Title: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Genre: mini games collection
Company: Banpresto
Release date: 11/25/1994
Platform: PC-Engine
At the game's start a player will be offered a choice
between Sailormoon, Sailorvenus, Sailormars, Sailorjupiter,
Sailormercury and Chibiusa. The first five offer you to play
mini games with them. Choosing Chibiusa, you will be able to
review all animated images collected during the game.
Well, I can't say much
about the mini game with Sailormoon. She
talks a lot and shows you little red and
white flags.
Sailormercury offers you
to play a quiz.
Playing with Sailormars,
you'll have to remember dress sequences,
that become longer and longer each time.
Paper, rock and scissors,
and the winner will perform a special
attack. |
The mini game with
Sailor Jupiter is quite funny. After choosing
your opponent, both of you mount on a little
The game's goal is
to punch your opponent with your senshi's hips, causing other senshi to
loose her balance. If your movements were
successful, you'll be a winner and your
opponent - on the ground. |
The best place to buy the game is probably
ebay. That's where I have
got my copy of the game and where from I encourage everyone
to buy it.