Recent Changes and Introduction Most Recent Changes: Favorites/Dislikes sections: added the dub names for Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Saturn, added Deathbusters, Dead Moon Circus, and Anima-mates as choices, and added the three movies and "Ami-chan no Hatsukoi and the SuperS Specials" Experience section: added the three movies and "Ami-chan no Hatsukoi and the SuperS Specials" Opinions section: added a new level of disgust to the dub section Personal section: divided African-American and African into two separate options Introduction You think all those freakin' moonies are the same? Well, think again. Or to save yourself this painful process, just subscribe to one of those SM Mailing Lists and post a message: "Hey people! I'm Sailor Nobrain and I think Sailor Jupiter is a goddess, Mercury sucks, and what were they thinking when they casted Serena's voice for the dub of the S series and I want to know how old everyone here is!" You'll be surprised how different responses can such innocent post originate... Frequent flame wars are a valid proof the moonies do differ from one another... and results of constant "Who is your favorite..." polls confirm that. The problem is, both the flame wars and polls are (in lack of a better and still civil word...) annoying, but unfortunately there're always individuals who just need to know how many people worship Sailor Mars or if Zoe is pretty... So, in a desperate attempt to cut down the number of such posts (or rather for my sheer amusement and out of boredom...) I've decided to create this moonie code. It was originally inspired by (and uses some customized portions of) the geek code, (which shouldn't be a surprise...) and by some other codes you can find on the net.. particularly by The Goth Code. (That thing really needs a decoder!) Speaking of decoders, there's currently two mooniecode decoders I'm aware of. One of them, available at and written by J.Helferty is a Java apple... so to use it you'll need a Java capable web browser. The other one -- a perl script written by Chi Ming Cheung is available at And well.. if by some weird coincidence you happen to have a mooniecode encoder or decoder you'd like to advertise here... make sure to email me. Getting Started The moonie code consists of a few sections. Each section starts with a capital letter and is used to describe a part of your amazing and unique personality. You'll learn more about the sections (as well as about the qualifiers, and the modificators of the qualifiers...) used in them later... For now just please remember you shall pay special attention to case-sensitivity. I want to get my own moonie code! What do I have to do? How to create your own moonie code: Identifying the code Because there're many codes on the net, the first thing to do is to tell people what code you're using. Begin your code by writing something like: MoonieCode(1.12.25) The numbers enclosed in parentheses indicate the version of the code. They aren't really necessary, but you might want to impress those poor people who don't know what the moonie code is. SM: Level of Obsession Undoubtedly, the most important trait of the moonie is her/his devotion to the show. To tell the other moonies how much you love Sailor Moon, write SM: ...and add a qualifier: (choose the one that matches with you most closely) 0 You watched Sailor Moon once, when your remote control got broken. 1 You watch Sailor Moon only because you like girls wearing short skirts. 2 You think it's just another TV show. 3 You try to fool yourself it's just another TV show for you, but it's rather hard considering you get up early everyday to watch it, and you get really depressed when you miss an episode. 4 You think it's pretty cool TV show. In fact, you'd found it so interesting you searched the WWW for Sailor Moon related pages and subscribed to a SM mailing list to find out more about it. You know the NA dub is actually a dub, not the original version, and you know answers to some of the Frequently Asked Questions. 5 You think it's a damn fine TV show, one of the only things good on television any more. You've subscribed to one or more SM mailing lists, and you occasionally post there. You have your own Sailor Moon related WWW page. You've bought some SM merchandise. You considered dressing like one of the SM characters on the Halloween. 6 You actually did dress like one of the SM characters during the last Halloween. Sailor Moon is the only thing you watch on TV. You've taped all the episodes, and purchased some fansubs to see more of your favorite show. You're a regular poster to SM mailing lists. You write SM fanfics. You have SM related dreams. Your friends refer to you as "that Sailor Moon freak". 7 You have no friends anymore, except for the ones you turned into moonies like you. You have dreams about your favorite SM character. You go to anime conventions and try to pick up girls dressed in sailor fuku. Your room is filled with Sailor Moon merchandise. You insist your girlfriend/wife shall dye her hair green and start play violin. 8 Your room is so full of the SM merchandise you had to move to the basement. You have all episode synopses memorized. You go to anime conventions dressed in sailor fuku. You write SM lemons and don't even try to disguise your character written in them. Your pregnant wife/mother/SO goes into labor and you stay home to watch new Sailor Moon episodes you've just gotten from your friend. 9 You go into labor and you decide to stay home, because you want to once again watch your favorite episode. Sailor Moon is your religion. You can quote entire original episodes verbatim, and you don't even know Japanese. You go to work/school dressed like your favorite SM character. You have done every single thing listed on Starfox's or Mara's "YKYWTMSMW..." pages, and some things not listed... including calling out the name of your favorite senshi while making love to your better half. ! You actually believe you are Usagi/Serena.[or some other Sailormoon character] You're Sailormoon's alter ego, her second reincarnation, her in a nutshell -- you find that you talk like her, act like her, feel like her... think like her, love like her, dream like her, eat like her, and... well... underachieve like her, too. You're her twin, her clone, her whatever, you are her, dammit! If you feel you fit somewhere 'between' two of the above, choose the one that fit you most and add a "+" or a "-" depending if you're more or less advanced moonie, respectively. Additionally, if you do things listed in two or more very different categories, write the one that most closely matches you, then the highest of the other categories, enclosed in square brackets. If applicable, add one of the following: m- If someone calls you a moonie, you go ballistic. Either because you don't like this term, you hate being filed like that, or for whatever other reason. m+ You deliberately call yourself a moonie. Example: the category that matched with Tolaris most closely is "5", but he also taped all the episodes (save for three), wrote SM fanfics and uhmm.. has kind of SM related dreams... (all these belong to the category 6), and he couldn't care less if someone calls him moonie. Hence his code here would be: SM:5+ Example: someone who watches Sailor Moon only to see girls wearing skimpy outfits, has dreams about Sailor Venus, visit her WWW shrines and urges his girlfriend to bleach her hair, but hates to be called moonie would be: SM:1[7]m- F: Favorites Everyone has their favorites, and moonies are no exception (well, some of them are, but that's not the point...) Anyway, it's time to tell all those pollsters who your favorite characters are and how much you love them. (I mean the characters here of course... not the pollsters.) This is a separate section of the moonie code, so add a space after your moonie rating, then write: F: We'll start with the senshi. (If you don't have your favorite senshi, just skip this section.) Write an "s" and choose up to two of the following: Mo Sailormoon Usagi Tsukino Serena Tx Tuxedo Mask Mamoru Chiba Darien Ch Sailorchibimoon Chibiusa Rini Me Sailormercury Ami Mizuno Amy Anderson (or Mizuno) Ma Sailormars Rei Hino Raye Hino Ju Sailorjupiter Makoto Kino Lita Ve Sailorvenus Minako Aino Mina In all the inner senshi - - Pl Sailorpluto Setsuna Meioh Trista Meioh Ur Sailoruranus Haruka Tenoh Amara Ten'ou Ne Sailorneptune Michiru Kaioh Michelle Kaioh Sa Sailorsaturn Hotaru Tomoe Hotaru Tomoh Ou all the outer senshi - - Se Sailorstarfighter Seyia Kou n/a Ta Sailorstarmaker Taiki Kou n/a Ya Sailorstarhealer Yaten Kou n/a St all of the Sailor Starlights - - Cc Sailorchibichibimoon Chibi-Chibi n/a Now, to the identifier of each one you choose add the qualifier: blank You like this senshi just a bit more than the others. You don't even know why, but when someone mentions the senshi-tachi, this is the character that first comes to your mind. + You like this senshi and enjoy a discussion about her. You have some pictures of her and visit her WWW shrines once in a while. When choosing a fanfic to read, you pick the ones featuring this senshi. ++ You really like this senshi. When watching SM, you pay special attention to her actions. You join every discussion about her. The harddisk of you computer is full of pictures and animations featuring her. You created your own WWW shrine devoted her. The only fanfics you read are the one about her. +++ This senshi is the only reason you watch Sailor Moon. You worship the ground she walks on. You room is filled with her posters, pictures of her are about the only thing left on the hd of your computer. Her name is every second word you say. For you, she's a true goddess. Everyone who doesn't agree with you is your enemy and you'll convert them to your belief, no matter if they want it or not. As the prefix to the qualifier, add: < If you find this senshi less interesting than you did, let's say, half a year ago. blank If your opinion about this senshi has been stable for a long time, and you doubt it'll change in the nearest future. > If you feel your obsession with this senshi is increasing. Like in the previous section, if you fit one category, but also do some things described in the different, higher category, do the following: write your category, then add the necessary number of "+"s that, added to your existing category, will form the symbol of the other, higher category you fit as well. Enclose the additional "+"s in square brackets.(confusing? well, that's only the beginning.. ::evil laughter:: don't worry, just take a look at examples below..) Example: Tolaris liked Sailor Mercury, but for some reasons his feelings towards her has changed from "+" to . He also likes Sailor Uranus a bit more than the other senshi, but he had no idea why. It can be something with the way she yells "World... shaking!" Anyway, his code for this section would be: sMe+++ Some people not only like the senshi, but the SM villains as well. If you're one of them, add an extra part to your 'favorites' section, (if you have your favorite senshi as well, separate these two parts with a ":") Write "v", then describe your feelings towards SM villains in the same way you did for the senshi. Again, choose up to two of the following: [from Sailor Moon series] Ja Jadeite Jedite Ne Nephrite Nephlyte Zo Zoisite Zoycite Ku Kunzite Malachite 4G Dark Kingdom Negaverse Generals En Dark Endymion Evil Prince Darien Be Queen Beryl Queen Beryl Mt Queen Metallia Negaforce [from Sailor Moon S] To Professor Tomoe Doctor Tomoh Ka Kaolinite Kaori Night Eu Eudial Eudial Mi Mimete Mimete Te Tellu Telulu Vi. Viluy Biruet Cy Cyprine Cyprine Pu Puchirol Puchirol W5 Witches 5 Witches 5 M9 Mistress 9 Mistress 9 90 Master Pharaoh 90 Pharaoh 90 DB Deathbusters Bureau of Bad Behaviour Sn Snow Princess Kaguya Snow Princess Kaguya [from Sailor Moon Stars] Ir Sailorironmouse Al Sailoraluminumsiren Le Sailorleadcrow Tn Sailortinnyanko AM Sailor Anima-mates Ga Sailorgalaxia [from Sailor Moon R]Ai Ail Alan An Ann Anne Co Cooan Catzy Br Beruche Birdie Ca Calaveras Avery Pe Petz Prisma 4S Ayakashi Sisters Ru Rubeus Rubbeus Es Esmeraude Emerald Sf Saffiru Sapphire De Prince Demando Prince Diamond BM Black Moon Family Nega Moon Family Bl Black Lady Wicked Lady Wi Wiseman Wiseman Fr Fiore Fiore Ki Kisenian Kisenian [from Sailor Moon SuperS] Zi Master Zirconia TBA Ti Tiger's Eye TBA Fi Fish Eye TBA Ha Hawk's Eye TBA A3 Amazon Trio TBA Cc CereCere TBA Pp PallaPalla TBA Jj JunJun TBA Vv VesVes TBA A4 Amazoness Quartet TBA Nh Queen Nephelenia TBA DM Dead Moon Circus TBA Zz Other villain, not on the list (one of the MotDs?) Would SM be the great show it is without the talking cats, ever-drained Naru, and Umino throwing fried shrimps in her defense? Maybe... maybe not. Still, some people love the supporting characters, some hate them, and some actually requested to add this section to the code, so they "could tell everybody how sweet Naru is." Uhmm... anyway. If you find some of the supporting characters extremely appealing and want the world to know about it, add yet another part to your 'favorites' section.(remember to write a ":" before it, if you have favorite senshi and/or villains as well) Write "a", (which stands for 'assisting characters', as 's' was already used for the senshi...) then state your opinions on your favorite supporting chars, as you did (or not...) for the senshi and villains: Lu Luna Luna Ar Artemis Artemis Di Diana Diana Na Naru Osaka Molly Um Umino Gurio Melvin Mt Motoki Furuhata Andrew Un Unazuki Furuhata Lizzie Ry Ryo Urawa Greg Yu Yuuichirou Chad Qs Queen Serenity Queen Serenity Sh Shingo Tsukino Sammy Ik Ikuko Tsukino Serena's mother Ke Kenji Tsukino Serena's father Ha Haruna Sakurada Ms.Haruna Gr Rei's grandpa Raye's grandpa Pe Pegasus TBA He Helios TBA Mm Momo-chan Melissa Ky Kyuusuke TBA Ch Grown-up Chibiusa [Ep. 160 (SuperS)] Grown-up Rini Pr Peruru Peruru Ka Princess Kakyuu n/a Zz other supporting character - (Please email me if you recall any, and I'll try to add them to the list...) Are you one of those few people who get yelled at for preferring the SuperS series over the dark S, or the other way around? (This means that you yell at people preferring the SuperS, not that SuperS series is dark...) If you think a particular Sailormoon series stands above the others, and is really worth watching, you may consider advertising it in your mooniecode... Remember to write a ":" if you have favorite senshi/villains/supporting characters info stated, then write "p", (which stands for 'part'.. it's not my fault that 'senshi', 'the supporting characters', 'series' and 'season' all begin with 's'...) and pick the series you like the most: (but please, no more than two of them...) Cl Sailormoon classic R the whole R series R1 the Ail/Ann arc of the SMR R2 the Black Moon arc of the SMR mR BSSM R : The movie S Sailormoon S mS BSSM S : The movie SS Sailormoon SuperS mSS BSSM SuperS : The movie Am Ami-chan no Hatsukoi & SuperS Specials * Sailormoon Stars Nh the Neherenia arc of Sailor Stars Gx the Galaxia/Starlights arc of Sailor Stars D: Dislikes Some people think Mercury's attacks suck. Some people think Rei is a real bitch. Some people can't stand Esmeraude's laugh. Some people.. okay, you got the idea... If there're SM characters you dislike, list them in the new section... the 'Dislikes' section! (duh) Separate this section from the previous one with a space, then write: D: Now construct this section exactly like you did construct your 'Favorites' one.. the only difference are the qualifiers: blank There is something in this character you don't like. Hair, tone of voice, laugh... whatever. You just don't like it. - Uhh.. this character really gets on your nerves. You have no idea how somebody can like them, since it's so easy to see how big jerk this character is. You show your dislike by joining threads in which people bash this character and occasional snide remarks. -- You hate this character. You start bashing threads, visit those WWW "anti-character shrines" and join anti-character projects (like Project C.U.R.E.) --- You really, really, really hate this character. Really. You do. If this character got murdered one day, you'd be the first person police would ask about their alibi. You think the show would be much more interesting without that blasted xx. You create WWW anti-xx shrines and start Projects against this character. The prefix added to the qualifier means: < Your hostility towards this character lessens. blank You don't like this character and you like it the way it is now. > This particular character peeves you more and more everyday. X: Experience Are you a clueless dubbie(1), or are you one of those "been there, seen that, puked hard" pros? (Yes, I'm ripping off Megane 6.7, sue me...) Have you already forgotten where'd you put your Sailormoon laserdiscs, or do you bring your family to tears by watching "Crystal Clear Destiny" ten times a day? (and no, they aren't crying because they share the pain you feel seeing Tuxedo Mask getting killed yet again...) I realize such category may lead to abuse, putting people down and whatnot, but on the other hand, it is quite good indicator of person's familiarity with the Sailormoon universe and lets you decide quickly, who to bug about the episodes you haven't seen. The description of your experience is a separate section of the mooniecode, so add a space after previous section(s) and write: X: First, let the other know for how long you've been experiencing the wonder that is Sailormoon. In order to do this, for every full year you lived as a SM fan, write a '*'. Of course, this part of code can be fine-tuned by making use of the square brackets.. Example: Someone who first saw Sailormoon on Cartoon Network, less than a year ago, would be: [*] Example: Someone who's been a SM fan for three years, would be: *** Now, it's time to list how many episodes you've watched, of what kind, and how often you get back to them. Conclude the previous subsection with the ':' and read on. We'll start with the anime. *Ignores Michi-chan's frustrated screams the manga was first and as such, is more important* Write "a" and then the following: The number of raw anime episodes you own/have watched, (for this variation, movies and specials count as any regular SM episode) followed by the "r", (as in 'raw'...) and the indicator how often you watch them: blank You've seen these eps once, maybe twice. The video tapes with them do great job supporting that shelf in the basement. + You watch these episodes every month or so, usually when your fiends drop by and you have nothing better to do. ++ You can't stand a week without watching at least one of those episodes. +++ 24 hours without Sailormoon, and you turn into a quivering little heap, muttering over and over again, "neeed... my... fix... **@.@**" (Gee, don't i know the feeling.. though it's only remotely related to Sailormoon.) ++++ "Uhmm.. what? Look, I can't talk with you know, she's in the middle of her transformation sequence..." Like in the previous sections, you can use square brackets to fine-tune your answer. Alternatively, instead of the number of watched episodes you can list the series you've seen, using identifiers from the 'favorite part' section of the code. In case you already forgot them,[-.^] here they are again: Cl Sailormoon classic R the whole R series R1 the Ail/Ann arc of the SMR R2 the Black Moon arc of the SMR mR BSSM R : The movie S Sailormoon S mS BSSM S : The movie SS Sailormoon SuperS mSS BSSM SuperS : The movie Am Ami-chan no Hatsukoi & SuperS Specials * Sailormoon Stars Nh the Neherenia arc of Sailor Stars Gx the Galaxia/Starlights arc of Sailor Stars If you've seen only a part of some series, put that identifier in square brackets, like that: [R] Now, separate this bit of info with the "|" and write information about the subtitled eps, in the same manner -- number of episodes or the watched series, identifier (in this case "s"...) and how often you watch them. Once you're done with this, again write "|" to separate this part from the next section.. which will tell people how many dubbed episodes you've seen. The identifier for this part is "d" (as in, 'dub', not 'duh'). Example: Someone who's once watched 2 subbed eps at his friend's, and has the collection of 45 dubbed episodes they watch every day, would be: a2s|45d+++ Example: A rabid purist, owner of 35 raw Japanese episodes and 120 subs, watching them about once a week... and who sinned by watching 2-3 dubbed eps long ago, would be: a35r++|120s++|2d Example: Someone who's seen first two series dubbed, (and sworn to never do it again) and owns a few subbed eps of the S series, plus complete subbed Neherenia arc of SM Stars, (which they watch fairly often) would be: a[S]Nhs++|ClRd If your head isn't spinning by now, you might want to include info about the manga you've read. Remember to write a ":" to separate this part from the info about anime (if you have the part about anime written down). then construct this part exactly as the anime one... except instead of episodes, we're talking about the acts of the manga now... and the identifiers are: "r" for the original Japanese manga, and "s" for the various translations. Example: Someone who read 4 acts of the original manga and can't force themselves to do that again... and who owns 7 acts of the French version, which they read with their friends when they're bored, would be: m4r|7s+ (1) 'clueless dubbie' is the property of Xplo Eristotle, Lunar Inquisition, and most likely a few more shadow and top secret organisations plotting behind our backs. O: Opinions There're several things moonie constantly argue about... like is dub better than subs, what is Jupiter's talent size and her sexual orientation, and who the heck pops up the next Kleenex if there's no God. Thus it's important for a moonie to state their opinions on those subjects in their moonie code. Before you tell the world your opinions, write a space after the last section of your code, followed by: O: As usual, if you have no opinion on a particular subject, or don't want people to know it, just skip it. To fine-tune your answer, you can use square brackets in the same way you did in the 'favorites' and 'dislikes' sections. Separate your opinions on different subjects with ':'s. The North American dub: The North American version of Sailor Moon has suffered from heavy cuts and modifications, and is really different from the Japanese original. To express what you think about the North American dub, write "d" then one of the following: --- The dub could not get any worse than it is now. For doing such horrible job, hanging everyone involved by their balls is to good for them, but then again, they never had any to begin with (especially the genius who decided to make Amara and Michelle cousins). Anyone who watches the dub and likes it obviously suffers from some form of mental disability. -- The dub is just a parody of the original Sailor Moon. DiC and Cloverway should be hung by their balls for such terrible job. Anyone who watches the dub is a complete moron and doesn't have right to call themselves a moonie. - Comparing to the original, the dub sucks. You aren't going to watch it, simple as that. blank Dub or the original.. you don't care -- it's Sailor Moon and you love Sailor Moon. + Even if the dub differs from the original, you can't deny it's very useful in promoting anime in the North America. You don't have any problem with watching it, or with the others who watch it. ++ The dub rules! It's the best frickin' cartoon you've ever seen!! ? A special category -- you don't know what to think about the dub If applicable, prefix one of the following to the "d": ! "You mean Sailor Moon isn't an American cartoon? You're shittin' me! No, I haven't seen any other version." ? You've never seen the dub. Example: Someone who has only seen the dub and likes it, would be: !d+ Example: A typical, dub-bashing anime purist would be: d-- Example: Someone who hasn't seen the dub thus has no opinion on it, would be: ?d? Example: Someone who has seen the dub but can't make their mind about it, would be: d? SOS (Save Our Sailors) SOS is a fan organization. Those folks are trying to "bring the SM back to the States and make sure it stays there." Many people worship them for that, while many others hate them because of the strange methods they use to achieve their goal. To state your opinion on SOS, write "s" then one of the following: Z A very special category -- you bash the SOS regularly, but take every opportunity to remind people it's you who thought up the SOS name. -- You think SOS is evil. They are a bunch of egomaniacs, trying to brainwash innocent children for their own, definitely evil purposes. They're solely responsible for the downfall of Sailor Moon in the States. You take every opportunity to bash them, and you'd rather be dead than caught buying a poptart. - You think those people at SOS should find something more useful to do. If they really think they can change anything in the big scheme o'things, they're very naive. The only thing they achieved so far was creating disagreement between the SM fans. blank You couldn't care less about the SOS, their supporters and enemies. You just wish people stopped spamming the MLs with the SOS bashing or praising posts. + You think the SOS may be strange, but at least they're trying to do something, which is (usually...) better than doing nothing at all, or criticizing every effort of others. On your homepage you have link to the SOS web page. You occasionally defend SOS if someone goes too far in criticizing them. ++ Those folks at SOS are your heroes. You have a huge SOS banner on your web page. You visit their page regularly and take part in actions organized by SOS. +++ The huge SOS banner is the only thing you have on your web page. You got sick from all those stale poptarts you'd bought. You bash the SOS bashers and send them death threats. ? You don't have opinion on the SOS. If applicable, prefix one of the following to the "s": ! You're member of SOS. ? You've never heard about SOS. OtakuWars! Hundreds of posts to marked with characteristic [OW!]. Cunning plans, superdeformed nameless otaku and futile efforts to understand what the hell is going on.. How do you feel about Otaku Wars? Write "o", then one of the following: -- What you think about OW! can be (after removing all obscenities) roughly translated to: "bunch of clueless morons, clogging up the newsgroup with posts absolutely unrelated to Sailor Moon, writing themselves into this stupid fanfic because they can't find any better way to get a life." You'd like them to move this nonsense to a different newsgroup. - Some people enjoy the OtakuWars!, you don't. You have set a kill filter on the [OW!] posts and don't bother with it anymore. blank You simply don't care about OtakuWars! + You think OW! is funny and occasionally read those posts. ++ You really enjoy OtakuWars! You have set a watch filter on OW!-related posts and try to be up-to-date with them. You even took a (small) part in the Wars. +++ You're a true veteran of OtakuWars!, recognized by everyone taking part in them. ? You don't have opinion on OtakuWars! If you've never heard about OW!, prefix "?" to the "o" Attitude towards SM haters/Anti-moonies Incredible as it sounds, some people don't love Sailormoon. Worse even, some of them loathe it and spend their precious time on creating web pages expressing their disgust and insulting everyone who doesn't agree with them. Some moonies take things like this very personally, flaming back; other just shrug and move on... what is your reaction to the SM haters? Write "a", then one of the following: -- You HATE anti-moonies. How dare those individuals not enjoy the great show Sailormoon is, is beyond you. How can one insult such great show, is even more mind-boggling... and it pisses you off like hell! Those infidels shall burn in the blazing flames of Burning Mandala forever, may Serenity have mercy on their souls!! Uhmm, yeah, in other words, you actively fight anti-moonies, flaming them, creating projects against them and doing whatever else you manage to think of. - You dislike anti-moonies, but have enough brain cells to not get all worked up over their activities... because this is exactly what they want to achieve. blank You think everyone is entitled to their opinion, and couldn't care less about anti-moonies. Their flames land in your trashcan the very moment they reach your inbox, and their web pages never make it to your bookmarks collection. + Not only you think everyone is entitled to their opinion, but to make your situation worse (at least, in the eyes of more fanatic moonies). You're ready to admit Sailormoon does have its flaws, and sometimes even get a laugh from the anti-moonies' web pages. (Sacrilege!) Sure, it's mostly because of the stupidity of their owners, but sometimes you happen to agree with them... ++ You're a closet anti-moonies supporter. (Well... not-so-closet one anymore, since you just admitted to that in your mooniecode.) +++ Oh, boy... you are active anti-moonie... and pretty suicidal at that, if you're going to walk amongst passionate moonies with your code clearly stating so. ? You don't have opinion on the anti-moonies. Attitude towards hentai "Ohh my.. what have we got here... well..." a soft moan escaped her lips, "so... rich... so... creaaammmyyy... so lustfully, sinfully delicious... so finger licking GOOD..." She took a short pause to moan again. "Oh yes! YES! YESSSSS!!!!" Errr... in case some of you haven't guessed, the quoted lady was talking about strawberry cheesecake... (and if you haven't guessed it, then just what did you think, hmm? Geez, some people...) However, strangely enough, some individuals like to put similar err... dialogues in their fanfics... and they aren't talking about cheesecake. Lemons circulate the web, along with pictures illustrating the senshi (and not only the senshi...) involved in some very uhmm.. intimate activities... While some people shy away from that kind of stuff, some actively search for it to uhh... enjoy it immensely and wind up labelled as perverts... How do you feel about the more ecchi fans of SM? To state your opinion, write "h", followed by: --- "Eeeewwww!!! All those filthy swines shall burn in the blazing flames of Burning Mandala forever! Err... wait a sec.. wasn't it the opinion on antimoonies? A-and... wouldn't those perverts actually enjoy being put into submission to fiery Rei Hino?" -- You don't like hentai stuff, and aren't particulary fond of those who enjoy it... after all... someone who likes to watch pictures of teenage girls having sex, or even getting raped... has to have their screw a bit loose... right? - You don't feel absolutely comfortable around hentai stories/pics... but don't look down at those who does. blank You think it's private matter of people what they get off at. If it happens to be Sailormoon hentai stuff, it neither makes them worse... or better. + Even if you don't read it, you think hentai stuff is quite OK most of the time... and so are people who enjoy it. ++ "Waaait a second! what's this?! the whole friggin' episode of SM without even a single panty shot in it?" (To put it simply... you not only think people who enjoy ecchi pics and stories are okay... you are one of those people.) +++ "Hentai? hey, that reminds me... have you read my latest fanfic... about Artemis cheating on Minako with Usagi?" ? You don't have opinion on the ecchi stuff and people who enjoy it. Mixxzine Mixxzine, quality (or lack of thereof...) of Mixx' manga translations, Mixx' non-existing PR department and Mixx owner's sexual practices... four of the most popular things to discuss (read: to frown upon and whine about...) in any SM forum... how do you feel about Mixx? After concluding possible previous subsections with the ':', write "x", then one of the following: -- You have Stuart Levy's name circled and underlined in your little black book; you actively hate Mixx and everything related to it... and will waste no occassion to spread your hate amongst Sailormoon fans. - You dislike Mixxzine... not hate -- just dislike; it's possible that you'd been even subscribing it for a while, but after getting disappointed with its quality decided to not bother with it or any new Mixx' publications anymore. blank "Mixxzine? what about it? it's just a mag -- i've seen better, i've seen worse.." + You think Mixxzine/Smile!/pocket manga are quite good, and worth skimming them occasionally... of course, they can't compare to the original manga... but they aren't really as bad as the purists say. ++ You really like Mixx' publications and actually subscribe them; you have no idea why some people complain about it so much. +++ "Like, that Smile! mag,'s like, totally k3wl!!" Uhmm..okay, so not being a valley girl, I know next to nothing about the slang they speak. Still, the idea is -- you adore Mixx' publications and the Mixx itself. ? You don't have opinion on Mixx and their publications. Note: if you've never heard about Mixx, prefix "?" to the "x" P: Personal Information Let's face it... all those "codes" are nothing more than just an excuse to post a personal ad at the end of your sig... right? So, now it's time for the section most people pay attention to -- the personal information. Like in the previous sections, you can skip the parts you want to keep in secret, and you can use square brackets to fine-tune your answer. Put a space after the last section, then write: P: Age "I wanna know how old everyone here is!" A canonical question you can find in every second poll.. so.. how old are you? Please, don't lie. You can give an exact answer, you can give a vague answer (see below...) but don't say you're 30 when you're 15. It's for your own benefit -- people can understand if you post something stupid and you're 15... but if you post the same stupid thing and you claim to be 30, they'll rather think there's something wrong with your brain. Anyway... to state how old you are, write "a" followed by your age in years (human ones... dog years don't count.) Because some of us don't like to talk about their age (and by a pure coincidence most of those people are women) you can use alternative method to state your age: Write "a", then choose one which fits you: --- Chibi? chibichibi?! chibichibi!! -- You're a very young moonie -- around Chibiusa's age. (Somewhere between 6 and 10) - You're younger than average moonie -- between 10-13. (Think of Shingo/Sammy or Hotaru) blank You're of age of Usagi/Serena -- between 14-16. + You're a bit older than average moonie -- 16-18... think of the outer senshi. (Okay, so the outers aren't 18, but they sure look like they were.) ++ You're one of those college students who get giggled at for watching a childish cartoon... somewhere between 19-23. (Think of Mamoru/Darien, Zoisite/Zoycite, Saphire/Saffiru, Mistress 9...) +++ You're old moonie... between 24-30. (Think of Prince Demando or Dark Kingdom generals... I know, I know... the generals aren't twenty-something, but you get the idea.) ++++ Being over 30, you'd probably find a lot of common subjects to talk about with Usagi/Serena's parents. Shape Just like geeks and goths, moonies come in many shapes and sizes. shape code is divided into 3 parts. But first, separate the shape code from your age code (that is, if you have written it) with the ":". Now write "s" and tell the world how tall you are. (The "s" stands for "stature", since "h" is used elsewhere.) Because so many moonies come from the States, we'll use feet and inches. For those who are used to the metric system, inch=2.54 cm and there're 12 inches to the foot. Example: Somebody who's 5'8" would be: s58 Example: I'm 181 cm, which is[roughly] 6', hence my code would be: s6 (Actually, 181 cm is a bit closer to 5'11" than to 6' but s6 looks better so nyah!) If you don't know how tall you are, you can use relative scale: --- "A crowded elevator smells different to a midget" ..and you know it. First hand... -- You have to look up to your friends' much younger relatives. - You have to look up to most of your friends. blank You're an average moonie + Most of your friends have to look up to you. ++ At the movies, people keep yelling at you, "Sit down you twit, wilya!?" +++ At the movies, people keep yelling at you, "Sit down you twit, wilya!?" and make strange faces when you actually stand up and turn to face them. Now, separate your height with the ":", followed by the "w". It's time to indicate your weight. You can either write down your exact weight, (in pounds, pound=0.454 kg) or use the relative scale again: --- The term "feather" comes to mind... -- Modelling agencies drool over you, and you have no idea why. - Everyone says you should put on, just a little bit. blank You're an average moonie. + Packing a little more on you than the general populace. ++ You are considerably larger your approximate height. +++ To hell with the apple, Newton should have studied you. ? You don't know/You don't want to know/You don't want others to know. It's very easy to forget not every heavy guy is a butterball. This is where the last part of your shape code comes handy. Separate your weight with the ":", then write "f" and tell the world something about your "muscles-to-baby fat ratio." (and guys... try to not lie too much, ok?) --- You work out day and night.. on your beer muscle. -- Workout equals getting your ass out of the couch and waddling over to the fridge. - "Couch Potato." Your body's seen better days. blank The average civilian. + Got some athletic prowess in you.. usually on a school sports team. ++ The gym is your second home. +++ Mr/Ms. All-American. Superman holds nothing on ya. ? I'm not telling! Eyes No matter if purple, brown or grey... undoubtedly the first thing that impresses you about a person is their eyes. (Well, some people prefer to pay attention to the uhm... talent, but that's not the point.) Eyes, the mirror of the soul... too bad e-mail cannot handle your piercing stares, but you can at least tell the others what the color of your soul is. Separate the eyes code from the previous section with ":", then write "e" and up to three (if your eyes are a mixture of colours) of the following identifiers: Gr Grey B Blue G Green Br Brown Bk Black Pi Pink If appropriate, modify the identifiers with qualifiers: D Dark L Light If your eyes are of different colours, separate the identifiers for each eye with a "|". If appropriate, add any of the following: g You have glasses. z You have contacts. Example: Someone who has ice-blue eyes and wears glasses would be: eBLg Example: Someone whose left eye is bluish-green, and the right one is light-brown would be: eGB|BrL Hair Weren't it be different hair, no one could tell the difference between most of the anime characters. Moonies' hair aren't so diversified, but still, they do differ (sometimes with 'assistance'). To inform people of your hair colour, write a ":" after the last section, then "h" and up to three of the following: Bl Blond Br Brown Bk Black R Red Gr Grey G Green <-- the 'assistance' starts from here... or maybe not? B Blue Pi Pink Pu Purple Or Orange As before.. if appropriate, modify the colour identifiers with qualifiers: D Dark L Light Now, add to this one of the following, to define how long your hair is: --- Hair? what hair?! (Grandpa Hino, is that you?) -- The name is Smith... Private Smith. - Close crop. Think of Jadeite's or Haruka's hairstyle. blank Standard "short-back-and-sides" job for boys (kinda like Mamoru/Darien's hairstyle) or bobbed to the neck (Ami) for girls. + Slightly longer hair -- just enough for a sexy swing. The front constantly gets in your eyes and the back is of about shoulder-length.(Yuuichiro/Chad or Michiru, depending on your gender.) ++ Long hair -- down past the center of your back. Rei and Minako have that kind of hair. +++ Did i just say, "long hair"? Forget it, now we're talking about something really long. Long, and wild -- a lioness (or lion) with hair past the butt. Just enough to make Kunzite and Setsuna jealous. ++++ Okay, so i doubt if something like this does exist in real, but anyway. Hair to the ground... and beyond. Can you say: "Mistress 9"? I knew you could. If appropriate, add any of the following: m You have moustache. b You wear a beard. Example: Haruka/Amara's code for this part would be: hBl- Example: Makoto/Lita's code would be: hBr+ (Note: the following 'tone' and 'cultural group' subsections were written by J.Tucker, thus all possible flames should be directed at him... any praises though, will be gladly accepted at the standard address...) Skin tone If you're willing to tell the world something about this particular aspect of your looks, write a ":" after the last section of the code, then "t" and one the following: -- Pretty pale. You are often confused with a Kabuki performer. (Carrot Top or Queen Serenity.) - White, maybe with some tanning. Peaches & cream to light tan. (Tim Allen or Usagi.) blank Medium brown. This is the arbitrarily chosen median. (Paul Rodriguez, Ranscombe Richmond, or manga Setsuna.) + Darker brown. Indian or a lighter African-American, usually. (Rex Hamilton, pro-wrestler The Rock.) ++ Black. If you weren't born this way, expect skin cancer. (Montel Williams or Tiger Woods.) As always, brackets ("[]") may be used to fine-tune the description. Cultural group Please, do *NOT* call it "nationality". Tolaris' (i.e. Jason's) "nationality" is American, but his "ethnicity" is 1/2 Mexican, 1/4 Native American (Yaqui and Mezcalero Apache), and 1/4 white (Welsh and German). Again, separate this section from the previous ones with a ":", then write "c" followed by applicable identifiers: Wh White. (European ethnicity) Hi Hispanic. (Latin American ethnicity) Bl Black. (African-American.) Af Sub-Sahara African As Asian. (Oriental ethnicity) ME Middle-Eastern descent. NA Native American. Po Polynesian or from the South Pacific. (Hawaiian, etc...) Je Jewish. (Not just a religion, but an entire culture.) In Indian. Ancestry from India, Bangledesh, or that area. As the chef from "Martian Successor Nadesco" said, "The world is small, but it certainly is diverse." Pick as many as apply. Bloodtype Now why would anyone want to put their bloodtype in their mooniecode? Well, you never know whe you're going to need a quick blood transfusion... or a proof that you had nothing to do with the birth of a certain red-eyed, pink-haired, bratty child. [Just what is Fisheye's bloodtype, btw?) And if you still not find it a reason good enough.. how about that every senshi consider it important to state their bloodtype in their stats. Anyway.. to state your bloodtype, write a ":" after the last section of the code, then write "b" followed by your bloodtype -- either A, B, AB or O. You can also add the '+' to it to indicate you're Rh-positive, or the '-' if you happen to be Rh-negative. Incidentally, blood type is in Japan considered to fit certain personality types just like astrological signs -- hence often including it in character's stats. This is only for O/A/B/AB, not + and -. A very rough guide to blood types: (from the rec.arts.manga glossary) A nervous, introverted, honest, loyal B outgoing, optimistic, adventurous AB proud, diplomatic, discriminating O workaholic, insecure, emotional If the last paragraph of this subsection sounds damn familiar to you... congratulations. It means you've actually bothered to read the SM FAQ. Astrological sign "Ah yes, Libras. All you need to know about them is this: everytime they tell you that they love you, they mean it..." ... Although many people don't hold much faith in astrology, it's interesting how often you can meet people who actually do fit astrological stereotypes.. given that, and the fact that, according to one of important Sailormoon characters, "everything is ruled by the stars", it seems only logical to include your astrological sign in your code.. To do it, conclude previous subsection of your code with the ':", then write "*" and one of the following: Ar Aries (March 21 -- April 19) Ta Taurus (April 20 -- May 20) Gm Gemini (May 21 -- June 21) Cn Cancer (June 22 -- July 22) Le Leo (July 23 -- August 22) Vr Virgo (August 23 -- September 22) Li Libra (September 23 -- October 23) Sc Scorpio (October 24 -- November 21) Sg Sagittarius (November 22 -- December 21) Cp Capricorn (December 22 -- January 19) Aq Aquarius (January 20 -- February 18) Ps Pisces )February 19 -- March 20) Note that, like the bloodtype subsection, (and unlike most of the other subsections of the code) you can't fine-tune this bit of the code with the square brackets. Gender(and the necessary kink factor) Is it really so hard to tell one's gender? Unfortunately, yes... especially if that person is a moonie. Who'd ever have thought "Sailor Sucky" is a male, e.g.? Therefore it's important to state your gender in your moonie code. Write a ":" after the last section of the code and specify your gender by writing one of the following: x You are a female. y You are a male. z Either you don't want to disclose your gender or you're Starlights' relative. And because every existing code describes the "kink factor" of its owner, the moonie code has this one as well.. Add which of the following best describes you: --- Uhmm.. but what does "kinky" mean? -- Just the mere thought you could answer this question makes you blush. (Who knows, you might be Ami's long-lost relative. - There are things you wouldn't do even if the heavens rained marshmallow covered pumpkins. blank Hmm... generally, you're kinky neutral.. but it's possible you might choose some things on the "menu". + You pick and choose what you like, but you will try anything at least once, some things maybe even twice. ++ You'd make Grandpa Hino green with jealousy... You like everything... and we mean everything! +++ Purity tests? You mean, checklists? ? Your kinkiness is your private matter and you aren't going to reveal it.. at least not to everyone. Special, alternative categories which you may add to standard identifier or use instead of it: H You're member of the Hentai Military Forces and Hentai Wars veteran. (Note that it doesn't really tell anything about your kink factor... but by some people can be treated as a hint.) P You're member of the Puritan Military Forces and Hentai Wars veteran. (Note that this category can be even more deceiving than the "H" identifier.) A You're one of the Moderate Aliens. (Which doesn't tell anything at all about your kink factor, but since the Aliens also took part in the Hentai Wars, it was sort of obligatory to include this identifier.) (Note: do not worry if you have not the slightest idea who those Hentai, Puritans and Moderate Aliens are... it's just an injoke, originated from a certain fanfic.) Or yet another method: go to the in the list pick the 500 point quiz, and write your result as the qualifier, along with a "%". Example: A rather squeamish female, member of the Puritan Military Forces would be: x- or... x-P or... xP Example: Someone who scored 13 on the purity quiz (Could there be such ecchi person?) And who doesn't want to disclose their gender, would be: z13% Relationship preference and status Yeah! The last (and arguably the most important) piece of the moonie code. Write a ":" after the last section of the code, then write "r". First, describe the type of relationship you prefer. This part of the code is also widely known as "sex (or slut) factor." Choose, which one of the following describes you best: - You aren't even sure how to spell "monogamy." Minako is your idol, and you'd go with both Hawk's Eye and Tiger's Eye anytime! (Assuming you're girl, that is... I can't think of any SM-related example for men... but hopefully you got the idea.) blank The actual type of relationship is open to negotiation. + You're strictly monogamous. No outside affairs, "just you and me forever" type. Think of Usagi and Mamoru or Michiru and Haruka relationships.. Hmmm... though on second thought, Haruka and Michiru would be rather of the "[+]" type. Now, write a "|" and describe your current relationship status..let people know if they "have a chance". - Either you're already involved in a relationship or not interested in getting involved in one. The point is, you're not "available" and people should get over it. blank You aren't desperate enough to actively look for someone.. but with the right person.. who knows? It's all open to negotiation. + Yes, you're "available".(and the crowd goes wild.) (Note: please, try to refrain from overdoing here.. i know it's tempting to put numerous '-' or '+', but honestly, most of the time a simple "no" has much more effect than "No, no, never. I'd never ever never betray my partner, even if you got all over me wearing nothing but black leather collar... which is a rough translation of '++++|----' in this bit of code.) Conclusion That's all! If everything went well, you'd now be a proud owner of your personal moonie code. (Though it's hard to believe anyone would be patient enough to read through this whole text.) Anyway, i hope you had at least half of the fun i'd had writing this.. and if you have any suggestions how to improve the moonie code, make sure to write to T.W.E.P. at . Tolaris mooniecode[1.12.05] SM:5+ F:vM9+[+]Sf+:pSCl D:sNe-Ta-:vEs X:**[*]:a197s|1d:m17s O:?d+:s[+]:o:a[+]:h+[+]:x P:a24:s6:w:f[+]:eGrBGz:hBrD:t[-]:cWh:bB+:*Li:yH?:r+|- Two Women Escaping in a Phonebooth mooniecode[1.12.25] SM:5m- F:sUr++Pl>++:vAlLe:pS[+]Gx X:***:a[R2]mRSmSSSmSSAm*s++|Cl[R]d:m49r++|1s O:d---:s+:?o:a+:h+:x? P:a++:s:w:f:eB:hBl+:t-:cWh:*Cn:x+:r+|+ Credits The Moonie Code (a classification system for Sailor Moon fans) created on Jul 15, 1997 [v 0.7.15] by Tolaris As of July 2000, version: 1.12.25 and later made by Two Women Escaping in a Phonebooth Suggestions: (In order they've been made) Nicole M Beguesse, Starmage, Aluminum Siren, Master Mitch, Rebo1234, Stephan Hyeonjun Stiller, TheSchindelbeck5, Thursday, Sailor Zebra, Phoenix, Schobronics, Jason Tucker, James Helferty, Neolexor, K.L.Grove, Sniper Z, Stephen Congly, and *-Gally-*.