Bishoujo Senshi Sailor V is a fan-made Sailor Moon video
game, developed by DK Software in 1994 for Japanese Sharp
X68000 computer. This game is a fighting, with seven senshi
available: Sailor Moon, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, Sailor
Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Neptune. Archive with the game includes two files:
SailorMoon5_A.xdf and SailorMoon5_B.xdf. These files are
images of X68000 floppies. SailorMoon5_A.xdf must be loaded into
Floppy Drive#0 of XM6 emulator and SailorMoon5_B.xdf - into
Floppy Drive#1 (click 'reset' menu item after loading them in order to start the
Sailor Moon
Sailor Mars
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Venus
Sailor Jupiter
Sailor Uranus
Sailor Neptune
Note: "V" in the title stands for Roman number "five",
not for letter "V".
[click screenshots to view them full-size] |