SailorVGame @ LainNet


Step-by-step guide for installing a virtual joystick

1. After unpacking run setup.exe (just click "next" in each dialogue). After installation is finished you will see a window with shortcuts to the program [1] 2. Click "configure joysticks" shortcut any you'll see a new window [2]. Click "add" button and in the new window in "parallel port" field from drop-down menu select "virtual joysticks".
3. Click "add" and Windows will pop up wizard for installing new hardware [3] Select "no, not this time". Click "next", then "install the software automatically". 4. [4] After installation of new hardware is finished, the same window will pop up again asking to install a game controller. Repeat the same steps for it.
5. After installation is finished Windows will give you a message about it. In the shortcuts window [1] click "PPJoyKey" shortcut. You will see a window for defining keys as joystick buttons [5] 6. Click "scan" buttons with mouse left button and you'll see a pop-up window with text "press key to use as this control". Define buttons for UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, BUTTON1 and BUTTON2 [6]
7. Don't close PPJoyKey window and start XM6 emulator.