Title: Sailor Moon - Horoskop & Games
Genre: mini games collection
Company: Egmont Interactive GmbH
Release date: 03/31/2000
Platform: Windows
This game comprise several mini games. As far as I know,
it was never officially released outside of Germany, so it
is available only in German language. The correct game title
is "Horoskop & Games" and not "Horoscope & Games". This game is one out of three licensed Sailor
Moon games,
released not by Japanese companies. It was developed and
released in Germany by a German company
EgmontInteractive GmbH
Puzzle mini-game |
Controlling Luna, you'll have to
push boxes until they are placed at their
destination places. |
Tetris-style mini game |
Calendar - here you can view
birthday dates of famous people, add and remove your
own entries. |
Gallery - here you can view covers
of German Sailor Moon magazine with brief
description. |
Horoscope itself |
Click here to view (or click with right mouse
button and select "save target as...") a scan of the
game advertisement (511 KB) (5.85 MB) - download zip archive
with scans of the game manual + CD box |
The CD image was made and uploaded by
SMHOROSCOPE.part01.rar (39 MB)
SMHOROSCOPE.part02.rar (39 MB)
SMHOROSCOPE.part03.rar (35 MB)
Instructions: after downloading all parts and
unpacking them with WinRAR burn CD image to an actual CD or
mount image using a virtual CD drive (using, for instance,
Daemon Tools). Run the setup from a CD drive (burned CD, or
virtual CD). Your CD must be in the same CD drive when
launching the game.
Note: if you are using Windows XP, the game may
crash while starting Horoscope mini game. This compatibility
issue is to be explored as yet.
Title: Sailor Moon - Druck und
Genre: n/a
Company: Egmont Interactive GmbH
Release date: n/a
Platform: Windows
Sailor Moon - Druck und
Screensaver-studio CD was also released by in
Germany only by Egmont Interactive GmbH.
This is not a game, but a program for creating
Sailor Moon screensavers and (presumably) preparing
Sailor Moon posters for printing.
All info about this CD and downloads are thanks to Andreani Xavier. |
Download demo-version of CD (26.56 MB)
(full version is below)
Download scanned manual (6.62 MB)
egmont-screensaver-scans.zipDownload scanned box (1.86 MB)
CD Image:
ScreenSaverUnprotected.part01.rar (40.0 MB)
ScreenSaverUnprotected.part02.rar (40.0 MB)
ScreenSaverUnprotected.part03.rar (40.0 MB)
ScreenSaverUnprotected.part04.rar (40.0 MB)
ScreenSaverUnprotected.part05.rar (40.0 MB)
ScreenSaverUnprotected.part06.rar (9.70 MB)
Instructions: after downloading all parts and
unpacking them with WinRAR burn CD image to an actual
CD or mount image using a virtual CD drive (using, for
instance, Daemon Tools). Run the setup from a CD
drive (burned CD, or virtual CD). Your CD must be in the same
CD drive when launching the game.