiro, 16 (!) other people participated in it.

After two months of work Takahiro Horie, referring to deadlines (?!), declared the game finished and abandoned it. A tiny playable demo was released on July 6, 1998 but there is almost no game play there, you can believe me. Basically, what you see on two screenshots below is all you could find in it.



Title: Sailor Moon Adventure
Genre: RPG (?)
Developed by: Eternal Mask
Last version: n/a
Platform: Windows
Developed with OHRRPGCE engine. The project was abandoned after posting one screenshot. As on June 17, 2006, website of the developer is still online. No playable version or demo was ever released.



screenshot is n/a

Title: Sailor Wars
Genre: fighting
Developed by: n/a
Site: closed
Last version: n/a
Platform: Windows

This was a project of developing a fighting with 18 different characters from Sailor Moon series. The game was abandoned shortly after start and left nothing but two pictures: one with all fighters and another with avatars for them.

Webpage of the game  is removed (formerly available at ) (website is still online, but it doesn't mention this abandoned project).

fighters --- avatars



screenshot is n/a

Title: Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon RPG, "The Second Story"
Genre: RPG
Developed by: Evergea (David Roggenkamp)
Site: closed
Last version: 01/25/2000 (?)
Platform: Windows
(The game was hosted at 'Ocean Dreams' website formerly available at A playable demo of the game was released for Windows and DOS. The site has gone offline in 2002, and all that I found is a single index page in the Internet Archive (all other pages and games as well were lost).

On June 23, 2007 I have received a letter from the developer of this abandoned project with some details on backstory, so I just post the letter here:

"Sailor Moon the Second Story was an endeavor to continue on where the last game left off, in particular it would follow the Super S and Stars season (if memory serves). It was a pun off of Star Ocean the Second Story. As another pun, the name of the development group (with me being the only person at the time, with help from a friend) was Senshi Team from Sonic Team.

I had an interest in programming back then, and decided to turn it loose on my love of Sailor Moon. I wanted to start off with something easy though. The DOS version was constructed with the OHRRPGCE, premade RPG engine. Sprites would have been ripped from the game (in total I think Sailor Moon and Mercury made it in) and used in the engine itself. Actual rooms etc. were used, but they didn't fit into the game's engine so were jimmy rigged for the time being. Character sprites were handmade, by a friend, FireX. It was the intention past that to hand-make everything. For the time being, the sprites were kept to make a production release and see what we could do.

OHRRPGCE had a few problems, namely one I called Blank Screen 99. It liked to freeze on certain 98 machines, for the life of me I couldn't figure out why. I finally stopped hearing from FireX, so I halted production on the DOS port and went to work on a Windows version using Multimedia Fusion, a then sequel to the gaming engine, Click and Play. It let actual sprites be created or pasted in, and the author had to tell the game how they were used. Possibilities were limitless. Sounds were dumped in as pure wavs. The actual test demo was of Usagi/Sailor Moon and her house with background music. The file approached 23 megs alone, back in 1999/2000, that was a large file. Dumping in all the sprites and music from another story, the game would have approached over 500 megs, definitely not a small file. The only thing to rival it would probably be Linux.

The Multimedia Fusion literally kept files in raw format. Basically, the SNES version had everything specialized, and it could be kept in a very small four meg (or was it smaller?) file. I was looking for a way to put in better sound quality with a plugin. It was about this time I noticed the Sailor Moon community had grown stagnant and I decided to leave. I lost interest in programming and went towards website creating.

The only game that Senshi Team came close to finishing was a Windows port of the Sailor V game (similar to the one you created), copied directly from the Gameboy game of Sailor Moon. The first level was finished, the alternate level was almost complete, but I never got to finishing it. The game again was made in Multimedia Fusion. I sent the file to a few people, but it never saw the general public. When I left the Sailor Moon community I deleted it.