The Senshi CodesThe Senshi Codes Minako Code (1.0.0) Usagi Code (1.0.0) Rei Code (1.0.0) Ami Code (1.0.0) Mako Code (1.0.0) Pu Code (1.0.0) Minako Code (1.0.0) by Edward wielding the Skuld Hammer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's right, introducing the one and only Minako Code! Tired of that bratty Usagi getting all the spotlight? Well now you can display your almost complete obsession with Minako via the Minako Code! It's simple to use!! Begin your code by writing MinakoCode(1.0.0). That's the version number. Now for the important stuff! The first code you should write should be your Minako obsession level. So next write SV: And add a qualifier, as follows... 0..."Huh? Who's the blonde with the orange skirt?" know who Minako is only because you're obsessed with Artemis o_O think she's just another scout *cringe* think she's just another senshi've searched for Minako images a couple of times on the Web 5...your hard drive has a couple megs devoted to Minako images 6...all you talk about is Minako. You dream about Minako all the time, and others on AFSM refer to you as "that Minako freak" don't have anymore friends except other Minakochanians. You convince your significant other to dye their hair blond and start wearing a red ribbon. Even if they're a guy. name your child Minako, and you don't even live in Japan. You then yell at other people when they mispronounce your child's name. change your *own* name to Minako. ! are convinced that you ARE Minako. Frequently you mess up famous sayings, point at people and yell "Crescent Beam", etc. etc. etc. Now for the favorites section. If you took the time to create this code, obviously your favorite character is Venus/Minako. So we can skip the favorite senshi section. Now if you're a true Minako fan, you know that all other characters pale in comparison to Minako, so they're not important anyway. So just skip all the other favorite character sections. For the dislike section, just put everybody else. Even if you don't hate them, your obsession with Minako is such that there is no comparison. Now for the experience section. Write X: followed by a * for every year that you've been a Minako fanatic. So if you've been exposed to the truth that is Minako for three years, you'd write X:*** Now for the opinions section! Begin with an O: And now for the opinions. The Dub Who cares about the dub, as long as it has Minako in it? Oh wait... her name's Mina... well then. Write a "d" and then one of the following. -- The dub Mina is a pale parody of Minako. DIC/Cloverway/Optimum should be drawn and quartered for such a travesty. - Mina sucks compared to Minako, but you'll watch her in a pinch. blank You don't care if it's Mina or Minako, you love her and you'll watch her. + Mina is undoubtedly the best of the dub characters, as befits the goddess that is Minako. You like her. ++ Mina, Minako... all aspects of the same divine power. It'd be like the Holy Trinity, if I could only think of a third identity... SOS: ::yelling:: It doesn't matter what your opinion of SOS is!!! OW Otaku Wars. Write a o, then one of the following... -- OW sucks. It clogs space and keeps me from seeing all the Minako posts all at once. - OW is an annoyance. Only very occasionally do they actually talk about Minako herself, so what's the point? blank You don't care about OW. You're too busy writing a Minako fanfic anyway. + You like OW. You actively participate as either a Minako-based character or a Minako-obsessed character, of course. ++ You really like OW. It gives you your own fanfic world to put your Minako-inspired creation in. Attitude toward Sailor Venus haters/antivenuses Believe it or not, some people hate Sailor Venus. What's your opinion of them? Write a "a" then one of the following. -- Those punks! How can they not realize what a great character Minako is??? You're going to find where they live, track them down, and beat their head against the walls until they renounce whoever their favorite character and swear fealty to the almighty Minako. - You don't like Minako haters, but then again, you know that not everybody's perfect. You just ignore them. blank Everybody's entitled to their own opinion. Even if it's a stupid opinion. There are no more levels for opinions about Sailor Venus haters. Hentai Ooh, this is a fun one!! Write an "h" and then one of the following. --- you're extremely insulted by Minako hentai. You think it debases the purity of Minako, and you know that those who create/enjoy such works don't truly like Minako, they just lust after her. -- pretty much the same as above, but you don't think there's any problem with lusting after Minako. - you don't like it yourself, but you can understand how others would be so drawn to Minako as to enjoy Minako hentai. Hell, it just goes to show the power that is Minako. blank If people want to get off with Minako hentai, that's their business. + You have a positive attitude toward Minako hentai. It's Minako, after all, and all things Minako are good. ++ You yourself have lots of hard drive space devoted to Minako hentai. Oh, and it's also the only kind of hentai you have. +++ You create hentai, or write lemons, involving Minako. Why not? Personal Information. Personal Information? What do other people care about personal information? Minako comes first, and you're not going to debase HER code by putting YOUR information in it, and that's that!! Okay, that's it. I could go on and on, though... Seriously, the original moonie code and ideas are due to Tolaris. Let's all give him a round of applause, even if he put *cough* other senshi *cough* in the moonie code. With the everchanging sig: Edward Chang Wielder of the Skuld Hammer "Watashitte yappari tensai!" -- Skuld "I prefer being a hit with girls over feeling superior." -- Haschel "I don't like the word, 'dude'." -- Rose **Moonie code available upon request.** Usagi Code (1.0.0) by Surly Bob --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usagi fans everywhere, rejoice! Following close on the heals of the quite clever Minako Code, comes the equally clever Usagi Code! Are you sick and tired of hearing people badmouth Usagi, when she is CLEARLY the best senshi of all? then, make your opinion known by displaying your one-of-a-kind Usagi Code far and wide! Start your code off by writing UsagiCode(1.0.0). That is the version number. The first code you should write is your Usagi obsession level. Therefore, the next thing you write will be: SM: And add a qualifier from the list, as follows... 0...Who is the blond girl with the bumps on her head? Hey, she looks kinda like Minako! 1...You know a little about Usagi, but only because you are obsessed with Luna! 2...Usagi? Who is that? Now Serena, she is one cool Sailor Scout! 3...She is alright, I guess. About average with the other Senshi.. 4...You have searched for Usagi images a couple of times on the web... 5...Your hard drive has a couple of megs dedicated to Usagi images. 6...You talk about Usagi all the time. You dream about Usagi at night. you scatter Usagi refrences in all of your posts, even in office memos! Your friends, family, and everyone on AFSM refer to you as "that Usagi Freak". 7...Your only friends now are Usagichanians, and people you have converted. You convince your significant other to dye their hair blonde, and put it up in meatballs. Even if your significant other is a 300 pound bowler named "Gus". 8...You name your child Usagi, even if you do live in Japan. Despite your child's name, you still force him/her to go to school with meatballs. 9...You change your own name to Usagi. !...You are convinced that you ARE Usagi. the fact that you have no memories as Usagi proves it! You obviously saved the world a short time ago, and lost your memories! You intentionally trip over your own feet, and run into things in hopes that it will bring your memories back. You accaust every black cat you can find and demand magical girl powers from them. No need for a favorites section. If you are using this code, you are obviously enlightened to the fact that Usagi is the "Senshi to end all Senshis", or something like that. Also, it is a good bet that you have a MoonieCode right above this.. :) Now, the experence section. Write: X: Followed by a '*' for every year you have been an Usagi fan. So, if you have been exposed to the obvious truth that Usagi is the bestest for 5 years, you would write: X:***** Now for the ever popular "Opinions" section. Begin with an: O: The Dub As we all know, the North American dub changed Usagi.. A lot. Write a 'd' and then one of the following: -- "Serena" is a horrible parody of the real and true Usagi! Those foul dogs at DiC/CWI should be beaten about the head and shoulders for their crimes! - "Serena" is a flakey valley girl, but is better then nothing. If you were stranded on a desert island without your fansubs, and with a TV that only picked up Cartoon Network, you would still watch her. + Serena, while she may have her faults is still the best out of all the dub characters. They may have messed her up, but they messed up the others too. Her voice isn't all that annoying. *shudders* ++ Serena and Usagi are totally the same! People who differenciate them are just annoying nitpickers. SOS: In keeping with the fine tradition of the MinakoCode, there is no SOS section. Thats what the mooniecode is for anyways.. Otaku Wars. Write a o, then one of the following... -- OW sucks. It clogs space and keeps me from seeing all the Usagi posts all at once. - OW is an annoyance. Only very occasionally do they actually talk about Usagi herself, so what's the point? blank You don't care about OW. You're too busy writing a Usagi fanfic anyway. + You like OW. You actively participate as either an Usagi-based character or an Usagi-obsessed character, of course. ++ You really like OW. It gives you your own fanfic world to put your Usagi-inspired creation in. Attitude towards Usagi/Sailor Moon haters. Strange as it may seem, there are some crazy people running around who don't acknolodge Usagi as the best Sailor Senshi. Even more unbelievable, there are some people who actually dislike her! What is your opinion of these contemptable pigs? Put down an 'a', then one of the following: -- Those blathering toadies!! Where are they!? Let me at em! Hey, whats this IP thing? Hey, I can find out where they live! I can get their phone number! Negaslease, prepare to be punished in the name of the moon! - You dislike Usagi haters, but then you realize not everyone can be caring, tolerant, and forgiving like Usagi. You leave them to their own faults, knowing that someday they will answer to Neo Queen Serenity, anyways.. There are no more levels for opinions of Sailor Moon haters.. :P Hentai "Hentai? Whats that!?", you ask? Fa, you aren't fooling anyone! Write an 'h', then one of the following... --- Hentai? Of MY Usagi! How dare they defile the purity and innocence that is the embodiment of all things Usagi! Those dirty scalliwags don't REALLY like Usagi like you do, they just lust after her, because of her stunning beauty. -- Same as above, but you don't think there is any problem with lusting after Usagi. - You don't view Usagi hentai yourself, but you can understand why people would be drawn to it.. (Get it?! "Drawn"!) After all, she is the most beautiful of the Sailor Senshi! + There is nothing wrong with Usagi hentai. I mean, if it is of Usagi, it can't be all bad, right? ++ You possess lots of Usagi hentai. Infact, it is the only Sailor Moon hentai you have. +++ You draw Usagi-related hentai, and write lemons about her. You believe the government should give out comminity service credits for all the hard work you have done for the Usagichanian community. Mamoru Yeah, he is that Tuxedo Mask guy who always finds an excuse to not be around when you need him (I'm brainwashed, I'm imprisoned, I'm dead, etc..) What is your opinion of him? Put down a 'm', then one of the following... --- Mamoru is a complete dillweed totally unsuited for Usagi! She should marry Seiya instead, or better yet.. Me! -- Mamoru might be destined to be Usagi's husband, but that dosn't mean I have to like it! - Mamoru is an OK guy, though he should work on his super hero skills and quit getting captured all the time.. + Mamoru might be an incompetent goof, but at least his heart is in the right place. ++ Mamoru is a swell guy, and a great match for Usagi. +++ I can't think of anyone more well suited to being Usagi's boyfriend/husband! Tux is super heroic, and the SM/TM team cannot be beaten by anyone! Chibi-Usa I mean, she IS Usagi's daughter! What do you think of her? Put down a 'c', then one of the following... --- The Pink Spore is pure, unadulterated EVIL. She can't possibly be Usagi's daughter, and must be Jedite or someone in a disguise trying to lure the sailor senshi to their dooms!! -- Chibi-Usa is annoying and useless. All she does is get the sailor senshi in trouble, and screws up Usagi's transformation in SuperS with her presence.. - Chibi-Usa has an annoying voice as "Reenie", in the NA version. You don't like her. You don't mind the term "Pink Spore". + Chibi-Usa is alright. If she is related to Usagi, she must have some good in her. You don't like the term "Pink Spore" ++ Chibi-Usa is cute and clever. She is definetly Usagi's daughter! You wish you could see more of her. +++ Chibi-Usa, being Usagi's daughter, is your second favorite sailor senshi! Her Pink Sugar Heart Attack rules! You wish they would make another season starring her. Personal Information Put it in that yucky mooniecode with all the..other.. Sailor Senshi. This is all about Usagi! Conclusion and an example. Well, there you have it, fellow Usagi lovers! Of course, this was pretty much ripped from Edward Chang's "MinakoCode", which was ripped from Tolaris' "MoonieCode", which was ripped from that one guy's "Geek Code". Here is an example of the UsagiCode (c) (R) (TM) In action: UsagiCode(1.0.0) SM:6 X:* O:d--o-a--h++m--c--- This person, talks about Usagi all the time, dreams about Usagi at night, and scatters Usagi refrences in all of his posts, even in office memos! His friends, family, and everyone on AFSM refers to him as "that Usagi Freak". ("SM:6") This person has 1 year of Usagi enlightenment.. ("X:*") This person seriously dislikes the NA dub, thinking it is a sick parody of the original(at least as far as Usagi is concerned) ("O:d--") This person thinks the OW! are mostly pointless. They don't talk about Usagi enough. ("o-") This person hates "Anti-Usagichanians" with a vengence. If he was an "elite hax0r", they would "feer" him. ("a--") This person has a lot of Usagi hentai. In fact, that is the only kind of hentai he has. ("h++") This person thinks that Mamoru might be destined to be Usagi's husband, but he dosn't have to like it! ("m--") Finally, this person thinks Chibi-Usa is pure, unadulterated evil. ("c---") Well, there you go! Have fun all you crazy otaku! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Come to the wonderful world of Bob...! Visit Surly Bob's Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon pages! Be sure to visit my fresh, phat and fly "BSSM Cels Page"! Settle the dispute once and for all in my pointless poll!! ------> <------ UsagiCode(1.0.0) SM:6 X:* O:d--o-a--h++m--c--- Report all sig abuse to Rei Code (1.0.0) Vejicarothid --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, we have a Minako Code (Yay! Finally!), an Usagi Code (ok, cool, but I don't care about the little odango atama), of course we have had the Moonie Code for some time (Generally cool man! the best of the codes really!) and apparently the original Geek Code (... I care because? [no offense to geek code users]). So I figured, well, as long as we have these, I can make a code for my 2nd favorite senshi next to Minako!!! Introducing the poorly made and free to editing Rei Code! Of course remember that you can always use the ever useful brackets to add more depth to your code. As usual with the "codes" start it off by writing ReiCode(1.0.0). That is the version number... duh. Now of course the Rei obsession level. So write HR: (would be SM for sailor mars, following the trend of SV for Sailor Venus, and SM for sailor moon... but wait, then we have 2 SMs!!! Best go with Hino Rei) Then add your qualifier... 0... Whats up with the pyro chick? If she were blond, she would look kinda like Minako!!! 1... You know some stuff about Rei, but just because you are obsessed with Yuuichiro! (sp?) 2... Rei? REI? Rei is from Evangelion! Raye however rocks! 3... I guess she is cool, just as good as the other Senshi, but no better... 4... You have looked up a few Rei images on the web. 5... You have a few megs worth of Rei images. 6... You always talk about Rei. You dream about her at night. You can't help but include info about her in your posts, even in the office! Your friends, family, and everyone on AFSM refer to you as "that Rei Freak". 7... Your friends are limited to the Reichanians, and people you have converted. You push your significant other into growing their hair to around waist length, dying it jet black, and teach them to give it a nice swing in their movements! Even if your significant other is an obese, illegal, hair stylist. 8... You name your child Rei, and teach them various evil banning phrases. You also have them go to an all girl school, even if they are male. 9... You change your name to Rei. !... You honestly believe that YOU are Rei! Seeing as you have no memories of having this identity proves it! Of course you helped several other Sailor Senshi save the world a while back, and you lost your memories! You meditate in front of fire, and work at a shrine with your perverted grandfather! If your grandfather isn't perverted or you don't have a grandfather, you hire one! If you see anyone with an odango atama, a black cat, and a totally ditzy attitude, you beg them to give you your transformation stick! Favorites section is irrevelant! Rei is THE Senshi!!! you probably have a moonie code anyway... Up next is experience, write: X: followed by a "*" for every year you have drooled over Rei. If you have been Rei's fan for 3 years write: X:*** Now of your opinions! First off...: O: Dub Now of course the ever inconsistent dub! write 'd' and then one of these: --"Raye" is a disgusting attempt to mock Rei! Whoever did this doesn't deserve tar and feathers! too expensive! hot wax works fine ^^ - "Raye" is not on the same level as Rei, but still stands high as a good charater. blank: "Raye" is still the best of the dub Senshi! And you don't mind watching her, because Rei is Raye and visa/mastercard... uhhh, Vice-Versa (sp?) + Hey! Rei or Raye, she rules! She's always Sailor Mars. But you still of course PREFER Rei. ++ Whoa, there's a difference? Prove it... I dont' see anything different! Rei is Rei, Raye is Raye, Raye is Rei and Rei is Raye! Who cares? SHE ROCKS MAN!!! English or Japanese! No SOS section, thats for Moonie Code! Otaku Wars... write 'o' then pick from... -- OW is a waste of space that Rei deserves! - OW is a nuisance that gets in the way of the grand Rei posts. But when they DO talk about Rei its cool! blank: OW has no impact upon you at all... You hardly notice it. + OW is cool. You participate as a Rei-ish character, or a Rei-chanian. ++ OW rocks! It lets you live out your dreams as a Rei-inspired character! Attitude towards Rei haters. Well, there are people that just don't like the greatness of Rei! Some that think she is best off out of humankind's mind! How do YOU feel abou these people? Put an 'a' then one of these: -- Gyaaaaa! Feel the wrath of Mars's flame! Prepare to roasted in the name of MARS!!! - Rei haters aren't your kinda people, but you accept the fact that some people just aren't as good as warm hearted people such as Rei... blank: You don't care about Rei haters, they are entitled to their opinions and you don't have anything against them for that If there were anymore levels... Why would you both making this code? Hentai Well, just how hentai are you, you hentai lover? Put down an 'h' then one of the following: --- NOOOO! Hentai has dirtied the beauty of the grand woman known as Hino Rei! She is stunning yes, but she should not be depicted in such a way! -- It lowers her standards, but hey, is any image better than these? - You don't view Rei hentai, but you can see how people would drool over it! blank: You have no opinion on hentai, you pretend it isn't there. + Rei is beautiful! People deserve to see such a grand thing! ++ You uh, have and enjoy Rei hentai! Its the only SM hentai you have. (no SM/S&M jokes plz!) +++ You DRAW Rei hentai, and write lemons centered on Rei, or involving Rei. You believe it is a great work of art! I'm not gonna put any things for related characters, because if you like them, make a code for them! Anyway, here is an example of a Rei Code ReiCode(1.0.0) HR:4[6] X: O:d-o a h- This person has looked up Rei images a few times, and often talks or even dreams about Rei. They haven't been a Rei fan for even a year yet. They think think that the dub Rei isn't up to speed with the true Rei, but is still a great character. They have no opinion of Otaku Wars, and no opinion on Anti-Reis. They don't view Rei hentai themselves, but can understand how people would get a kick out of seeing it ^^. Well, this concludes my the code, have fun with it. ------------------------------------------8--------------------------------- Vejicarothid Veji-VEJIta... ca(r)-aluCARd... (r)oth-sephiROTH id-ID (BTW, due to questions, lemme clear it up, it doesn't mean, ID, as in identification, but ID, as in, Id from Xenogears) If you can't jump off a building without dieing, don't try. MoonieCode(1.12.05) SM:4+ F:sVe+[+]In:vEnBM:aArGr:pR2S X:**:aClR[S]d O:d[+]:o[+]:h+ Minako Code (1.0.0) SV:4[7][!] X:** O:+[--] o: a:- h:+[---] ReiCode(1.0.0) HR:4[6] X: O:d-o a h- Ami Code (1.0.0) Peregrine --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I did... In, uh, honor of Hisakawa Aya-sama's birthday comes the AmiCode with all the wit and charm of the previous codes! So without further ado: Ami Code (1.0.0) by Peregrine ----------------- Well, Ami-sama always gets the short end of the stick, especially from Cloverway, so here's her chance to even things out a bit. This is probably stretching the whole "MinakoCode" phenomenon, as I like to call it, a bit to far, but whatever.... Again, this is based upon all the previous codes. Start with AmiCode(1.0.0) Okay, time to show the world how much Ami-sama truely means to you. Well, SM is out, the Usagi-chanians stole it, so use MA (for Mizuno Ami, plus it's the first katakana in "Mercury"... MA: Now come the qualifiers: 0: "She's the smart one, right?" 1: You know a bit about her but mainly because you like that computer... 2: "It's spelled Amy..." 3: A typical but good inner senshi. 4: You occasionally look for images of Ami-sama. 5: Your collection of Ami-sama images has its own directory on your hard drive. 6: Ami-sama is all you think or dream of. Others on AFSM know you as "that Mercury freak". 7: You've shunned all your other friends unless they're Ami-chanians. Your siginficant other must have short blue hair and learn 100 Japanese words a day. 8: Your daughter's name will be Ami Mizuno and your son's name will be... Son? You won't be having any sons... 9: You legally change your name to Ami... !: You believe you are the goddess herself. You think you have a 300 IQ, wear a blue visor, and get hives from love letters. Skipping the faves section for obvious reasons... MoonieCode takes care of dislikes if you want to be comprehensive. Experience: Write X: followed by a star (*) for each glorious year basking in the enlighenment of Ami-sama. Opinon time, which is great for opinionated people, unless of course, your opinion is wrong... Begin with the requisite O: and then The Dub... (insert evil music here) Ahh, what difference does it make, it's full of character assassination... Anyway, put the "d" and then -- How dare they even consider using the holy name of Ami-sama in this way? Her VA sucks!! "Mizu demo kabutte hansei shinasai!" - They always screw up her lines, but she's there, so you'll watch. blank Meh, whatever. Ami, Amy, it's all good. + That British accent is so cute! ++ Anderson's a good name, too! If you so choose, put an "hk" just after that for your opinion on a potential dub (eeevil!!) of "Ami-chan no hatsukoi" -- Don't let those evil butchers anywhere near this gem of Mercurial perfection! - It'll suck, but you don't care if it happens. blank Don't even bother with it then... + Don't deprive the poor English-speakers from this wonderful adventure with Ami-sama! ++ Ami-sama shines so much that not even Cloverway can ruin it. (You'd lose that bet...) Otaku Wars Write the "o" followed by: -- OW sucks. Why waste the time when you could be writing poetry about Ami-sama. - Booring. Ami-sama isn't the center of attention, so what's the point? blank "At least there's an Amichanian faction." + You've got a character based on or obsessed with Ami-sama. ++ OW lets you prove your creativity to Ami-sama! People who don't like Sailor Mercury/Ami-sama Why? How? Could someone actually believe that Ami-sama is inferior to anything? Somehow... so write the "a" and tell everyone what you think of those barbarians... -- How dare they besmirch the great and pure name of Ami-sama?! They must be eliminated! There is no mercy for those who don't agree with you. - Well, they're dead wrong and they annoy you, but you don't do much about it. blank Free speech for all, but you know they're fools... You can't possibly LIKE someone who hates Mercury, so let's move on... Hentai Ah, yes, everyone loves hentai, or do they...? Put the "h" and let your voice be heard! --- What? There's some sick freaks out there that would think of this? They have insulted the honor and utmost purity of the name of Ami-sama! They will be dealt with... -- Come on, that's just sick. It's Ami-sama! don't think that way... - You don't like it, but can see how others might, I mean, her beauty is unsurpassed... blank See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil... + She doesn't need that uniform ALL the time... ++ You have plenty of Ami hentai. So wonderful... +++ You write hentai stories or draw Ami hentai. Nothing involving Ami could be bad! Urawa-kun (Greg) A suitor for our beloved Ami-sama? Interesting, but is he worthy? Put a "u" then -- No!! He is a dog, beneath her! Ami-sama is mine! - He's not perfect, but he's better than most of the riff-raff. blank If only HE was Mercurious... + They're a great match! Urawa carries a picture of her around after all. ++ Nobody's better suited to escort our princess! Hmm... that's all I can think of right now... Let me know if anyone wants to add more... Of course the brackets can be used to expand on anything. Here's mine for an example: AmiCode(1.0.0) MA:8 X:**[*] O:d--hk--o a-h-u-- -- Peregrine Vehemently opposed to a Stars dub. Ami-sama no okkake (and a Trepie, too!) "Do you ever have any good sex dreams?" "My fish dream is a sex dream." Sent via Before you buy. Mako Code (1.0.0) by Phant --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introducing the first, and only Mako Code! Tired of your senshi being left out? wait no more! Now you can display your total obsession with Makoto. How to create your own Mako code: Identify the code --- Because there are many different codes on the net, the first thing to do is to tell everyone what code you're using. Begin your code with: MakoCode(1.0.0) The numbers being the version number of the code you used. Makoto Obsession Level --- The first code you should add is your Mako obsession level. so type SJ: And add the qualifier, as follows... blank...Why is it you're bothering with this again? 0..."Huh? Who's the tall brunette in the green skirt?" 1...You like her, only because you're obsessed with food, or talent. 2...You like all the Senshi but something about her stands out. 3...You like her alot, and have searched for Jupiter images a couple of times on the Web 4...your hard drive has several megs devoted to Jupiter images, and you frequently visit sites devoted to her. 5...You can't get enough jupiter. Your drive is full of pics, and fics, and you only visit sites devoted to her. 6...all you talk about is Jupiter. You dream about her all the time, and others refer to you as "that Jupiter freak" don't have anymore friends except other Makochanians. You convince your significant other to dye their hair brown, and wear a green twin bead ponytailer, even if they're a guy. named your child Makoto. change your *own* name to Makoto. ! are convinced that you ARE Makoto. You frequently think everyone you see looks like your old boyfriend, and occasionally start spinning around, while yelling "oak evolution". If you feel you fit somewhere between two of these, choose the closest, and add a "+" or a "-" depending if you're more or less, respectively. follow this with a space. Experience --- Now for the experience section. Type X: followed by a * for every year that you've been a Makoto fanatic. You can fine tune this by using the square brackets. For example if you've been a Mako fan less than a year, use X:[*] if you've been a mako fan for three and a half years, use X:***[*] Opinions --- Before you tell the world your opinions, write a space after the last section of your code, followed by: O: if you have no opinion on a particular subject, or don't want people to know it, just skip it. To fine-tune your answer, you can use square brackets. "[+]" or "[-]" Remember to separate your opinions on different subjects with colons':'. Dub Mako --- What do you think of Lita, the NA incarnation of Mako. add "d", followed by -- ...Lita is just a bad parody of Mako. The dub VA and her rocky the squirrel self should be shot. Anyone who likes her a complete moron and doesn't have right to call themselves a Mako fan. - ...Comparing Lita to Mako, Lita sucks. You aren't going to watch her, simple as that. blank...Lita or Mako, you don't care, it's Sailor Jupiter, and you love Sailor Jupiter. + ...Even if Lita differs from the original, you can't deny she's still Sailor Jupiter. You don't have any problem with watching her, or with the others who watch her. ++ ...Lita rules! She's the the *real* Sailor Jupiter ? ...You don't know what to think about Lita ?? ...You've never seen the dub Mako Hentai --- Just how hentai are you? add "h", followed by --- ...Hentai? Of Mako?!? Ewww!!!!!! How dare they! Those perverts!!! -- ...You don't like Mako hentai, and aren't particularly fond of those that do. - ...You don't like thinking about what people are doing with your poor Mako, but you're not losing sleep over it. blank ...You think it's private matter of people what they get off with. If it happens to be Mako hentai, so be it. + ...There's nothing wrong with Mako hentai, nothing of her could be bad. ++ ...You not only think Mako hentai is ok, you collect it yourself. +++ ...You have a hugh collection of mako hentai, and are just putting the finishing touches on your Mako/Ami lemon, complete with illustrations Mako Haters --- Unbelievably, some people hate the amazonian goddess known as Mako. How do you feel about these people? add "a", followed by --- ...These people are pure evil!!! they should be rounded-up and shot. -- ...You can't stand them, the very idea of it makes your blood boil. - ...Mako haters aren't your kind of people, you avoid them when possible. blank ...You know Mako haters exist, but realize they're just misguided or mentally impaired. You don't shun them, you pity them. remember to be seperating these sections with a colons. i.e. O:d-[-]:h[+]:a: Otaku Wars --- add "o", followed by -- ...OW is a total waste of space better devoted to discussions of Mako - ...OW is a nuisance, that gets in the way of you looking for Mako posts blank ...OW has no impact upon you at all, you hardly notice it. + ...OW is cool. You participate as a a Mako-chanian. ++ ...OW RULES!!! It lets you live out your dreams as a Mako-inspired character! Mako and Ami --- What do you think of the Mako and Ami pairing? If you don't know what this is refering to, check out Phoenix's site here - add "c", followed by -- ...You can't believe anyone could think this, Anyone who says it is a pervert, and doesn't have right to call themselves Jupiter fan. - ...That's just wrong. You've seen all the so called "evidence", and don't believe a word of it. blank...You just like Mako, you simply don't care who her love interests may or may not be. + ...I've seen all the evidence, and there *is* something to it. They may not be a couple, but It's there's something going on between them. ++ ...Mako and Ami rule! You don't understand how anyone can watch the same show, and not see it. It's obvious they're "cousins". ? ...You don't have a clue what this is about, even after looking at the website You're all done. Show your Mako Code with Pride ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------- Example Code: MakoCode(1.0.0) SJ:5+ X:**[*] O:d-:h:a-:o[+]:c++ You can't get enough jupiter. Your drive is full of pics, and fics, and you only visit sites devoted to her. (and feel stronger about it than most in this category) You've been a Mako fan for over 2 years. You think comparing Lita to Mako, Lita sucks. You think it's private matter of people what they get off with. If it happens to be Mako hentai, so be it. You think Mako haters aren't your kind of people, you avoid them when possible. OW has no impact upon you at all, you do a little more than hardly notice it though. And You don't understand how anyone can watch the same show, and not see it's obvious that Mako and Ami are "cousins". Much credit must go to Tolaris, The original creator of the "MoonieCode", on which this code is based, and borrows heavily from. Moonie Code Similar credit must also go to Edward Chang, The creator of the "Minako Code" (the first senshi specific classification system.), also on which this code is based. Minako Code __ :Phant(asm) MC 1.12.05 ( SM:5+ F:sJu++Mo+:vIrA4:pS++*+ D:sCh--:vViTn:pR1 X:***[*]:a[Cl*]r|SSS*s+|ClR[S]d O:d-:s-:o+:a:h Keeper of Sailor Jupiter, and sometimes my sanity. ^_^ MakoCode(1.0.0) SJ:5+ X:*** O:d:h:a-:o[+]:c+ SM FAQ Central - Applying HTML to usenet posts is like applying aluminum siding to gerbils. Sure it's cute, but it's WRONG!!! Pu Code (1.0.0) by Phant --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introducing the first, and only PuCode! Tired of your senshi being left out? wait no more! Now you can display your total obsession with Setsuna. How to create your own PuCode: Identify the code --- Because there are many different codes on the net, the first thing to do is to tell everyone what code you're using. Begin your code with: PuCode(1.0.0) The numbers being the version number of the code you used. Setsuna Obsession Level --- The first code you should add is your Setsuna obsession level. so type SP: And add the qualifier, as follows... blank...Why is it you're bothering with this again? 0..."Huh? Who's the green haired chick with the big honkin' key? 1...You like her, only because she hangs out with ChibiUsa. 2...You like all the Senshi but something about her stands out. 3...You like her alot, and have searched for Setsuna images a couple of times on the Web 4...your hard drive has several megs devoted to Pluto images, and you frequently visit sites devoted to her. 5...You can't get enough Setsuna. Your drive is full of pics, and fics, and you only visit sites devoted to her. 6...all you talk about is Setsuna. You dream about her all the time, and others refer to you as "that Pluto freak" don't have anymore friends except other Setsuna-chanians. You convince your significant other to dye their hair green, and wear a green twin bead ponytailer, even if they're a guy. named your child Setsuna. change your *own* name to Setsuna. ! are convinced that you ARE Setsuna. You're obsessed with time, and rush around looking for pink haired children to save, your favorite thing to do is grab your keys, and whisper "Dead Scream" If you feel you fit somewhere between two of these, choose the closest, and add a "+" or a "-" depending if you're more or less, respectively. follow this with a space. Experience --- Now for the experience section. Type X: followed by a * for every year that you've been a Setsuna fanatic. You can fine tune this by using the square brackets. For example if you've been a Setsuna fan less than a year, use X:[*] if you've been a Setsuna fan for three and a half years, use X:***[*] Opinions --- Before you tell the world your opinions, write a space after the last section of your code, followed by: O: if you have no opinion on a particular subject, or don't want people to know it, just skip it. To fine-tune your answer, you can use square brackets. "[+]" or "[-]" Remember to separate your opinions on different subjects with colons':'. Dub Setsuna --- What do you think of Trista, the NA incarnation of Setsuna. add "d", followed by -- ...Trista is just a bad parody of Setsuna. And what kind of name is Trista, anyway? Anyone who likes her a total idiot and doesn't have right to call themselves a Setsuna fan. - ...Comparing Trista to Setsuna, Setsuna sucks. You aren't going to watch her, simple as that. blank...Trista or Setsuna, you don't care, it's Sailor Pluto, and you love Sailor Pluto. + ...Even if Trista differs from the original, you can't deny she's still Sailor Pluto. You don't have any problem with watching her, or with the others who watch her. ++ ...Trista rules! She's the the *real* Sailor Pluto ? ...You don't know what to think about Trista ?? ...You've never seen the dub Setsuna Hentai --- Just what does Setsuna do to pass all that time spent waiting at the gates of time? add "h", followed by --- ...Hentai? Of Setsuna?!? Ewww!!!!!! How dare they! Those perverts!!! -- ...You don't like Setsuna hentai, and aren't particularly fond of those that do. - ...You don't like thinking about what people are doing with your poor Setsuna, but you're not losing sleep over it. blank ...You think it's private matter of people what they get off with. If it happens to be Setsuna hentai, so be it. + ...There's nothing wrong with Setsuna hentai, nothing of her could be bad. ++ ...You not only think Setsuna hentai is ok, you collect it yourself. +++ ...You have a hugh collection of Setsuna hentai, and are just putting the finishing touches on your Setsuna lemon "101 uses for a bak", complete with illustrations Setsuna Haters --- Unbelievably, some people hate the green haired time goddess known as Setsuna. How do you feel about these people? add "a", followed by --- ...These people are pure evil!!! they should be rounded-up and shot. -- ...You can't stand them, the very idea of it makes your blood boil. - ...Setsuna haters aren't your kind of people, you avoid them when possible. blank ...You know Setsuna haters exist, but realize they're just misguided or mentally impaired. You don't shun them, you pity them. remember to be seperating these sections with a colons. i.e. O:d-[-]:h[+]:a: Otaku Wars --- add "o", followed by -- ...OW is a total waste of space better devoted to discussions of Setsuna - ...OW is a nuisance, that gets in the way of you looking for Setsuna posts blank ...OW has no impact upon you at all, you hardly notice it. + ...OW is cool. You participate as a a Setsuna-chanian. ++ ...OW RULES!!! It lets you live out your dreams as a Setsuna-inspired character! Rumors --- Before you tell the world how you feel about these rumors, write a space after the last section of your code, followed by: R: if you have no opinion on a particular subject, or don't want people to know it, just skip it. To fine-tune your answer, you can use square brackets. "[+]" or "[-]" Remember to separate your opinions on different subjects with colons':'. Is Setsuna ChibiUsa's real mother? --- What do you think? add "c", followed by -- ...You can't believe anyone could think this, it's just plain crazy, and anyone that says it doesn't have right to call themselves Setsuna fan. - ...That's just wrong. You've seen all the so called "evidence", and don't believe a word of it. blank...You just like Setsuna, you don't care if she bore the spore. + ...I've seen all the evidence, and there *is* something to it. It's possible. ++ ...Pink eyes, time key, the bond between them, you don't understand how anyone could miss it. There's no denying ChibiUsa is Setsuna's. ? ...What the??? You don't have the slightest clue what this is about (try searching deja) Is Setsuna really Mamoru? (aren't we all?) --- There's been a long standing rumor, and quite a few jokes, about Setsuna and Mamoru being one in the same. What do you think? add "m", followed by --- ...Anyone that says that is pure evil. They don't have the right to be around Setsuna fans, least wise call themselves one. -- ...What the $%^#$ are you smoking, that's just plain stupid. - ...That's just wrong. You've seen all the so called "evidence", and don't believe a word of it. blank ...You just like Setsuna, you don't care if she/he leads a double life. ? ...You don't have the slightest clue what this is about You're all done. Show your Pu-Code with Pride ^_^ Example Code: PuCode(1.0.0) SP:5+ X:**[*] O:d-:h:a-:o[+] R:c++:m--- You can't get enough Setsuna. Your drive is full of pics, and fics, and you only visit sites devoted to her. (and feel stronger about it than most in this category) You've been a Setsuna fan for over 2 years. You think comparing Trista to Setsuna, Trista sucks. You think it's private matter of people what they get off with. If it happens to be Setsuna hentai, so be it. You think Setsuna haters aren't your kind of people, you avoid them when possible. OW has no impact upon you at all, you do a little more than hardly notice it though. You think there's There's no denying ChibiUsa is Setsuna's. And anyone that says Setsuna is Mamoru is pure evil. They don't have the right to be around Setsuna fans, least wise call themselves one. Much credit must go to Tolaris, The original creator of the "MoonieCode", on which this code is based, and borrows heavily from. Moonie Code Similar credit must also go to Edward Chang, The creator of the "Minako Code" (the first senshi specific classification system.), also on which this code is based. Minako Code __ :Phant(asm) MC 1.12.05 ( SM:5+ F:sJu++Mo+:vIrA4:pS++*+ D:sCh--:vViTn:pR1 X:***[*]:a[Cl*]r|SSS*s+|ClR[S]d O:d-:s-:o+:a:h Keeper of Sailor Jupiter, and sometimes my sanity. ^_^ MakoCode(1.0.0) SJ:5+ X:*** O:d:h:a-:o[+]:c+ SM FAQ Central - Applying HTML to usenet posts is like applying aluminum siding to gerbils. Sure it's cute, but it's WRONG!!! To Be Continued ...?