Sailor-Vhoorl. July 01, 2010.

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1. Part I

2. Part II

3. Part III

4. Part IV

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Written by: Sailor-Vhoorl (aka Andrew, aka Donavon, aka Smith, aka I lie about my name a lot)
Dedicated to: All of the Moonies who gave their lives to make this guide possible.

Hello, fellow Moonies (or Moonatics, if you want to be difficult)! Welcome to the official Moon Child Walkthrough! As you know, this is a game that a lot of people have trouble traversing, but as to why, no one knows. But enough about that, let us begin!

Prologue: The Quest for Sailor Mercury.
Area: The Moon Kingdom

And thus the game begins, with Queen Serenity telling Princess Serenity (who is not Usagi) that Mercury is looking for her. Well, once she finishes talking, enter the door to the castle, as there is nothing to do outside. Upon entering the castle, you'll notice a staircase flanked by two doors. For now, they are both useless, as the door to the left contains the kitchen/dining room, and the door to Senshi training room (which is empty).

Anyway, you can go up the staircase to talk to Queen Serenity (pointless), but right now you'll want to take the door on the far-back wall to go to a hallway containing doors marked by the Moon and Mercury symbols. Go inside the one marked with the moon symbol and talk to Luna, who tells Serenity that Mercury is in Mars room. Exit the room and go right down the hallway and go right (not down) into the next area, containing the Mars and Jupiter doors. Well, Luna said she was in Mars room, so enter the door to see that she is, in fact, not there. Talk to Mars who, after Serenity and her finish their argument, to find out she is in Jupiter's room. Inside of Jupiter's room, talk to Jupiter to find out she baked cookies for Serenity! Yay! Oh, and Mercury is actually in Venus's room. After leaving the room, continue going to the right and go into the newest area with Venus's and Queen Serenity's rooms. Enter Venus's door and talk to Venus, while ignoring Artemis, as he doesn't have much to say. After discovering that Mercury is not here either, and that the cover model for Venus's magazine is bringing sexy back, go back to Mercury's room. Surprise surprise, it turns out Mercury was in her own room all along!

(NOTICE: You have to talk to the other princess's to get Mercury to show up in her room (obviously).)

Talking to Mercury, she'll tell Serenity that her test results came back positive! Now, forget about that, because it won't become important again until the end of the game. I'm not joking. But suddenly, a flash of light interrupts them! Serenity will run outside, noticing the Senshi and a big crystal. Move on a step, and Queen Serenity will take the crystal away and tell the Senshi to go to the meeting hall. After discovering that the Queen wants NO ONE to know about the crystal, she dismisses the Senshi to talk to Luna. Try to exit and the Queen asks Serenity if she is worried about Queen Beryl, but then you end up back in Serenity's room. Exit her room and go to the door flanking the right of the staircase to interrogate the cats. Talk to the cats (and the other Senshi if you want) to discover that Serenity should instead just talk to the Queen to find out about the crystal. Exit the room and go up the stairs, then proceed to the meeting hall. Talk to the Queen about the crystal, but the discussion on the crystal is soon axed by the sounds of an earthquake and the screen shaking. The Queen tells Serenity to go back into the training room (the room right of the stairs) and says she should hide. Venus will come running up to Serenity to ask what caused the earthquake (or possibly moonquake). Once the screen stops seizuring, Serenity says she is scared, but Venus comforts her, saying that the Senshi will keep her safe.

As the screen flashes again, you'll see...Ikuko telling Usagi to get ready for school?

Scene 1: Get to School Usagi, for Everlasting Peace!
Area: Usagifs House

Once you gain control of Usagi, exit her room. Ignore the other two doors in the room, and go down the stairs. Once downstairs, walk out the front door, ignoring everything else (ESPECIALLY the teddy bear).

Outside the house, walk to the right and then head up on the crossroad. Enter the next part of Juuban and walk up to the find that it is locked. Go back home, but feel free to talk to the strange cat if you like. Reaching Usagi's house, Usagi tells Ikuko that the school is closed, so she sends Usagi to her room to study (o rly?). Head up to her room to see that strange cat again. After Usagi gets scratched, she falls asleep.

After her nap, go back to the school where Usagi runs right into What's-His-Face. As they finish arguing, continue onwards to the school and then talk to Umino. After begging for lunch (and failing), head to the left into the forest to get Naru's lunch. Keep going on upwards into the woods to find Naru, but of course, she's not here (I have a feeling this will be a running theme in this game). On the bright side, there's a giant crystal here! Touch it and, after Naru tells you not to do so, Usagi will be transported in a dark cave. Keep heading right and, ignoring common sense, talk to the not-at-all evil Jadeite. He tells Usagi to leave this kingdom (this cave is a pretty lousy kingdom) and then has Lady Pearl attack her! Oh snaps, he is evil!

As Usagi is apprehended, the strange cat tells Usagi to wake up and she transforms into Sailor Moon! Boss time!

Boss: Lady Pearl
Recommended Level: HA!
EXP: 25
Gold: 50
Use Moon Tiara Action. Once. Fight over.

Oddly, after vanquishing that, oh, lets call it a Youma, Sailor Moon will notice that Jadeite and the black cat have left. Also oddly, a huge switch will have appeared behind her. Walk on it. Oooh, shiny! Step on the white circle and, after pressing the action button, Usagi will be transported to the forest.

Scene 2: In the name of the Moon, I'll kill countless scores of natural wildlife!
Area: Mysterious (actually Osaku) Forest, Osaku City
Enemies: Harmless Lizards (EXP: 8, Gold: 7), Not-So-Harmless Centipede (EXP: 7, Gold: 9)

Search through the trees to the south of her to find a treasure chest with 50 gold! Then, follow the path, ignoring the healing fountain as it has been dummied out (;_;), and keep going along until you reach the next area. Continue to follow the path to the left and then upwards until a lady and her two birds stop you from continuing on. Talk to her to discover she won't let Sailor Moon past until she finds her necklace (...). Cut through the trees while heading southeast instead of following the path, and you'll eventually reach a treasure chest with a necklace next to it and a healing fountain (which will be used for level grinding)! Inside the chest is a bracelet (equip), and after opening it, run back to the bird lady. Once this pointless side quest is over, continue onward to the next area!

Oh yeah! Treasure chests! And that cat. Open all three of them up for two potions and a perfume, then talk to the cat. Apparently, the cat can talk back (well, it did say meow...), and Usagi will discover that she is in Osaku Forest (for some reason). Upon further discovering it's been fourteen years since the cat and Usagi saw each other do to a disaster that wrecked the world fourteen years ago. Ah huh. Once Luna shuts up, head northwest to Osaku city! Usagi de-transforms and Luna runs off to the church.

Well, while she's gone, feel free to go to the item/weapon shop and talk to the townsfolk. Inside the item/weapon shop, buy a Golden Tiara for Usagi (don't bother with the white dress), and then sell her old stuff. As for items, just get what you need, as monsters can be incredibly stingy with gold. Ignoring the staircase (as it does nothing), leave the item shop. South of the inn, talk to the sad girl. Sad girl is sad because her mommy's fish are missing (another fetch quest already?). Well, good-ole Usagi is always up for doing other people's work, so walk right to the next area. Continue going right until reaching a crossroad, and then head down. Pick up the fish on the side of the road, and then take them back to the little girl to receive a White Dress! Now with that out of the way, go back to where you found the fish and then continue down the path to the next area of town. Go right to the church area, and then go inside.

However, it seems Luna only wanted to stare at the alter, so she tells Usagi that they need to head back to Juuban before Ikuko starts worrying. Go back to the entrance of town, and give into the urge to take the path going downward. Sadly, you can't get that chest quite yet, so go downwards into Sendai Cave.

Area: Sendai Cave
Enemies: Cureney (EXP: 15, Gold: 10), Annoying Wolfmen who come in threes (EXP: 12, Gold: 9) Manikin (EXP: 11, Gold: 3),

Spacey! If you want, take Luna's advice and go back to the forest to kill wildlife, but the monsters here give much more experience (just...remember to save between battles). Go right through the cave until you reach a switch. Push it; you know you want to (now you can get the chest outside with the seed of strength in it)! Anyway, continue up and to the left. Ignore the two guards for now, and go left to the next area. Follow the path until you see a robed figure passed out on the ground. Sadly, we can't give him salt water, so continue past him (not forgetting the chest with a perfume in it), and then head right. Keep heading down, and eventually you'll come across another healing fountain! Once you get some water out, save. Seriously, save. Now, take the water back to the man, and he'll be right as rain; hefll even give Usagi a potion!

Usagi asks him what he was doing in the cave, and he tells her that he was building a path to make cave travel easier, because he's just that nice. However, another robed man came by and sucker punched (for some reason), so thus he has been knocked out. After some more chatting about this mysterious guy who we will never see again, A BIG FRAKKING MONSTER will bum rush Usagi!

Boss: Ubel
Recommended Level: 4 - 6
Attacks: Death Grip
EXP: 75
Gold: 100
Items: Antidote
Easily a step up from the previous boss, by which I mean it takes four Moon Tiara Actions to kill him. However, he can kill you in four hits as well. Keep an eye on Usagi's HP meter and use a potion if things look bleak.

After the battle, the poor old guy fainted again. Luna gives Usagi a healing skill and the Moon Stick (equip it) to heal the old guy. She uses Moon Healing Escalation and, after transforming back to normal, is thanked once again by the old guy. After being teleported to the exit (well, guided, but...), head towards the light.

Area: Juuban Lake.
Enemies: Nukpana (EXP: 15, Gold: 16), Bakene (EXP:18, Gold:11)

After admiring the wildlife (as it won't try to kill you this time), head up to the next area. Keep heading up, ignoring the broken bridge (aka, wild dogs). Head north again to see another treasure chest! And a treasure chest with teeth! Open it!...uh oh.

Mini-Boss: Sidero
EXp: 35
Gold: 0 (cheapskate)
Use Moon Tiara Action. Once. He may hit you, but he deals low damage.

Open the chest to get a potion, and then head back down to the path. Keep going to the left until you see a box and large glowy circle blocked off by flowers. Remember this place. Now, continue past the sign to the Hikawa Shrine! But, we're going to ignore it, so keep going left to the next area. Now, head on up and you'll be back in Juuban! Luna leaves the party (again), so go up one area and then left to get back to Usagi's house. After a scene of domestic abuse, Usagi learns Naru never came home, so go up the stairs to ask Shingo for help, so go to his room and talk to him. After learning that she is at the arcade, leave the house and follow the path to reach the next area. Check the building past the inn (thatfs the arcade) to find that the door is locked. So, go into the item shop and find that, of course, Motoki is here. Well, what do you know? Motoki doesn't know where Naru is (grrr). After his vague mention about a crystal, you'd think you would have to go back to the forest, but instead, walk over to the right and walk into the house that is NOT the weapon shop, as it has no useful items in it.

Walking inside the jewelry shop, you'll see a hideous monster! Wait, that's just Mayumi's portrait; brr, she looks badly drawn. Any who, she is being threatened by a Youma, so you know what time it is.

Boss: Chizu
Recomended Level: 4 - 7
Attacks: Death Grip
EXP: 150
Gold: 100
Item: High Potion
Like Ubel, she can be dangerous, but she dies extremely quickly. Just keep Usagi's health up, and you'll do fine.

Once Chizu gets moon-dusted, Mayumi tells Sailor Moon that Naru is at the forest next to school. Now, head over there to find Naru. Naru tells Sailor Moon to stay back, but calms down when she learns that she does not want the crystal. Sailor Moon says Naru should go home, but Naru, being the Negaverse Battery she is, knows a McGuffin when she sees one, so she wants to stay and protect the crystal. But, Jadeite shows up demanding it!

Sailor Moon tells him to back off, and then gets owned in, like, three seconds. Jadeite teleports away with Naru and the crystal in tow, and then things go dark...where Jadeite appears in a room, announcing to a mysterious robed figure (I'm pretty sure he isn't the guy from earlier) that he captured Naru and retrieved the Crystal. the stranger, who we can see under his hood is actually Hiei, asks where the girl is. Jadeite tells Hiei that the girl is under lock and key, and then Queen Beryl comes in asking about the crystal. She then insults Jadeite for, um, nothing at all, and tells Kuro (okay, so he isn't Hiei. Must be a part time cos-player) to tell Jadeite what the heck he is supposed to be doing.

Intermission 1: This is a sneaking mission, Naru...
Area: Dark Kingdom

Naru begins wondering if she can get out of this cell, so go behind the big crate to push a switch. The cell door opens! Leave the room and then head up. Now, go left to get some exposition from Jadeite and Hie- Kuro, sorry. Jadeite learns he is supposed to be collecting energy, and then asks Not!Hiei what to do with the girls. Kuro puts on his angry face and then leaves the room after being a meany pants. Go back out the way you came, and then go down. Head right and then follow the path to the left to find Ami's cell.

After some useless chit-chat (and Ami showing how highly she thinks of Usagi), Ami tells Naru to go look for her computer. Go back to where Jadeite and Kuro the cos-player exposition at each other and enter the room Kuro went in. Step on the glass plate, and after examining it, Naru will be teleported to the treasure chest. Open it for Ami's computer, and then use the teleporter again. Le gasp! Kuro has spotted Naru! But enough about that, let's go back to the plot.

Scene 3: Oh no! Not a Water Temple!
Area: Juuban Forest

Usagi lies passed out on the ground with Luna by her side. After waking her up, Usagi asks where Naru is. Luna says "she's gone," and informs her that Jadeite is really powerful. After more pleasantries, Usagi goes home for a nap. Sadly, it's not a very good nap, but Luna tells her to go to school. Head to the school and save before entering. Inside, a group of kids had there energy drained by Jadeite! He starts to drain some hapless bystanders energy, but Usagi informs him he is about to be punished in the name of the Moon! Jadite, however, tells her that she is absolutely no match for him, so instead of making sure Sailor Moon is killed, he sends a Youma after her and leaves.

Boss: Kenes
Recommended Level: 6 - 8
Attacks: Death Grip (Yes, lots of bosses have this)
EXP: 150
Gold: 100
Items: Potion
In an impressive defiance of the Sorting Algorithm of Evil, Kenes is even weaker than the last boss. You don't even need to heal, just spam Moon Tiara Action.

After knocking Kenes senseless, Usagi learns that Jadeite is going to the Water Temple. Leave the school and go back to Usagi's room to find Luna. Usagi tells Luna what happened and where Jadeite is going. Now, after listening to Luna and going to the item shop, save your game before talking to Umino (who is in front of the item shop). Hefll say that he has dropped Narufs lunch and needs help finding it! Mini-game time! Find all of the apples in 30 seconds (easy to do), you will get five stat boosts AND the Special Body Armor (which is stupidly powerful)!

Now, return to Sendai Cave. Remember those guards who wouldn't let you pass by? Well, you still can't go by. After talking to them, Usagi learns that she should go to the church in Osaku City. Remember where the church is in Osaku City? It's right up there in the walkthrough.

After reaching the church, talk to the Bishop, who is actually the man Usagi helped in Sendai cave, fancy that! Well, Usagi asks if she could have the Bishop's robe, but Luna reminds her to ask permission to get into the water temple. After getting the Bishop's permission, return to the guards in Sendai Cave. After getting past the guards, keep heading down, but remember to open those two chests (high potion, perfume)! Go up the stairs, and enter the Water Temple (even though you really don't want to).

Area: Water Temple
Enemies: Diomedes (EXP: 20, Gold: 10), Daecida (EXP: 25, Gold: 10), Div (EXP: 17, Gold: 10)

Head up, and then keep going up to the next area. Sadly, the teleporters aren't activated at the moment, so just head left. Save your game, and then fight the massive brute you see guarding the switch!

Mini-Boss: Div seems it's just a normal enemy. Moon Tiara Action!

Once that's out of the way, press the switch and use the teleporter, then go up to the next area. Make note of the healing fountain for grinding purposes, and then go left. Open the treasure chest to get a perfume. Take the right path next to the healing fountain and open the other chest to get a high potion. Continue going right to open yet another chest, but this one has a door key! Go open the locked door near the fountain. Oh, another monster. It's probably no threat at all.

Mini-Boss: Ritah
Attacks: Ice Toss, Death Grip
EXP: 150
Gold: 100
Well, it has a lot of health, at least. But, four Moon Tiara Actions and it will be done for.

Another one bites the dust, and one of the people trapped behind the ice calls for help. Walk forward for more nonsense from Luna and Usagi, the prisoners give us more exposition. Once everyone shuts up, open the obvious treasure chest for blue gloves (Usagi can no have blue gloves...). Take the path to the right and step on the blue switch. Enter the newly opened door and save before opening the chest in this new room; it's a trap!

Mini-Bosses: Nabu and Nergal, the Water Soul Sisters!
Attacks: Ice Toss
EXP: 350
Gold: 100
The dynamic duo here are easy, but keep Usagi's HP up. And spam Moon Tiara Action.

After that...confusing cameo, open the chest to get the jail key. Next, head up the stairs to open the next chest for, you guessed it, another jail key! Go back down the stairs and go to where the Mandora's were kept. Although those Mercury symbols practically scream "Step on me!", resist the urge and now take the path going to the left. Head up at the crossroad to reach a zig-zagging area. Open up both the chests here to get a jail key and blue bow (Usagi can't equip this either...), and go back to the prison area. Now, step on those symbols; you earned it! Once all of them are free, go to the healing fountain room. After healing, hang a left and step on the new Mercury symbol. Wow, so they can teleport people! Why didn't they teleport each other out of the cells, you ask? Because! Now, go left and then keep walking up to see Jadeite menacing Ami. After Jadeite warns Ami not to scream because it could wake the giant monster, he starts beating her. Sailor Moon, after bravely saving her game, tells Jadeite to cut the crap, yet, Jadeite once again informs her that she is too weak to defeat him before bravely running away and letting the monster attack her.

Boss: Matchitehew (gesundheit)
Recommended Level: 10 - 12
Attacks: Ice Burst, Death Grip
EXP: 400
Gold: 150
Items: Seed of Strength
Just spam Moon Tiara Action until it dies; the early bosses in this game really arenft threatening.

After saving Ami, she thanks Sailor Moon. But, suddenly, Matchitehew! As Sailor Moon prepares to finish it off, Ami transforms into Sailor Mercury and steals her kill (and that's terrible). Luna then mentions that Mercury has reawakened, or something. Gee, I wish there was a sneaking mission.

Intermission 2: We managed to avoid drowning!
Area: Dark Kingdom

Back to Naru talking to herself as she has gone completely insane, go back behind the magic tall box to open the cell door. Exit the room and then head north-wards! Keep going north until you see Jadeite talking to Queen Beryl. he mentions that he has gathered a lot of energy, but the Queen doesn't give a damn. She then asked what happened to Ami, and Jadeite says the dragon probably disposed of her. Queen Beryl is not sure, but Jadeite is pretty insistent that she's dead. She then tells Jadeite to kill Ami and Sailor Moon, and collect energy, but then she notices Naru out of her cell!

Scene 4: The one where Jadeite gets his face wrecked.
Area: Water Temple

Sailor Moon begins geeking out because Ami is a Senshi! (Sailor Mercury joins the Party!). Now, go to the status menu and equip her with the blue bow and blue gloves; then, exit the Water Temple (glad that's over; nothing good ever comes of water temples), and Ami thanks Usagi again for saving her. Usagi and Luna discover that Naru is still alive, or possibly was, and after more talking down to Usagi, Luna says they need to find the other Senshi, and the first place they are going to look is the Volcano north of the Hikawa Shrine....this can't possibly end well.

Once Luna stops yapping, take the north exit of Sendai cave and return to the Hikawa Shrine. Head up the shrine steps and then go around the right side of the building to find an entrance northwards. Keep going up and you'll soon reach Sapporo City. Go up into the building and out the other end. Walk past the inn and...key shop, and go into the weapon shop to buy a Water Tiara for Mercury (don't get the Red Gloves, no one in this Party likes red, anyway). After buying the Tiara (and stocking up on items if you need them), go into the key shop. Since the clerk is being difficult, talk to the black haired woman instead. She offers the two Senshi a deal of being her body guards in exchange for helping them getting inside the Volcano...this plan is stupid. Once the conversation ends with What's-Her-Face in tow, go back to the Hikawa shrine to talk to the creepy old guy. But, Jadeite is here whining at him for something.

Rei runs off, conveniently allowing Usagi and Ami time to transform. Go down, where Sailor Moon lets Jadeite know that she is once again sick of his pointlessness. Rei says the same thing, and gets knocked out for her trouble. Suddenly, before he can drain anyone's energy, Tuxedo Kamen throws a rose at him, proving absolutely nothing, but still annoying Jadeite. In fact, Jadeite is so annoyed, he tells Birsha to kill them.

Mini-Boss: Birsha
Attacks: Death Grip, Fire Ball
EXP: 350
Gold: 100
Birsha has two problems: 1. This is a two-on-one fight and 2. he just doesn't have the attack power to stand for himself.

After he falls (and Jadeite runs away (bravely runs away away)), the old guy invites the girls inside to see Rei. Enter the shrine and head right, then ask Rei how she is. After some creepiness, the girls discover they need explosives from Kitakyushu (mouthful, that is) to get into the Volcano. Since they all have a death wish, go in front of Usagi's house and head left. Oh, sweet treasure chest, one day you shall be ours. Any who, take the path to the north and go into train station B. After a thrilling train ride, exit the building and go down to the next area.

Isn't that lively music? Follow the path and then head upwards. Keep going up until you see a bunch of houses. Now, continue going up and then take the path to the left. Go up and talk to the red haired woman, to discover Mr. Flaming (that really is his name) isn't here. Oh boy! Another search for someone sequence! Keep going left until the fence stops you from leaving town, and then go into the house that the brown haired woman is walking in front of. Talk to Mr. Fabulous, and then he goes to unlock the gate to the store. Go over to the bomb shop (after buying supplies and going into the weapon shop, of course), and head inside. Oh noes, thieves stole the bombs! Go through the door to the north to find- oh no. Not a maze segment...

Area: Forest Maze of Despair and Sorrow
Enemies: Cho (EP: 30, Gold: 14), Toro (EXP: 10, Gold: 3), Aiko (EXP: 25, Gold: 9)

Now, get out your notes and- oh...the sign gives you the solution. Well, take the up path, the left path, the left path again, the down path, and finally the right path, and then you will find an area with two treasure chests! Open the chest on the right first for a pair of Dust Boots (equip to Ami), and then the one on the left for a bag of bombs! W00t! After being teleported back to the bomb shop, you will be allowed to keep a few of the bombs. However, you have to deliver a letter to Sapporo City. Now, go back to the train station to reach Juuban. Once you reach the crossroad, go down to the Hikawa Shrine and head upwards to Sapporo City. Continue up then go through the red gate. Rei takes out years of anger by blowing up the rocks, allowing the group to press onwards.

Now, go inside the cave and head left and then downwards. After doing so, pull the switch to cause a large amount of shaking. Go back to the entrance to see the rock moved out of the way, but first, go right and then down. Pull the new switch to spawn a chest with a rare candy inside. Huh. Pressing through the new path, the girls will now be inside the Volcano. Keep moving forward (by pretending that scarecrow does not exist, and you'll reach a fenced in area. And then, to no one's surprise, Jadeite comes by and kidnaps Rei. But, hey, at least the fence opened! Now, to go into the Volcano proper!

Area: Volcano
Enemies: Nariko (EXP: 37, Gold: 11), Akeno, who spams Heal like a jackass (EXP: 27, Gold: 11), Kalb (EXP: 24, Gold: 11), Kano (EXP: 32, Gold: 11)

Step on the only switch and then stand on the black hole. Now, go right and activate the teleporter, and then get the chest (high potion) before continuing right. Head down the path and open the chest for a high potion in the next area. However, ignore the teleporter for now and go back up the path. Once you reach a room with a chest and two paths going up, open the chest (contains a high potion) and then take the up-path to the right. Examine the crystal rod, and then a teleporter will spawn at the entrance (in case you need to stock up on supplies). Go back to the previous area and take the left path going up to find a chest with a key! Go back down three screens and then examine the crystal rod teleporter. Head right and open the new door and then head downwards.

Step on the Mars symbols and head down. Follow the path downward towards the treasure chest and fight the mini-boss.

Mini-Boss: Kano the Youngest
...use Shabon Spray. Usagi might need to attack it. Once.

Once that's out of the way, get the door key out of the chest and continue back up to the Mars Symbols. Now, that the path to the right of the Mars symbol down. Oh, teleporter maze! Take the right one and then just keep going down till you get to the chest. Open it for a door key and go back up through the teleporters. Now, head to the right to see an entrance to the next area. Take the bottom looping path and then take the second upward looping path. Now, take the third bottom looping path and continue onwards to the right. Press both of the switches here and upon the chest for the third door key. For a quick way to get back, violate common sense and step on the lava crack.

Once out of there, continue upwards (around the lava pool, of course) to the next area. Use a door key and open the chest for a high potion. Follow the path upwards and use another door key. After using another door key to move on and you'll be in a room with two teleporter crystals. Take the left one and keep taking the next on to see a cave in front of you. Walk inside it to find a treasure chest all by it's lonesome. Open it for- oh, not again!

Mini-Boss: Nabu and Nergal, the Fire Soul Sisters!
Attacks: Firewall, Heal (...), Toxic Gas
EXP: 500
Gold: 250
Learning from their mistake last time, it seems they have done some level grinding of their own. Also unlike last time, they now deal a LARGE amount of damage per hit and, just to add insult to injury, heal themselves. Have Sailor Moon and Sailor Mercury use their respective special attacks, but have Sailor Moon use a perfume on Sailor Mercury whenever her SP gets low as she does more damage. Oh, and there is a Kalb helping them, but, well...

After healing, open the chest for the boss key, and then take the teleporters back to where you started. Now, take the right teleporter to end up on a small island with seven teleporters. Take the second teleporter to get to the big island. Now, flip the switch and then warp to the small island to step on a switch. Go back to the big island and then go the left of the cave to find a light circle. Step on it to be transported to the roof and step on the switch. Now, go inside the cave and open the two chests for a high potion and a perfume before going through the door (SAVE FIRST!).

And, once again to no one's surprise, Jadeite is beating the crap out of Rei. Once again, Sailor Moon tells Jadeite to stop being a dick. Also, Jadeite once again tells Sailor Moon he is, like, a bajillion times stronger than her and could kill her in an instant. Predictably, he has his Youma attack them. Stick to the formula, people.

Boss: Roka
Level Recommended: 14 - 15
Attacks: Death Grip, Fire Ball, Fire Wall
EXP: 750
Gold: 500
Once again, this boss isn't too terribly tough, but it has LOADS of HP. However, be careful if it decides to spam Firewall multiple turns in a row.

Jadeite is shocked, shocked!, that the Senshi managed to kill Roka. As he finally decides to do something for once and kill them, Rei turns into Sailor Mars. Which makes the next battle even more one-sided...

Boss: Jadeite
Level Reccomended: You should be fine
Attacks: Death Grip, Fire Ball
EXP: 750
Gold: 500
Well, this is just sad. He takes a lot of punishment, but does such low amount of damage you almost wonder why he even bothers.

Jadeite, finding losing to a bunch of girls to be completely pathetic, runs off. To no one's surprise. I can't take this...

Intermission 3: Naru, you're a lousy spy!
Area: Dark Kingdom

Naru continues talking to herself in the vain hope of staying sane, but then Ami's computer (you know, from earlier) makes a noise, stating it wants a disk. Naru, having nothing better to do than make friends with the singing potatos, decides to find one. Open up the cell, and then leave. Take the path upward, and you'll see an envelope. Pick it up to get a disk, and Naru will say she heard yelling from the main room (but chances are, she is just making it up). Just in case; it's alternate branching time!

Intermission 3a: Pella is almost as annoying as random encounters in this game. Almost.

Head back down to the three-way crossroad, and then go right. Take the path to the bottom left, and you'll meet Pella. After insulting Naru's name, Naru says she is going to get a key to get in the hole in Pella's cell. However, Pella reveals that the door is not locked, the door. After going in the whole, Naru will appear in a winding cave. Follow it to the next area and keep pressing onwards. Unfortunately, Naru can't swim in this game, so she can't get to the obvious exit. Go right to the next area to find a chest (with a seed of HP inside) and a staircase. Go down the staircase to see a Giant Cave Troll. Thankfully, it's asleep, so Pella shouts as loudly as possible to wake it up. Before Naru is put out of her insanity, Nephrite teleports in to stop the monster. After the brief "Nephrite has the hots for Naru!" moment, Kuro teleports in, but he left his name-tag at home, so he is just going by "Man" and he teleports Naru back to her cell. Hmmm, that seemed strangely optional... Lets go to 3b.

Intermission 3b: "Sailor Brats" sounds far better than "Sailor Twits"

Keep heading up until a cut scene takes over, with Beryl making sure everyone knows that Jadeite's screwing up is "INEXCUSABLE!" (Sadly, it isn't "INCONCEIVABLE," because Jadeite is known for his messing up.) Jadeite eventually admits that his plan was insanely idiotic, and Beryl, no stranger to idiocy herself, blows him to pieces. Then, Nephrite teleports in, saying he is, like, a bajillion times stronger and smarter than Jadeite, and that he will totally kill the "Sailor Twits." (well, he's not much for insults...) And, once again, Beryl notices Naru is out of her cell (maybe she should just, I don't know, put GUARDS outside the door).

Scene 5: Difficulty Spike!
Area: Volcano

Sailor Mercury points out the obvious, and then Luna says that the volcano awakened Sailor Mars just like the Water Temple woke Sailor Mercury up. Sailor Mars mentions that she transformed because she felt a desire to protect Sailor Moon, which is (almost) utter bull. After Sailor Mercury points out the obvious again, Sailor Mars says the last Senshi is Sailor Jupiter. Luna, wanting to know how she knew this, reveals that Jadeite told her for...some reason. After learning Jadeite's next target was a forest (presumably so he could level grind by killing small animals), the Volcano begins to erupt, and NOW everyone says it's time to leave.

Go down the path, take examine this teleporter and the next one, and head down through the door path to the next area. Take the left path out examine the teleporter. Head on up and take the left path to the next area, Examine the last teleporter and continue left jump through the white circle. Now, keep heading down until everyone talks about how close it was. Now, go all the way to the Hikawa Shrine. Head inside and go to the right to start a cut scene that is over before it even begins.

After being left alone with Rei, go all the way to the left and talk with Old Guy. After revealing his sadism, he tells Rei to go find the person he hired. Where is the guy, you ask? Grandpa says, "somewhere in Juuban." (Damn it, Tyler...) However, the guy he hired is in a (kind of) logical place; he's at the train station. Go to the train station to find Yuu-kun, and soon after talking to him, the character changes!

Ami stands in front of the school, talking about how she loves calculus, but she decides to go to the mall to get a beverage. And by go to the mall, she means items shop. Once you get to the Juuban item shop, Ami sees "Guy" (who looks...disturbingly like Shinji) thanking the cashier. As Shinji-look-a-like tries to walk out, he bumps into Ami, apparently not seeing her, and Ami is the one to apologize to him. He decides she doesn't have to apologize and offers her a drink.

After changing characters to Usagi, she complains about how tired she is and Ikuko tells her to get cake mix (from the item shop...or possibly the mall. You just can't tell with this game), which Usagi gladly decides to do. However, on the way to the item shop, she bumps into What's-His-Face, who calls her dumpling head; she, in defense, calls him stupid head (because she is five years-old). In response, he reveals his name to be Mamoru, and says that she is a, well, stupider headed. He then says that her school has a new transfer student that enjoys picking on stupider heads, and Usagi calls him a meanie face.

After that display of...let's be nice and call it "wit", Usagi ends up in her room after waking up, saying how she loves cake. Oh, and she wants to go to the Hikawa Shrine. Once inside, talk to Luna and she'll ask how everyone slept (spoiler, none of them slept well). Luna reveals she still has no idea where Sailor Jupiter or the Dark Kingdom are. After some chit-chat about the new student (I'm sure it's nothing important), everyone heads off to school. Go to the school area and then head inside. If it amuses you, talk to the students standing away from the new student, and, if you will it, actually talk to Makoto. Go through up through the door to hear Umino tell the teacher that Usagi slept in again (with INCREDIBLY dramatic music playing). Fade to black, and Usagi is back outside. Talk to the new student, unless you want to talk to everyone else first, and Usagi will claim that her lunch is delicious! Makoto says that she made the food herself, which impresses Usagi, and then reveals her parents died, which...well, yeah. Makoto then offers to share her lunch with Usagi, and happy times are had by all! (Fade to black.)

Usagi says that the food was, in fact, delicious, and Usagi says the rumors about Makoto beating people up must not of been true. Suddenly, Umino screams for help! After Makoto disappears, go left into the woods and then head up to see Makoto telling some red-haired guy to leave Umino alone. After, um, hitting him, he explodes into nothingness. They back to class, and then, gasp, Nephrite!

After another fade to black, Usagi ends up in front of the school. Talk to Ami and head back over to the Hikawa Shrine. Talk to Luna to discover that a place in Osaku Forest has been blocked off by guards. Ami, who is strangely invisible, says that Osaku forest is a friendly place. Luna says thatfs why they need to go to the forest and investigate.

Well, exit the shrine, go down the steps, and then head left to Juuban lake. Follow the path downwards until you end up again in Sendai cave. Go all the way back to the entrance of the cave, and then head on up to Osaku City. Next, go left and exit the place to get back to Osaku forest. Follow the path downwards until you reach the healing fountain that can't be used (*sniffle*). Go down and take the path in the trees and follow it. Keep heading left until the guard says you need the Bishop's permission to enter the woods (...Damn it, Tyler). Go all the way back to Osaku City's temple and head inside. Talk to the Bishop, who is glad to see Usagi again, who is in turn glad to see him. He also greets her friends before asking why they have come here. After learning they want inside the forest, he gives them his written permission, and reveals that there are monsters in there that are much less harmless than the Not-So-Harmless centipedes. Now, go all the way back to that guard, and, after telling him to stuff it, walk to the new area.

Area: Osaku Forest, except deadlier
Enemies: Ringi (EXP: 57, Gold: 15), Mitsu (EXP: 55, Gold: 9)

Take the path going upwards and, upon reaching the next area, take the path going to the right. At the end of it, step on the teleporter to end up at the Juuban train station (oh, treasure chest, we meet at last)! Opon it up for a pair of Thick Red Gloves and step back on the teleporter. Now, keep following the path upwards until you see Nephrite talking to giant, monstrous dragonflies. He tells them to throw any intruders into the pit ("Not into the pit! It burns!"), and then he notices the Senshi! Showing that he is even stronger and smarter than Jadeite, he used Jadeite's exact same tactics by running away and having the Youma attack the Senshi.

Mini-Boss: Ebisu, Ebisu, Ebisu
Attacks: Lightening Bolt, Lightening Strike, Electric Bang
EXP: 501
Gold: 105
Items: High Potion
Well, there are three of them, and three Senshi, so you may think it would be best to spread out attacks. Thatc will probably end in a dead party. Inside, concentrate on just one of them at a time. Also, like the rest of the enemies in the area, their attacks HURT (especially to Ami). Due to this, make sure Usagi heals anyone who goes below half-health. Keep the pressure on, and you'll soon win.

Once the battle is over, Luna realizes Nephrite must be from the Dark Kingdom and Usagi wonders what happened to Jadeite (because, even though he was a heartless, cowardly excuse for a human-being, he was still a sexy beast). After some talking about the "pit", Luna says it must be close by, so continue following the path. Well, since the door is locked, follow the path up to see Makoto and, um, possibly a blue-haired guy (or girl) surrounded by ominous flowers. Makoto asks if anyone is around, and Usagi runs up to her. Makoto says the flowers are poisonous, and that if you step on them, you'll get hurt. Also, she says Nephrite put her in there, and Ami starts talking about an underground crypt. For some reason, she wants to find the entrance, possibly for a good reason. Welp, go click on the tombstone on the right (the third one on the upper row) and "something" happens. Go all the way up to see a door, and enter it.

Area: The Shadow Temple- er, King's Grave.
Enemies: Hisa (EXP: 68, Gold: 15), Dai (EXP: 51, Gold: 15), Gin (EXP: 57, Gold: 15), Danno (EXP: 48, Gold: 15)

Continue down to the next area, and then head to the right for a new path. Next, take the path going up into the new area and step on the green switch. As is obvious from the sound effects, the water has been drained. Now, go back to the left path and head down the stairs. Ignore the door here and take the right path. Enter the new door and open all of the chests for free equipment. Exit the room and keep heading right to open the treasure chest for a seed of strength. Now, head all the way to the left and enter the first door. You have been saving right? Well, open the chest to get a forest key and to fight Nabu and Ner- WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?

Boss: Kano the Eldest
Level Recommended: 17 - 19
Attacks: Rock Storm (harmless), Death Grip (harmless), Lightening Strike (annoying), its Slap of Doom! (pray it doesn't get a critical), Electric Bang (there goes a third of your health...)
EXP: 750
Gold: 500
Items: Seed of Life (you'll need it...)
This boss has an INSANE amount of health and hits like a goddamn elephant. So, of course, the main strategy is to spam specials until it stops killing your party members. However, if you are not lucky, Sailor Moon will spend a LOT of time on healing duty. Mercifully, half of its attacks deal stupidly low damage, but when it uses it's Physical or Electric attack (which can nearly kill Sailor Mercury!), you'll feel it.

Ignoring Rei's false comment, exit the room and head up the stairs and back out the entrance. Oh no, Makoto is gone (so is blue haired guy/girl, I think)! Usagi asks the man trapped in the pit to tell her where Makoto went. He says to go through the locked door, and now go back to the locked door from earlier, leaving the man in the pit to die a horrible, slow death. After opening the door, follow the path up to the next area. Keep going up and you'll soon find a switch that is just barely visible under a tree. Press it to spawn a teleporter in the last area. Activate it to go to the other teleporter and follow its path to another teleporter, which leads to a dark forest.

Area: Dark Forest
Enemies: Haru (EXP: 58, Gold: 15), Huge Disgusting Blob of Flesh (EXP: 56, Gold: 15), Botan (EXP: 57, Gold: 15), Akemi (EXP:, Gold: 15)

Follow the path upward, ignoring the sadistically placed broken bridge, and you'll soon reach a wide, open area with multiple paths. Take the left one to find a statue of Sailor Jupiter, which caused the flower on the right path to wilt. Take the now flower free right path and open the top chest (has a door key) only (the rest spawn random encounters). Go back the way you came and head upwards to a locked door. Open it and examine the Sailor Jupiter statue. Since you canft step on the shiny, pretty switch yet, take the left path for a puzzle!

Now, the answer is starting from the left-most statue, talk examine it from the same position as the bottom statue in the horizontal row. And so on. Step on the switch and continue right. Now that the statue of Sailor Jupiter is gone, step on the switch and then go through the now open left door. Inside is another puzzle! The puzzle being "Look for an invisible chest" Yeah... Continue up and then search the side of the right-side of the right Jupiter symbol to find a chest (you'll know you've found it when you hit a seemingly invisible wall). After getting the door key out of it, take the right path (don't go through the right locked door just yet). Now, for another puzzle, this one being "Walk around till something happens." Grrr...Anyway, the trigger is two squares south-west from the corner the north-eastern (upper-right) tree, and upon stepping on it, the statue of Jupiter turns into a chest. Open it for a door key and exit the room. Now, go through the previously ignored door and take the first teleport to access a switch to press, and then leave the room as the other teleporters are useless. Since the statue of Jupiter blocked the middle door is gone, unlock it and head up to find Nephrite with Makoto! Sailor Moon tells him to put a stop to his stupidity, but Nephrite will inform her that he is, remember now, better than Jadeite in everyway (except, of course, for that "Sailor Twit" "insult", that was just pathetic). As Nephrite is busy talking, Makoto knocks him out with a single punch (yeah, you sure are strong and intelligent, Nephrite), which makes him so angry he...well, summons a Youma instead of fighting and runs away.

Boss: Kano the Elder
Recommended Level: 17 - 19
Attacks: Rock Storm, Bite, Death Grip, Lightening Strike (ouch), Electric Bang (double ouch!)
EXP: 1500
Gold: 500
Items: Seed of Life
Another boss with stupidly high endurance, but, like his older brother, has the problem in which most of his attacks do low damage, but has one that you do not want him to use. Still, he isn't quite at the level of power of Kano the Eldest, so taking him down is much easier.

Eh, let's go back to Naru.

Intermission 4: Aww, Twue Wuv! (Despite barely knowing each other...)
Area: Dark Kingdom

Luckily, Naru has managed to stave off the urge to chew her hand off by playing games on Ami's computer. Suddenly, it makes a noise! The computer has a message saying to go to Jadeite's room and look through his stuff. Sounds like fun! Open the door and leave the prison area, then head upwards. Next, go right and the downwards to the next area. Head left again and enter the only room not being guarded. Aww, Jadeite had his own little throne! Any who, open the diary for him saying that taking Rei hostage was probably going to be his last mission and, indeed, his last day alive. However, the rest of it is boring "I'm evil and bad and kick puppies!" stuff, which is interrupted when Nephrite enters the room. Naru notices that he is covered in blood (whose blood, I would like to know; it can't be his, because I doubt that just one punch, even from Makoto, is enough to cause it. So, it must of been from some..."interesting" off-duty activities). Naru and Nephrite than have a moment warm and fuzzy feeling moment and we fade to black.

Scene 6: Sailor Moon: The Crystal Shards
Area: Dark Forest

Makoto thanks the Senshi for saving her, which they treat as no big deal. As Sailor Moon tries to leave, she is attacked by a mushroom and Makoto tranforms into Sailor Jupiter and blasts it with a lightening bolt. Of course, no big deal is made of this either and Luna tells them Sailor Venus is in London. Once everyone shuts up, leave the Dark Forest via teleporter and follow the path to the next teleporter. Use it and continue ever onwards to the grave yard. use the new teleporter to go back to Juuban.

(Notice: the guy in the pit is gone, dead and possibly eaten. Way to go, Senshi.)

Once inside the Hikawa Shrine, another meeting takes place between the Senshi. Makoto says the Nephrite is planning on releasing Naru in the Juuban forest, and then Rei decides it will be a wonderful idea to use Usagi as bait. Usagi ends up back at her house, understandably freaking out about the whole thing. Once Luna calms her down, head to Juuban Forest (unless you need to stock up on supplies, of course), and the other Senshi.

Nephrite soon shows up with Naru in tow and reveals Jadeite was killed (which really upsets Usagi for some reason). However, Nephrite notices Naru walking off with Ami and proceeds to own the rest of the Senshi in, like, three seconds. But luckily, Tuxedo Kamen comes by to save the day (by which I mean, he doesn't actually do anything). However, once the Senshi start attacking Nephrite, Naru throws a hissy fit. As Naru says that Nephrite isn't evil like the others (she should know; she knew him for two whole days), Nephrite gets owned in, like three seconds by Not!Hiei. However, Nephrite tells the Senshi to break the crystal, which makes Kuro very mad once Makoto Supreme Thunders the crap out of it, and then he leaves. Then, Nephrite says they have to get the crystal pieces back, and then tells them to meet Sailor Venus in Nigota before dying, which has Naru really upset.

After (another) fade to black, the Senshi are back at the Hikawa Shrine discussing plans to get the crystals. Ami reveals her computer can trace the crystal shards, and the first one is in Nigota where Sailor Venus is (as Nephrite already said). After marking the (more relevant) important target as the Temple of Hearts, Makoto says there is a boat leaving for Ehima in Kakyushu City. Eventually the scene will end, and it will be time to go to the train station. Once you reach the train station, go into station B to begin the trip to Kakyushu City.

Follow the path upwards to the next area and keep going up before following the right path to where Mr. Flaming (seriously, why?) and then follow the path down. Once you reach an open field, head down and talk to the boat guards. Sadly, you can't pass the guards without the Bishop's Permission, so go back to Osaku and- okay, okay, go see old man Flaming (WHY, Tyler!?) and ask him for tickets. Upon revealing that no one even delivered the letter to his granddaughter (nice job, Senshi), Makoto offers to fix his wall for tickets. After the fade to black, head back to the guards and get on the boat.

Talk to the Senshi if you want (but talk to Rei last, as she is having a staring contest with Makoto), and then go out the door. Go up the staircase, and then head left to go down another stair case. Oh look, there's Luna! And, erm, a guy and a woman, who also seem to be having a staring contest. Or making out. Either way, Usagi asks Luna what she is up to, and she says to listen closely. The two strange people talk about how Sailor V is supposed to be in Nigota (is she really?), that she has/is the key to the crystal, how awesome it was when Kuro killed Nephrite for no real reason (and Zoicite calling the Senshi "Sailor Brats", which proves she, oh, sorry, he is as awesome, but probably not as stupid as, Jadeite). They then talk about their love life and teleport away, and it is revealed that there never was a plan to kill Usagi, they were only trying to kill Nephrite (for some reason). After more chit-chat, the boat finally arrives in Ehima!

First things first, head up to the next area and continue onwards to the weapon/item shop. Buy some Thick Green Gloves and (after selling old equipment and item stocking up), leave go down and continue on upwards until you are out of town. I hope you have plenty of life seeds...

Area: Ehima Pathway
Enemies: Hana (EXP: 79, Gold: 21) Chiko (EXP: 49, Gold: 8), Bishamon (EXP: 81, Gold: 11)

Charge to the north up the stairs/bridge and then take the stair case at the left. Walk around the bridge and head down. Continue to the right and head down the stair case and past the carriage to due battle with a giant tree...

Mini-Boss: Maeko
Attacks: Broken Heart
EXP: 450
Gold: 37

Continue down the bridge and soon you will be in Nigota! Keep walking down into the town and then take the right path. Eventually, you'll reach the Temple of Heart, so walk inside!

Area: Temple of Hearts
Enemies: Ran (EXP: 75, Gold: 21), Yumiko (EXP: 87, Gold: 21), Orino (EXP: 107, Gold: 21)

Take one step and Rei points out the incredibly obvious. Mercury, not to be outdone, points out something even more obvious. Continue upwards over the carpet and go on to the next area to see a statue surrounded by teleporters. First, take the one to the statues left and follow the path to the end to open a chest with a door key. Now walk back through the teleporter and take the teleporter to the right of the statue. Unlike the Dark Forest, this puzzle is not as inane as "Walking around until something happens." Instead, you need to examine the lightest blue statue, or, in battleship Notation, C-2. Now, take the teleporter behind the statue. Yes, another walk around puzzle, but at least it is obvious you need to step on the cracked spots. Continue down after doing so for the final door key, and then go back through the teleporter. Unlock all the doors and go on up, and then move left towards a teleporter.

Follow the path downwards and continue following it to the chest for a seed of life, and then go back and head through the right passage way. Walk all the way down the walkway for a super potion, and then go back through the teleporter. Head northwards and then walk into the next teleporter to (oh, goddamnit, Tyler) get a high potion and a door key in the hallway. Next (before going onward through the temple), go through the right most teleporter and due the exact same thing, except for a seed of strength and dispel herb, respectively, then go through the teleporter. Lastly, go into the bottom right corner of the room for a power up and a perfume.

After leaving the teleporter, go upwards through the door after you unlock it, and then take the left path going upwards. Keep going, and eventually you'll reach a chest with- oh, for the love of...

Mini-Boss: Nabu and Nergal, the Love Soul Sisters!
Attacks: Death Grip (HA!), Dark Chain
EXP: 1000
Gold: 500
Items: Seed of Life
Yeah, they sure...doubled their strength all right. Damn shame they had to go up against four Senshi at once...

Open the chest for the boss key and then head back the way you came, then take the right path going upwards. Pop open the boss door and grab the crystal lying in the room. Almost immediately after picking it up, Kunzite and Zoicite demand that they hand the crystal over. They, of course, refuse, and you know what time it is: Boss Time!

Boss: Suzu
Recommended level: 20 - 21
Attacks: Death Grip, Dark Chain, Broken Heart
EXP: 2000
Gold: 500
Items: Seed of Life
This guy goes down faster than a sack of potatoes.

After that sad excuse of a battle, Zoicite finally gets sick of Sailor Mars (and considering he only knew her for about five seconds, that should underscore how annoying being around her all the time should be), but Sailor Venus saves the day. After more threatening by Sailor Venus, the two run off and everyone spends time getting to know each other (oh, and Artemis is there too, but you barely notice anyway). After more chit-chat (how many times have I typed that? It just describes what's going on so perfectly...) they discover the next crystal shard is in the north part of Ehima Mountain.

Once she leaves, exit the Temple of Hearts, and then leave the village. Go up the bridge and then head to the right path. Continue through the zig-zagging path (grabbing the super potion and healing rain chests along the way). Now, go back the way you came (as Kobi City is useless right now), and head up into the dark, scary cave.

Wow. Activate the first teleporter, and continue doing so until you end up on a small island. Activate the middle teleporter and continue activating others until you reach a path going up.

Area: Ehima Pathway
Enemies: Chiko Senior (EXP: 84, Gold: 8), Bishamon Senior (EXP: 111, Gold: 11), Hana Senior (Just as planned...) (EXP: 117, Gold: 21)

Follow the path to the left, and upon reaching the next area, head up. Continue heading up to find another pathway, and enter the next area. Keep going up (it's a mountain, there is only one way to go!) and you will soon reach a teleporter. Use it and then head down. Step on the switch partially hidden under the tree and then step on the new teleporter to find the second crystal shard! Of course, therefs no way to it yet, so take the path downward and keep going that way until the Senshi begin another discussion.

Rei tells Usagi to be patient as they will eventually get the crystal and- hey! Queen Serenity starts talking to Usagi: remember her from scene one? Of course, they all think she has lost it (which is entirely possible) and then Usagi runs off to find the voice. Queen Serenity takes Usagi to the Moon, but, she doesn't remember anything about it. Queen Serenity then tells Usagi that Not!Hiei is very dangerous and powerful and to make up for setting his spirit free, she gives the Senshi more powers.

After being teleported back (and a move demonstration), continue back to the point before Usagi ran off and then that the path leading to the right. Keep walking to the right to end up in a semi-maze. Open both treasure chests (super potion and seed of life) and take the path going up to the next area. Follow the path along until it reaches a crossroad, and then head up to open the chest a perfume in it. Now, go back down and take the left path, following it along until it leads to the forest key. Go back the perfume chest and continue upwards to find Sailor Venus again. Sailor Venus, startled by the other Senshi's presence, continues searching for the treasure she came to Ehima Mountain for: a pair of gloves. Awesome. She then joins the party! More awesome!

Continue up to unlock the door, and then step into the teleporter. Walk over to the crystal to pick it up and Kunzite and Zoicite show up, demanding the crystal. Again, this is politely denided, which is when Tuxedo Kamen ninjas behind everyone else and steals the crystal. Bastard. Kunzite tells Zoicite to track down the Bishop (oh, this better not lead to where I think it is...), and Kunzite goes off to play grab-ass with Tuxedo Kamen. Artemis says that the Bishop has the next crystal, and that he is coming to Kobi City. Step on the newly appeared teleported to go...not very far at all, and go down the path. Now, go left and Sailor Venus will open the door to a new teleporter, which leads right to...a boss fight.

Boss: Shiva
Recommended Level: You'll be fine.
Attacks: Death grip, Dark Chain, Broken Heart
EXP: 2500
Gold: 500
Items: Seed of Life
Basically, the point of this boss is to show just how much stronger you have gotten, so he's pretty darn easy.

As I was saying, step on the teleporter and head upwards to the next area. Take the teleporter and then go the right path down (as we haven't taken that one yet). You'll eventually end up back in the teleporter cave. Now exit the teleporter cave and take a right to Kobi City!

Scene 7: Queen Beryl is a horrible boss to work for.
Area: Kobi City

At long last, you can go into the item shop! Buy whatever you need (just make sure you get a pair of Thick Orange Gloves for Sailor Venus) and then exit. Continue to the right of town, where the Bishop is making a speech on wanting someone to replace him as Bishop, and that person is Kuro. Son of a... Also, the Bishop declares he will give the crystal over to Kuro for no actual reason, which the Senshi are understandably ticked off about. After the, well, conversation, it's time for another good ole infiltration segment, featuring the Moon Kitties!

Head up the right side of the building and jump down the hole, and go left. Go upwards to the door and you'll soon see Kuro and the Bishop talking. Except, that's not the Bishop, it's Zoicite and according to him, everything is going "Just as planned". Zoitcite sensibly asks why they didn't just take the crystal by force, and Bishop!Hiei tells him the King and Queen won't give up the crystal unless there is a convincing ceremony (zOMG! A logical plan this time!). Kuro asks Zoicite about Tuxedo Kamen's where-abouts, and Zoicite says Kunzite captured him and they are going to fuse Queen Metallia with his body. Then, suddenly, Kurofs portrait changes to a different picture and Zoicitefs dialogue goes completely batshit. However, after Kuro leaves, Zoicite becomes able to form complete sentences again, and wonders why Queen Beryl holds him in such high regard. Once he teleports away, exit and talk to the Senshi, who decide to break down the front door and take the crystal by force!

Area: Kobi Castle
Enemies: Knight (Delete! Delete! Delete!) (EXP: 145, Gold: 11)

Kill the guard and head up the staircase, and if you want, fight the guards here for some good EXP. Whether you do so or not, go through the left door (killing anyone who gets in the way) and go up the stairs for a seed of mana and a switch to press. Go back to the main hall and head downwards to get to the basement (once again killing the guard) and examine the suit of armor to be teleported

Area: Dark Castle
Enemies: Knight (EXP: 145, Gold: 11)

Head up to reach the next area and take the path on the water to get a super potion. Start going right until you pass into an area with guards patrolling. Try to go down the area past them (taking care they do not touch you) to get the treasure chests at the bottom, containing 300 gold on the left, a seed of magic in the middle, and a healing rain on the right. After you get the items, try to leave the room without fighting. Now, go to the other side of the indoor, erm, pool, and take the entrance to the left.

Ignore the glass teleporters in here for now and take the downward path. Step on the teleporter and then take the third teleporter, then the second teleporter in the row of five, and then continue downwards. Step on the yellow switch and then head up back out through the teleporter sections. Head past the broken teleporters to find a light circle, and upon stepping on it, continue upwards to find the Bishop passed out on the ground.

Sailor Moon will heal him back to full health and he'll thank her. Mars will then ask for the crystal, but he says he can't hand it over to them. Bishop will then notice that Sailor Moon reminds him of someone, and Zoicite will teleport in, ready to do battle with the "Sailor Brats"!

Boss: Zoicite
Recommended Level: 22 - 24
Attacks: Death Grip, Dark Chain, Death Smack (OW!)
EXP: 3000
Gold: 500
Use the Senshi's upgraded attacks (except for Usagi and Venus), and use a perfume on anyone who runs out of SP. Zoicite only has one attack to be worried about and, despite his colossal HP total, he goes down pretty easily.

After proving that the they can take down an easy boss, the Bishop gives the Senshi the third crystal shard! By which I mean, Tuxedo Kamen comes by and takes it. Again. Except, he looks more evil than usual. Zoicite says he is now going by the name Prince Endymion, and then tells him to go back to the Dark Kingdom. However, it seems part of Endymion's mission was killing Zoicite and the Bishop. Oh no. NO! Before he stabs him, the Bishop says goodbye to Usagi, which makes her really bummed out. Endymion, conflicted by her calling him Tuxedo Kamen, slices her with his sword and teleports away. The Bishop, on his last legs, says the crystal was actually a fake, and the real one is hidden behind a locked door in Kobi's item shop.

Fade to black, and Kunzite gripes to Queen Beryl about Endymion killing his boyfriend, and she says they had no more use for them. After more stupidity by Endymion and Beryl, they learn that the Bishop's crystal is a fake, and Beryl orders Kunzite to go take it (and kill the Senshi, of course).

Scene 8: The assault on the Dark Kingdom! The Final Battle approaches!
Area: Dark Castle

Usagi mourns the Bishops death, and upon the suggestion of looking for the final crystal, Usagi has a nervous breakdown (whoa), saying that there are too many people dying. However, the other Senshi (acting like friends, for once) give her the strength to carry on. Exit the Dark Castle by using the Black Crystal teleporter, and then exit the real castle. Head inside the items shop and go through the back door to find the final crystal! However, Kunzite comes by to cut the celebration short, and shows them that he kidnapped Naru, Rei's grandpa, Shingo (thank you) and Motoki! He tells them to come to the Dark Kingdom to get them back, and once he leaves, go to the weapon dealer to get Crystal Gloves for the four Senshi you plan on using for the next area (if you have enough gold, feel free to buy the whole set!). Exit Kobi City and follow the path back to the teleporter cave. On the floating island with four teleporters, take the one on the right side and continue on into the Dark Kingdom. Kunzite, in an act of suicidal over-confidence, attacks the Senshi for the crystals.

Mini-Boss (isn't it sad, Kunzite?): Kunzite
Attacks: Death Smack, Dark Chain (normally harmless, except his does as much damage as his physical attackl!),
EXP: 3500
Gold: 500
Don't let his mini-boss status fool you; he is easily stronger than Zoicite. Also, unlike Zoicite, all of his attacks do up to 200 damage, so make sure to heal anyone who is close to Caution HP, as he can easily kill the entire party with one attack.

After the fight, keep heading right to end up amazingly perky and upbeat area (the Dark Kingdom is quite peaceful!). Take the path with the Mercury symbol to end up in an icy cavern.

Area: Ice Cavern
Enemies: Amaya (EXP: 157, Gold: 13), Mesi (EXP: 160, Gold: 13), Moselle (EXP: 133, Gold: 13),

Follow the path to the right (heading upwards), and follow it until you reach an area with a treasure chest. Open it for a door key, and then follow the path back to the entrance of the ice cave to take the path going upwards at the left. Take the first path to the right to head back to the treasure chest at the entrance (containing a healing rain) and then continue on the left path going upwards. At the next path junction, continue on the left path upwards to reach the next area. At the end of the area, open only the fourth treasure chest to get a door key (the rest are just random encounters) and the go back to the other path junction. Unlock the locked door, and ignore the other door for now and you'll see a blue switch. Press it, and then open the locked door. In the area the door was blocking, there will a chest with the Key of Mercury inside. Exit the Ice Carven and then take the Mars path to the Fire Cavern.

Area: Fire Cavern
Enemies: Agni (EXP: 150, Gold: 13), Hakan (EXP: 168, Gold: 13)

Take the left path going upwards to lead to a chest containing an elixir, and then go back to take the other path going up. Ignoring the fire proof wooden sign (which says 'right, left, middle'), step on the Mars symbol. Take the leftmost Mars symbol to be teleported to the next island, and then take the second from the left symbol to be teleported to an island with a chest (containing a door key). After getting the key, head back to the entrance of the fire cavern (the other symbols do nothing), and take the bottom path going right. Open the door and step on the switch (not that you can avoid it) which will cause the three switches in front of you to res3t. Step on them in the order of right, left, and middle to spawn a chest with the Key of Mars! Exit the Fire cavern and then unlock the doors of Mercury and Mars. Now, take the Jupiter symbol path to end up in the Poison Swamp.

Area: Poison Swamp
Enemies: Tormey (EXP: 140, Gold: 13), Barak (EXP: 166, Gold: 13)

Note the way the statues are facing (left, up, right, left), and then follow the path upwards until you reach a two way path. take the left path to end up in an area similar to the Jupiter facing puzzle room. Face the upper-left statue on its right side, the upper-right statue on its left side, the lower-right statue on its right side, and the lower left statue on its back. Open the chest for a door key. Head back to the right and then take the path upwards, then head right for a super potion inside a chest. As you head up, you'll reach a locked door, and after unlocking it, press the switch to spawn a chest. Open it for the Key of Jupiter and leave the Poison Swamp. Now, take the path belonging to the Venus Symbol.

Area: Haunted Fields
Enemies: Jolon (EXP: 153, Gold: 13), Osiris (EXP: 180, Gold: 13)

Follow the path to the right until you see a path to the north. Go up inside the ruins it leads to and step on the square right of the left-most crack in the wall to trigger a switch. Now, go back down the path to see a chest with the Key of Venus inside. Leave the Haunted Fields after getting it and save your game before heading through the Jupiter and Venus doors. On the other side, Endymion waits. Usagi begs for him to come back to his senses, but her cries fall on deaf ears as he strikes.

Boss: Endymion
Recommended Level: 26 - 28
Attacks: His sword (does up to 200 damage), Death Grip (okay, why do enemies even have this attack at this point?)
EXP: 4000
Gold: 300
He has far more HP than Kunzite, but he only attacks the Senshi one at a time, so he is far less dangerous. Have Sailor Moon heal anyone who gets hurt while the rest of the Senshi pummel him with special attacks.

After the battle, Endymion takes out all of Sailor Moon's guardians in, like, three seconds. Before he can cause any more harm, Usagi gets through to Endymion, causing him to change into Mamoru. However, Beryl teleports Mamoru into the prison and won't give him back until they hand over the crystals.

After the cut scene ends, use the mercifully placed healing fountain (haven't seen one of those in a while...), and head upwards into the Dark Kingdom proper.

Area: Dark Kingom

I don't know about you, but I kind of missed this place. Take the left path and then head south of the throne (wonder who used this one?) to the next area. Head left to the area where Naru got the computer, and then head upwards. Continue to the left until you have a choice of either up or down (no point going down, unless you want to see that Queen Beryl finally removed the switch that allowed Naru to escape) and head up. Save your game before walking through the curtained door.

Queen Beryl welcomes Sailor Moon to the Dark Kingdom and Usagi tells her to release her friends. Queen Beryl says they have to hand over the crystals first, which they refuse to do. After talking at each other for long enough, Beryl gets impatient and attacks the Senshi!

Heaven or Hell? Duel 1- Lets Rock!

Boss: Queen Beryl
Recommended Level: 28 - 29
Attacks: Slap (deals over 200 damage), Death Grip (...), Death Smack
EXP: 5000
Gold: 500
Use all of the Senshi's strongest attacks (only use Usagi's normal attack, as the Stardust attack doesn't do the damage that justifies its cost) and keep their SP up. All things considered, Beryl really isn't that big a deal, but her HP will take some time to deplete.

After being defeated, Queen Beryl goes ballistic and, after making enough of a racket, Kuro walks into the room and he kills Beryl! Not!Hiei congratulates the Senshi on doing the dirty work for him and he reveals, *gasp* he was behind it all along! After taking the crystals away from them (they should of left those some place else), Rei tries to take them back and gets an energy blast to the face for her trouble. The crystals then reunite back into the full crystal and he teleports away. Usagi runs over to Rei's body, begging for her to wake up, but she does not stir...

End of Part 1.

================ ooOOoo ================


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Written by: Sailor-Vhoorl (aka Andrew, aka Donavon, aka Smith, aka I lie about my name a lot)
Dedicated to: All of the Moonies who gave their lives to make this guide possible.

Welcome back to the next chapter of Sailor Moon: The Moon Child fellow Moonies! As we last left off, Queen Beryl and Rei-chan were both punk'd by Kuro and we faded to black. Let's return to the story, eh?

Scene 1a: Just like the Second Chapter of Another Story. Except not really.
Area: Hospital

It's been two weeks since Rei has been wounded, and Usagi is worried she might not recover. Luna tells her to cheer up, and Ami comes in to tell her to go downstairs to see everyone. Exit the room and head right pass two rooms and go down the stairs. Naru will say they found antidote for Rei, which is for some reason at a downtown restaurant. Of course, Usagi can no has money, but Mamoru is happy to pay for the trip for her. Once the cut scene ends, leave the hospital and follow the road left to get to the train station (go into Trainstation A).

Area: The Train

Exit Usagi's room and, for a little fun, go into the room next to hers for an Early Bird Cameo. Now, continue right talk to the people here before continuing to the right (the big buy by the north wall will sell items if you need them). Past Naru and Mamoru, continue the trek right to eventually find Ami and Luna.

When Usagi talks to Ami, she notices that something is wrong, and Ami says she is worried about her studies. Usagi manages to cheer her up, but a, um, trainquake breaks their train of thought and bright light flashes across the screen.

Area: Uh....
Enemies: Moana (EXP: 60, Gold: 25), Sarsour (EXP: 90, Gold: 26), Lynet (EXP: 75, Gold: 24), Fangaloka (EXP: 80, Gold: 23)

Usagi and Ami lay passed out on a beach, and a large bird is hovering over them. Once it wakes Usagi up, it flies away and Usagi wakes Ami with a slap to the face.

Head left and then take the right path that goes upward before going right to get a perfume and a super potion. Now, with the loot rescuing out of the way, go back and take the other path to reach the next area. Instead of taking the obvious path upwards, head right-wards to reach a path leading to a spiral area. Instead of taking the winding spiral, go over to the green patch of grass and walk into it for a hidden teleporter!

As Usagi tries to open the chest, Ami says that the chests looks like a chest from the Mandoras. Usagi, however, being a dedicated loot rescuer, doesn't really care about what the chest looks like, but she remembers the oranges that she saved from the Water Temple.

Grab the door key and exit the spiral maze and continue on the up path to find a locked door. Opening it, continue on and head left pass the trees. On the left side, you'll find a super potion (also, on the upper part you'll find a cave with a healing fountain inside). In the upper corner of the area, there is a seed of life, with a another seed of life in the middle of the tree area. In the left corner, go up the stairs to reach a new area and then head down the new staircase. Go all the way north in this area you'll eventually find a tree sprout.

Ami will think that it is strange that this tree is small despite the others being large. After spending far longer than needed to talk about this tree, Ami will grab the tree and the two will be teleported a large desert village. The guard outside will recognize Sailor Moon as the person who saved him and will unlock the door for her.

Upon heading inside (and NOT examining that sign unless you want the game to crash), head out the exit of the building and follow the path upwards as everyone here does not feel like talking. Luckily, the people in the inn/item/weapon shop are glad to take your gold, so feel free to buy what you want (take note: weapon and armor upgrades in this game are EXPENSIVE). After getting what you want (I'd recommend not buying a silk bow for Mercury; it decreases more stats than it raises), go into the house in front of the inn.

Upon learning this is Mandora City, the family Sailor Moon saved will explain they were run out of the Water Temple by monsters 14 years ago, so they moved to a desert area with even more powerful monsters, because it's safer there. Ah huh. The Mandora family come this close to revealing the secret McGuffin the Dark Kingdom wanted from them, but instead, the Senshi ask how to get out of the town. Answer: They can't; after seeing the Mandora City, they are now doomed to live there as second class citizens until the day they die. Usagi begs to be let out, and they say she has to ask King Dora. When they exit the house, Luna will show up, revealing everyone was separated because of Kuro.

Go up the path and you'll now be able to go to the castle because the green-haired person left because someone activated a flag. Head inside the castle and the King will tell his dinosaur to move.

He asks who let the Senshi what they are doing in his city, and Usagi says they just want to leave. King Dora gets all pissy and has his dinosaur throw the Senshi outside. A woman will scream for help and will say her son has gone outside. She rushes inside the castle and the Senshi follow her inside, where King Dora decides to be unhelpful and not do anything to, well, help the woman. However, Sailor Moon volunteers to go find the woman's son in exchange for being allowed to leave the City.

Exit the castle and head all the way back to the entrance of town to step on the teleporter. Head left once outside town and then go up between the palm trees. Save your game before heading through the door, and get ready for tedium.

Area: Mandora Desert
Enemies: Shepho (EXP: 85, Gold: 28), Andsaca (EXP: 82, Gold: 25), Zippor (Sniper Honeyviper) (EXp: 80, Gold: 30)
Warning: Once you enter this place, it is next to impossible to return to the Mandora City.

(Notice: I would recommend grinding for money in order to buy some equipment and items, but feel free to move on.)

Ah, at last we reach this infamous place. Follow the path to the north all the way to the next area (taking note of the mini-cactus). In this area, you'll again need to move all the way northward to make it to the next area. This time, continue up until you hit a crossroad, and then go left to continue on. Go left and then take the upwards going path, and upon getting to the next area, go up and then take the crossroad going to the right. Now that the nightmare is over (for now), follow the path to find a large building.

Ami says that this must be the building the boy went into to (how does she know? he could be lost in the desert still), and says to drink the fresh water to the left of the building before heading inside.

Area: Mandora Temple
Enemies: Shepho (EXP: 85, Gold: 28), Andsaca (EXP: 82, Gold: 25), Zippor (EXP: 80, Gold: 30)

Upon entering, a voice will command the Senshi to leave the temple, but Luna says to ignore it and press onwards to the next area. Once you reach a hallway filled with holes, go down the stairs to find a perfume and high potion and then head back up the stairs (the path below leads to a trap room). Back in the holed hallway, navigate through to the right (taking care not to fall).

Once entering a room with a number of doors (in a dazzling array of colors), the voice will again command them to leave. Ignoring him, go into the brown door on the upper wall to find a chest with a key inside. Now, go into the yellow door and open the chest on the left before going into the green door. Open the chest on the right for another key and go into the blue-green door. Open the second chest and go into the light-blue door to open the fifth chest. Go into the next door and open the chest closest to the left wall on the bottom row. In the door after that, open the middle chest and go inside the next door. In this room, open the left chest on the top row and then head into the red room. Open chest number eight and now go through the winding locked door hallway. After making it to the end, head right end up in a room full of pots. For now, walk past them all and keep going to end up in a room full of chests.

Mini-Boss:, that thing is disturbing
Attacks: Thunder Strike, Fire Blast
EXP: 2000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Easy. Like, real easy.

After getting all of the wonderful treasure, exit and examine the second nearest pot to the door to be teleported downwards. Continue to the left and Ami will notice a pair of symbols on the ground. Luna tells them to step on them which has Usagi and Ami gain the Moon Princess Halation and Shine Aqua Illusion, respectively. Ami then asks why exactly the skill symbols were in this temple, but sadly, she never gets an answer.

Continue to the left to find more treasure chests (top ones having a perfume and healing rain, while the bottom ones have a perfume and high potion). Open the blue chest for the Boss Key and then head back to the locked door. Move on upwards to find the lost child.

The kid ask Sailor Moon why she's here, and she says it's to rescue him. He teleports past the wall and grabs the jewel, which causes Ami to freak out. And for good reason...

Boss: Moselle and Brendis x 2
Recommended Level: 29 - 31
Attacks: Fire Blast (Brendis), Fire Wall (Moselle)
EXP: 3500
Gold: 600
Items: High Potion x 3
First things first, use Stardust to kill both of the Brendis's in one move, and have Sailor Mercury use her new attack on Moselle. As for strategy, no worries, this dude is a giant pushover.

Alright, bored of these two.

Scene 1b: Venus and Jupiter talk to dead people and get exposition.
Area: The Dead Zone
Enemies: Akshan (EXP: 100, Gold: 25), Heqet (EXP: 90, Gold: 29), Bozez (EXP: 85, Gold: 30), Gardi (EXP: 75, Gold: 33)

Minako and Makoto lie unconscious in a forest, Minako soon wakes up after Artemis scratches her face a few times. After Makoto wakes up, they realize that Kuro had something to do with this (because he's a dick), and they soon decide to explore the area.

Take the up path and then head continue going up to the next area. Once in the maze, go right and then up to get to a chest with a super potion. Go all the way back to the leftmost path and follow it up to the next area. Grab the super potion in the chest and follow the path to the other chest, this one with a perfume. Get to the other chest for a seed of life and head all the way up and to the left to reach a path to the next area. Open the chest (contains super potion) and follow allow the path to get to a healing fountain. Continue on to eventually reach the next area. Lots of ghost here, as you noticed. Head right and then upwards to move along and then follow the dirt path to reach a graveyard. Just head upwards to the next area.

As the Senshi approach the spectral figure, it will say that Queen Beryl lies buried here. As it turns out, everyone in this graveyard are the poor souls who were unable to complete the Moon Child game (okay, okay; it is the graveyard of Dark Kingdom soldiers). Once she vanishes, Makoto goes off on a random (and pointless) tangent about Kuro (sigh) until Minako points out that Queen Beryl's grave just opened up.

Walk into the newly opened area to gain the Sparkling Wide Pressure and Venus Love-Me Chain. Move upwards to open two treasure chests (super potion and seed of life) and to get to a new area. Ignore the ghost pedestals and move along the left wall to find a path. Continue to the left to find two more treasure chests (super potion x 2) and Jadeite!

As they talk to them, and Jadeite says hello and that their friends were responsible for his death. Minako is somewhat sympathetic (Makoto less so), and Jadeite says he is here because Kuro is a jerk. They promise to help set him free for information and, in true Jadeite fashion, he throws a monster at them.

Mini-Boss: Akshan
Why am I even putting this here?

However, it seems by killing the monster Jadeite has been set free (and he didn't help them at all)!

Anyway, exit this area and you'll see that the ghost on the bottom-left pillar turned into Jadeite. Head all the way to the right wall to see a new path opened up and then go down it. Open the chests for goodies and then head down to examine (from the north side) the pillar that a stone arrow is pointing to. After the explosion sound effect, head up to see you can now reach the teleporter.

On the top of the cliff, to see Nephrite. Makoto opens the conversation by thanking him for actually helping the Senshi (he may of helped, but his personality was pure crap ("Sailor Twits" = FAIL)). He ask how Naru was doing, which they of course have no idea. Makoto asks him who Kuro is, and Nephrite responds to him being interesting, and said he was Beryl's right hand man. After another easy monster fight, Nephrite will disappear and Makoto will want to find out more about Kuro.

Exit the area and then head up and to the left to a new path. Walk across the bridge and head left to end up in a new area. Open the chest for a seed of life and head left to see Zoicite. However, he is understandably still annoyed that they got him killed, so he teleports away when they get close. Eventually, he will stop teleporting to let them speak to him.

After arguing for a minute, Zoicite answers Makoto's questions about Kuro's plan, and he reveals that combining the crystals will awaken the Moon Child (title drop). He then says the Moon Child is born everyone 100 years, and that Queen Metallia was one of them. He then says something about Moon Gems, but then a monster attacked.

Exit the area and then head right to see the new path and head across the bridge. Head right and then open both of the chests here (the hidden one is just north of the other one). Continue right to find more trees and, bypassing them all, continue right. Once you reach an area devoid of them, head down to find Kunzite.

As they pelt him with questions, he proves to be useless (but they are kind of stupid questions), but he does say that Kuro is protected by a practically invincible shield. After the monster attacks, they decide to talk to Queen Beryl.

Exit this area to get back to the pillars with the four generals. Enter the newest path (between Zoicite and Kunzite) and continue past the bridge. Keep going forward until you reach a healing fountain and talk to Beryl.

Beryl, in her own way, welcomes them, but, like Zoicite, is not happy about what they did to her. Upon telling them to not say Kuro's name, and she says that she created a shield to protect Kuro and she hid it in Hiroshin Forest. Beryl then says that the chest behind her will take them back outside, but not before they finish their battle!

Heaven or Hell? Duel 2- Lets Rock!

Boss: Pallete Swap Beryl and Jolon Senior
Recommended Level: 29 - 31
Attacks: Evil Glory, Blackout, Broken Heart
EXP: 3500
Gold: 1000
Items: High Potion x 2
Unfortunately, Beryl hasn't been practicing since she was killed, so this fight is easy. The Jolon Senior, funnily enough, is actually weaker than it's lesser-kin as it does not use Death Note, so feel free to handle this however you like.

Next scene, go!

Scene 1c: Naru wishes she had a cardboard box.
Area: Tedium Forest
Enemies: Futkefu (EXP: 15, Gold: 16), Oubastet (EXP: 18, Gold: 11)

We join Naru and Mamoru in a peaceful forest (which they have been stuck in for days), and Mamoru is worried about "Usako". Naru says it was a miracle they survived that train crash, but Mamoru says it wasn't a train crash, and Mamoru is almost certain that Not!Hiei had something to do with this. Then, a pink-haired little girl teleports in and- oh no. No. No. Yep, its Chibiusa. They realize the Pink Spore is lost in the forest and Mamoru tries to comfort her. Chibiusa tells them that she came from the tree (the one right behind them, presumably), and Naru goes up to it. She realizes it was poorly edited onto the ground and is kidnapped in, like, three seconds. Mamoru then assumes Chibiusa is working for Kuro (she isn't), and she says Kuro is trying to kill her parents. Mamoru believes this (for some reason), and decides to help her out of the forest.

(Notice: Funnily enough, Chibiusa is actually a decent fighter in comparison to Mamoru. That speaks for itself.)

Above the tree, there is a path going upwards, so follow it to the next area. Continue following the path (making sure to grab the super potion), and continue on the path to the area with a healing fountain (not that you need to level grind these characters). Go right and then follow the linear path around back to the left side of the screen to get to the next area.

Follow the grass to the left and then, follow it to the right; once you're in the next area, continue following the linear path that it is impossible to get lost on. Path the tree, keep heading left to find two super potions in a chest, and then keep going left. Now, the gimmick of this screen is that you need to go all the way to the left, and then head up so you can go all the way to the right to reach a new area. On the grass strip above the treasure chest, continue going right to reach the next area. Go left between the two trees (the right leads to a dead end) and you'll on a grass strip that is only neat the treasure chest, but not next to it. Follow the grass the only way you can to reach the next area, which involves going all the way left to go to an area you have seen before, but were not on yet. Continue all the way left until you can no longer go left, and then head right to reach the end of this damn zig-zag which is signified by a dirt-path. Continue up two screens worth of trees to find a pink Moon symbol on the ground.

Chibiusa contacts Sailor Pluto, and they are both just happy to talk to each other. Pluto says she shouldn't be in this random forest as the teleporter was linked to Juuban high school, but then Kuro is mentioned, and all makes sense again. Pluto then teleports them properly back to Juuban.

Area:....right, I have no idea where this is.

Being stuck in this lonely place, Naru's crippling insanity almost takes hold again, but luckily some guy is here to keep her company. After Naru wakes him up, he reveals that his name is Tom (...), and opens the door with his magic (...).

Continue past the unlocked door and go up to see a huge number of guards. If they spot Naru, she gets sent back to her room, so try to avoid that. After reaching the up most part of the guard area, go up the stairs and continue through the next two areas in order to get some juicy exposition.

Koan talks to Kuro about the Senshi, but he doesn't care much. He reveals his plan to use them to find the Moon Gems and then make the Senshi bring the gems to him (original). It turns out one of the Moon Gems is in Mandara City with Usagi and Ami, and Naru gets spotted. Sigh...

Scene 2: The Reuniting of the Senshi
Area: Mandara City

King Dora thanks the Senshi for rescuing a nameless character, and the mother welcomes them to dinner. As they are enjoying the dinner (which Ami thinks is delicious), the Woman starts explaining the back story behind this game (with scans of the Sailor Moon manga, as well). After she finishes the back-story, she says the gem from the temple was one of the Moon Gems.

After dinner, go back to the castle and you'll be informed that the teleport is ready. Follow the man and walk onto the teleporter.

Area: The Dead Zone

Minako wonders if they can trust Beryl, but Makoto opens the chest to find a teleport key. Head downwards to exit this area and cross the bridge. Continue downwards past the pillars with the Dark Kingdom members on them and go down to the next area which contains a teleporter.

Follow the dirt path and go down past the tombstones. Follow the next dirt path down and to the left to reach the next area. Go all the down and then go left to find another path. Go along the next two linear areas and you'll find the flower maze. Exit the maze and then take the dirt path to the right. Keep going right to find the teleporter.

Area: Juuban Lake

Head left to reach the Hikawa Shrine and go inside.

Minako is excited to see Usagi and Ami. After comparing the circumstances they were in, Minako asks if they have heard from Mamoru and Naru. Usagi is disappointed that Naru was kidnapped again and she decides to go to the hospital to check on Rei.

Exit the shrine and head to the left. Go upwards and take the right path at the crossroad. Move pass all of the shops and you'll soon be at the hospital. Take the left staircase and go left by two areas. Go through the middle door to reach Rei's room. However, Rei was picked up two days ago by Setsuna.

Area: Rei's Hospital Room, two days ago

Rei gets up on her own (somehow), and Setsuna comes in saying hello. Apparently, they've already met before, and she wants to take Rei to the Chamber of Time.

Area: Chamber of Time
Enemies: Jarita (EXP: 90, Gold: 36), Palika (EXP: 100, Gold: 34), Sarsoureh (EXP: 85, Gold: 37)

Setsuna asks for Rei's help to keep the chamber safe and offers to let her see that her friends are okay.

Head down two areas and then go left to find a treasure chest with a super potion and a healing fountain. Go down and to the left to find a room with three high potions and a perfume and then go back to the fountain room. Go up to find another pathway to reach Rei's skill symbol and she'll learn Burning Mandala. Continue leftwards and then head up to find a staircase. Climb up the stairs and continue up to find a crystal.

Rei looks into the crystal and sees where her friends are and Setsuna says that Kuro teleported them to different areas so they don't interfere which him finding the Moon Gems.

Go all the way back to the beginning of the Chamber of Time to find Kuro messing with the gate. Not!Hiei is disappointed that Rei isn't dead and flaunts his that his shield makes him invincible. After Kuro gets done threatening Setsuna about where some girl is, he teleports away and leaves a monster to kill them.

Boss: Weird Eye
Recommended Level: He's a push over. :P
Attacks: Fire Blast, Fire Wind
EXP: 2000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Its no real challenge at all, even though Rei is a few levels behind.

Go back to the room with the fountain and go down and to the left and Setsuna will warp Rei to the teleporter.

Scene 3: Another Water Temple?!
Area: Rei's Hospital Room, the present day

Usagi stands next to Rei's bed moping about how she wasn't there when someone took her away. Her guilt trip is cut short when Chibiusa comes in asking to know where Sailor Moon is. After Chibiusa slaps her, she says she'll get her boyfriend Tuxedo Kamen to take care of her. This makes Usagi, understandably, pissed off, and Ami comes in saying that Ikuko is calling for Usagi.

Exit the Hospital and head back to Usagi's house, and after some more domestic abuse from Ikuku, she tells Usagi to help Chibiusa find the cake in the kitchen. After heading into the kitchen, Usagi yells at Chibiusa before deciding to go to Rei's place.

So, exit the house and go to the Hikawa Shrine and talk to Yuuchirou (he's next to the tree to the right of the shrine). He asks why Usagi is so gloomy, and Usagi asks if he has saw Rei. He runs off to find Rei's granddad and Usagi mopes to herself some more. At that moment, Rei and Setsuna teleport next to her, which cheers Usagi up.

Once all of the Senshi make it to the Hikawa Shrine, Setsuna introduces herself and reveals she has been watching over them and that she almost needed to help them fight Queen Beryl (which is a lie, because Queen Beryl was piss easy). After some more talking about the Moon Gems, Ami says they need to go back to Mandora City to get the Moon Gem there.

Exit the Shrine and go down the steps before going right to Juuban Lake. Follow the path back to Sendai Cave and go to the Water Temple. Once inside the temple, head up to the next area and go right and once you see the Mercury symbol, keep going up and up and up.

The Senshi bicker about not being able to get the door open for a while, and then Chibiusa teleports in. She magics the door open and joins the party. Go through the door and step on the teleporter.

Area: Mandora City

King Dora is, understandably, pissed to see Usagi back in his castle, and tells the Guy to take Usagi out of there. Back at his house, the Senshi ask for the Moon Gem, and the Guy says Zeke hid it somewhere.

Exit his house and go next door and Usagi ask Zeke where the Moon Gem is. Talk to him a few more times and he says he'll tell them where the Moon Gem is if the Senshi go to the jewelry store. Exit his house and go to the right area of town to enter the building with the horse sign on it. The shop owner says she'll give them a necklace for free if they talk to her daughter.

Go to the castle and talk to the little girl and then follow her after she runs away. Talk to her again and the girl geeks out after seeing them. Now, go back to the jewelry shop and get the necklace from the shop owner and then go back to Zeke's house. He'll tell you that the Moon Gem is on the top floor of the castle.

Go into the castle and head up to the throne room. Go right and try to sneak past the guards when they are not looking. After three rooms of guards, you'll find a room with a healing fountain. When you're ready, go up to the next area.

Area: Mandora Castle Dungeon
Enemies: Careah (EXP: 180, Gold: 41), Korah (EXP: 175, Gold: 32), Isole (EXP: 195, Gold: 27)

Head up and then go up the staircase. Go right and down the next staircase and open the chest to get a super potion. Continue right to the next area and take the upper path before going up. Continue going up and take a right to keep going up. Now, take the right path going up and take the right path heading up when the path splits. Continue up to reach a wide open area. Yep, time for a sliding puzzle.

The solution is thus: Up, right, down, left, up, left, down, right, up, left, up.

Once you reach the next room, follow the right path going up to reach the next area. Head all the way up for a door key and go back to the staircase area blocked by the door. Go way down and go left past the staircase and take the path going up. Head up to see a barricade on the bridge, and then see Rei blow it up. Go up the bridge and take the ice path going down to the left of the bridge. At the end of the path, there is a switch that activates a teleporter. Go back to the bridge and head up to find another door key.

Go back to the staircases that are blocked off by the door and head right and then upwards. Take the path to the left that goes upwards and then head left in the new area to find a teleporter. Step on it and then go up the stairs and go around to go the stairs that lead inside of the ice pillar. You should find a fountain, a switch, and a hole. Pull the switch and...damn it, Tyler. Open the new chest for a door key and then examine the hole.

After badgering Chibiusa enough, she agrees to go down the hole. Once she goes to the new area (ignore that she is in her Senshi outfit for now), head up and go down the occasional hallway to the left and right for items. Eventually, you'll reach the very end of this area and you'll find a switch. Now, head all the way back and a "Monster" will attack Chibiusa. It's that time again...

Mini-Boss: Braul (or possibly Baul)
Attacks: Ice Burst
EXP: 1000
Gold: 33
It might take two turns to kill it. Maybe.

After more...damn it, Tyler... go back to the stairs being blocked by doors and head all the way up. Go across the bridge and you'll soon find the Moon Gem. Chibiusa goes up to get the Moon Gem, but suddenly Kuro teleports in to grab the Moon Gem, and Makoto says she hates him.

Boss: Abdon (Head, Body, and two Arms)
Level Recommended: 30 - 32
Attacks: Ice Burst, Ice Fall, Heal
EXP: 6450
Gold: 2000
Items: High Potion x 4
Use multi-hitting attacks and this boss will go down quickly.

Ami learns that the next gem is at Kakyo Mountain, and says that Kakyo Mountain is at Kakyo City (o rly?).

Naru begins asking herself a bunch of questions (poor, crazy Naru) and goes over to talk to Tom. Tom soon says that he can help Naru communicate with others, and Naru is just ecstatic. Naru tells Usagi that Kuro is after Sailor Moon and he is going to use her for McGuffin Delivery. Once Naru is cut off, a teleport appears and the Senshi leave a note for King Dora explaining why the Moon Gem is gone before stepping on the teleporter.

Scene 4: Climbing Mt. Fuji in school girl uniforms: Or, Why the Sailor Senshi are frickin' hardcore.
Area: Juuban Lake

Go to train station C and talk to the conductor. Inside of a small room on the train, the Senshi think of a way to ditch Chibiusa, and, of course, Chibiusa is outside the room and hears them. Once the cut scene ends, keep going upwards to reach a blue treasure chest (containing 50 gold) and then take the path up. Walk around the large snow path to find the item shop and weapon shop (feel free to buy whatever). Go upwards pass the shops to find the Inn, and once inside, go through the wooden door.

After untransforming, the Senshi have a...cringe worthy discussion. After more prattling on, they transform again and leave the room...and are followed by Luna P.

Exit the Inn and head to the north part of town to find footsteps in the snow leading out (yet there are no footsteps elsewhere). Walk up to the metal the gate to trigger a scene. Now, go back to town and head left at the Inn to find a large building. Go inside and walk forward to find a guard. Once he leaves, continue forward to find the king in front of the window. After Usagi convinces him to let the Senshi up the mountain (without a bloody fetch quest), exit the building and go down to find the key shop.

Upon going inside, Usagi learns that Chibiusa already left through the locked gate, so...yeah. Go back to the, now unlocked, gate and climb up the stairs.

Area: Kakyo Mountain
Enemies: Kentaro (EXP: 250, Gold: 28), Berg (EXP: 240, Gold: 34), Orrin (EXP: 220, Gold: 28)

And keep climbing to find three trees. Now, head right and keep going that way until you find a hole in the ground. Examine it and you'll...fall in it. But, you'll find a healing fountain, super potion, and if you head to the left, you'll find a seed of strength in the chest you couldn't get before. Climb up the ladder and head left back to the previous area.

Take the path going up and when you get to the next area head left. Go up the new stairs and continue onwards to find more stairs to climb. Rush to the left after going up the steps and head down the...newer stairs. Go left to find more stairs and head up them , then climb up the next staircase (GAAAAAAAAAAAAH). Once you reach the top, go forward to find a chest containing a seed of life and continue up. Walk up past the thick snow and move right to see the entrance to the next area.

Rei chides Usagi for being slow and Ami says they are getting close to evil energy. Right on cue, Chibiusa comes in behind them, saying she is looking for the Gem. She also finds out the Senshi's actual identies which makes her mad, but she is REALLY mad at Usagi. However, after the other Senshi talk about what a great person Usagi is, Chibiusa calms down. Once that problem is fixed, Usagi starts hearing the voices in her head again and runs back down the mountain. Usagi finds Queen Serenity and she complements Usagi on her power, but she still isn't a match for Kuro; his shield is too strong. But, to make up for it, she gives Usagi a new present. Chibiusa comes running down to ask Usagi what she is doing and to get back up the mountain.

Continue up to the next area to find a load of pine trees. Head right to find a path open up, then continue left and go through the entrance to the next area. Climb up the stairs, go left across the bridge, and climb up the next stairs. Keep going left until you see a bridge heading up, and then cross it. Once you reach the end of the bridge, climb up the stairs and head right across the next bridge to reach the new area. Head up and to the right to find new stairs to climb and once you reach the end, go up to find two perfumes! Take the right path going up (the left path is a time-wasting dead end) to reach the next area. Follow the linear path in this area and the next area (really, you can't get lost) to find a healing fountain. Continue up through this area to trigger a cut scene.

Luckily, the Senshi managed to grab the gem first this time, but the celebration is cut short...

Boss: Rorik
Level Recommended: 33 - 34
Attacks: Explosion, Fire Wind, Fire Blast
EXP: 8000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
The sneaky bastard hid his health bar! Well, besides that, and him being a prat by dealing 200 a hit, he is no big deal.

After vanquishing the monster, Not!Hiei shows up to try and take the Moon Gem. Minako and Makoto try and fend him up, but as previously stated, shield > Sailor Senshi. However, Setsuna's Dead Scream smacks him into a tree (despite her being under leveled, but, meh), and he runs off to find the next Moon Gem. Apparently, there is a tracer on Rei (which is a lie), so Setsuna tells the other to go back to the "castle" in Kakyo City while she and Rei go to Hiroshin Forest.

Area: Still don't know

Back with Naru, she decides to sneak around the enemy base some more, so go through the (unlocked) door and continue onward through this area and the guard filled area to get more exposition.

Rubeus iceburns Kuro, who tries to pretend like losing the second gem is no big deal. Regardless, Not!Hiei sends Koan to Kakyo City to take the last Moon Gem and Rubeus tells Berthier to make sure she ACTUALLY does her job. Unfortunately, Naru is spotted and place on a platform in the middle of nowhere. Good thing she still has her singing potatoes.

Scene 5: Shoot the Core!
Area: Hiroshin Forest
Enemies: Reizo (EXP: 120, Gold: 22), Saburo (EXP: 75, Gold: 29), Nyoko (EXP: 100, Gold: 19), Masahiro (EXP: 120, Gold: 22)

Rei and Setsuna arrive to discuss destroying Kuro's shielf and information on the Moon Gems that, funnily enough, are never deemed important enough to mention again. Slightly more interesting, Pluto begins talking about the Senshi Wars, saying how Queen Serenity, Sailor Galaxia, and Sailor Universe (probably no one important) defeated Chaos. And by defeat, Setsuna means Sailor Universe died horribly and Galaxia is stuck with an omnicidal force of evil is stuck inside of her (that's a victory, right?).

Go north to find a path and a super potion. Take the right side up as it is quicker than following the path, and when you get to the next area, follow the left trail to get a super potion and a seed of life. Now, follow the trail going right to get to an area with two more treasure chests, and go left and up to find the next area. Take the path going left at the top of the screen to move on, and follow the trail around the river to the north most exit of this area. Follow the linear path, while taking a shortcut through the island with the trees to get a seed of life, to get to the next area, and continue up for as far as you can go, and then head right to get to the next new area. Go upwards and then right to find the next area entrance, and you'll find the generator powering Kuro's shield.

Of course, there is in fact a barrier around it, so take the exit to the right of the crystal to arrive in a wide open square room with a bunch of trees. In the centerish of the room is a healing fountain and the next area exit can be found in the upper-right of the room. Save your game (or not), and then walk up through this area to find a switch.

Once you step on it, Sailor Pluto immediately suspects JupiterxKuro shipping, which Mars replies by telling her to not worry about it. Then they are attacked by a Giant Tentacle Turtle Out of Nowhere.

Boss: Dicra
Level Recommended: 31 or so
Attacks: Fire Blast
EXP: 3750
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Yep, another boss keeping his HP meter in his back pocket. Not that its a need for worry, as it is EXCEEDINGLY easy to kill.

Now, with that annoyance done, go back to the room with the crystal and examine it. Once Mars blows it up, its time for, you guessed, an abrupt scene change!

(NOTE: Yes, the left path of the crystal room was completely pointless.)

Scene 6: How many roads must the Senshi walk down? In this game, far too many.
Area: The Base of Kakyo Mountain

Once the scene ends, head down to go back to the town. Go back inside the castle (a.k.a., the biggest log cabin ever), and Mercury sense that the Gem is in the king's room and will walk over there. After an abuse of power, Jupiter drags the guard's corpse out of the way. After the Save prompt, continue walking up a long way to reach the king's room. Talk to the king (at the left side of the room) to start another scene.

The Senshi try to convince the king to hand over the Moon Gem, but as is typical of an NPC, they are as unhelpful as possible. Koan then (randomly) jumps through the window and begins screeching about Gems, and make-up, and what not. Jupiter fires off a Sparkling Wide Pressure which, of course, does nothing, and then Koan, of course, knocks down all of the Senshi with one attack. Before she can take the Moon Gem, Mars and Pluto (randomly) come running in and (somehow) knock her away from the Moon Gem. Now, pick your favorite four characters, cause it's that time again.

Boss: Koan
Level Recommended: 35-ish
Attacks: Dark Fire (450+ damage!), Normal Slap (250+)
EXP: 8000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Okay, we now have a boss that can kill your characters in two attacks if she feels properly motivated, and, of course, she will take a lot of punishment before going down. Strategies involve, mainly, having "Tank" Senshi (Jupiter and Pluto) spam specials and attacking as they hit far harder than anyone else; have "Spell" Senshi (Venus, Mars and Mercury) spam specials (like you do in every fight) and once they run out of SP, always have them use items to heal as their physicals attacks do laughable damage; Sailor Moon is just here to use her healing techniques. As for Chibiusa...why are you using Chibiusa?

Koan teleports away before Sailor Moon can finish her off, but as compensation, the king hands the Moon Gem over to the Senshi as he does not want to deal with this nonsense any longer.

Back at the Inn, Chibiusa asks Setsuna about how her mom is doing, and Setsuna gives an unhelpful answer (fittingly enough). After more expressing of how Usagi is a waste of a character spot, Rei tells them about how they destroyed Kuro's shield generator. Kuro then contacts the "Sailor Warriors" telepathically and does more gloating about he is all that. He eventually gets to the point and shows that he has Naru held hostage, so they have to deliver the Moon Gems at the Doom Tree or she'll die. Usagi gives up immediately after hearing this (seriously, was she always this pessimistic?), but one pep talk later and she's back to her old self. After Setuna tells them the Doom Tree is in Beacon City, exit the Inn and take the exit on the rightmost side of this area of town. Keep heading right in this next section of town to reach...

Area: Beacon Pathway
Enemies: Meliza (EXP: 270, Gold: 35), Tohopka (he's curiously attractive...for fish man) (EXP: 265, Gold: 41), Saehrimnir (EXP: 260, Gold: 33)

The trick to this pathway is simple: follow the light blue trail. At all times. Once you reach a cross road with the routes being up or going to the right, know that both of them converge at the same place, so take either one. After the longest time of following this blue path, you will now be following a rocky path. After following it for an equally inane amount of time, you will no longer be in a snowy area. Which means, follow the dirt path (I am aware of how tedious this is) for a seemingly even more inane amount of time. Eventually, the path will end, so I can start giving real directions again.

Head to the top-left part of this area and follow the path. Follow the path in the next area too. When you come to a split in the path, take the left path to end up in an area with a chest containing five rainbow storms. Then go back to the split in the path and go up. After more following on that path as you've been doing for the last 15 minutes, you will reach Beacon City!

Scene 7: The Moon Child is revealed!
Area: Beacon City

If you want, listen to Sailor Pluto's advise (which, you know, you should if you haven't been buying items already). Sailor Moon asks where the Doom Tree is in the city, and Pluto continues giving unhelpful answers. Head right to go to the next section of the city. Continue heading right (or going into the shop, your call) and you will arrive in a massive housing district. Now, head up one row of houses until you see one covered in vines; that will be where Kuro is lurking, so head on in if you are fully prepared. Move upwards and climb the stairs to eventually reach a purple door open it to be transported to...

Area: Doom Forest Maze
Enemies: Arachne (EXP: 285, Gold: 22), Scylla (EXP: 315, Gold: 41), Dabria (EXP: 300, Gold: 24), Libitina (EXP: 300, Gold: 36)

The Senshi talk about how this area is, well, scary (and makes you wonder why they are bringing Chibiusa with them instead of keeping her somewhere safe). Take exit upwards to the next area, and upon getting there, follow the linear path. Eventually, you'll see the path continue downwards and an exit going upwards; take the upwards exit. Take the path between the, what looks like, giant shrubbery bushes and you will find a switch to step on. Once the chess piece blocking the exit explodes (?), go back down and then walk up to the exit by taking the right path (you'll find a treasure chest that way).

In this new area, follow the linear path and take the first linear path going upwards to find a switch that spawns a healing fountain. The switch on the second linear path does...nothing. The switch on the third linear path going up causes the next chess piece to explode, letting you access the teleporter.

After activating it, you'll end up in a wide open area. Head upwards to find a green pillar with a switch; after pulling it, you'll fight...what.

Mini-Boss: Hameed.
Attacks: Normal Attack (Hits like a truck), Blackout, Evil Glory (Annoying)
EXP: 9000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Yeah...there is a good possibility you will die here if you mess up. Luckily, however, Venus's techniques do a stupidly high amount of damage to him, but make sure the other Senshi fire off attacks as well when they aren't restoring SP. Remember to keep your HP above 200, as Hameed's magic attacks will do very close to that: of course, his physicals do over 350.
Optional: If you have a bunch of life seeds, they work much better as healing than super potions (of course, make sure that everyone is still alive before you kill him so they get EXP!)

Upon killing him, a healing fountain will (thankfully) appear. Take the teleporter right of the fountain to go to the next segment.

Keep going right until the maze here diverges upwards and leftwards; head up to find a super potion and a full perfume before going along the left path. Once on the left path, walk on the lower path of it as the upper path leads to a dead end. Eventually, you will find the entrance to the next area. In this incredibly wide open area, keep heading up to pass on through to reach yet another wide open area; like the last one, just keep walking up to get to next area. As you continue to follow the linear path upwards, the game will prompt you to save. After that happens, continue onwards to find Kuro and Naru.

Kuro begins, once again, down talking to the Senshi by saying they are no match for him. He is, however, impressed that they know his plan regarding the Moon Child, and reveals that he is Sailor Universe, aka, the Moon Child. Luckily, now is the time to kick the ever-loving crap out of him!

This battle is about to explode! FIGHT!

Boss: Kuro, also known as Not!Hiei, Sailor Universe, and The Moon Child.
Level Recommended: 37-38
Attacks: Sword (300+ damage), Gust of Wind Blast, Electric Shock, Fire Blast
EXP: 10000
Gold: 750
Items: High Potion
Giving credit where credit is due, Kuro's attacks are all capable of doing over near (or in the case of his physical, above) 300 damage (or, if he attacks a Senshi with an attack they are weak againist, up to 500!). Of course, even though he deals bucket loads of damage, the fact that he has no multi-target attacks makes him easier than Hameed!

After the fight, Jupiter knocks him down with a Sparkling Wide Pressure, and Kuro goes all "This cannot be!" As this happens, Tom (you remember him, right?) pops up behind Kuro, who Kuro states to be Wiseman. Wiseman proceeds to talk down to pretty much everyone else in the area before ripping the Black Crystal out of Kuro, which changes his look to...a strapping blond haired man. Before Wiseman can kill Kuro, Jupiter takes the hit for him. Kuro shouts for Pluto to take Chibiusa away, which predictably doesn't happen as Chibiusa proceeds to get kidnapped. After being infused with the crystal, Chibiusa turns into Black Lady and she teleports off with Wiseman. As everyone is getting over the shock of what just happened, Kuro heels Jupiter's wounds and explains that he used to be apart of Black Moon and that the reason he was evil was because Beryl implanted the Black Crystal into him. Kuro then asks the Senshi to leave him be as he dies...

End of Part 2.

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Written by: Sailor-Vhoorl (aka Andrew, aka Donavan, aka Smith, aka I lie about my name a lot)
Dedicated to: All the Moonies who gave their lives to make this guide possible.

Congrats, Moonies! You have passed the half way point of Sailor Moon: The Moon Child! As we last left off, Kuro turned out to be not so bad (before dying horribly) and Chibiusa was taken away by Wiseman. Time to check on the Sailor Senshi!

Scene 1: As if a clique of girls running around everywhere wasn't suspect enough, two lesbians join the party!
Area: Hikawa Shrine

Minako asks Usagi how Mamoru is doing, to which Usagi gleefully informs that he is much better; Naru is also doing much better (you'd think she would be traumatized by now, eh?). Makoto, of course, is still dejected over Kuro dying horribly and being sad that she will never see him again. Ever. Setsuna gives everyone some exposition on the Moon Child and Black Moon. Setsuna then tells them that they need to find the two other Senshi in order to help battle Black Moon, and they live in Saitama City.

Exit the Hikawa Shrine, go down the stairs, and head right to Juuban Lake. Follow the path to Sendai Cave and you'll soon be on the other side. Follow the path up to the town and take the exit by heading left. Back in the forest, head downwards past the three treasure chests and continue on the path until you see a split going to the right and a split in the path going down. Take the right path and you will be in a new section of the forest.

Area: Saitama Pathway
Enemies: Xylon (EXP: 350, Gold: 26), Sylanna (EXP: 395, Gold: 21), Nahele (EXP: 400, Gold: 18)

Continue following the path through this screen. For the next two screens after the previous one, you will, surprise surprise, still be walking on the obvious dirt path. Once you reach a fork with one path heading north and the other going east, continue on the east path to reach the next (very long) screen.

After more path tedium, you'll arrive on a screen with a hedge-path going up and one going right. Follow the way up and you'll see a screen-exit at the north edge of this area; you should then find yourself in an extremely wide open area. Head up and you will soon see a sign signifying the entrance to Saitama City!

Area: Saitama City

Head right by three screens (talking with people if you so wish) and a cut scene will start. The Senshi (and some unimportant background characters) gather in the street to see Michiru finish performing. Setsuna tells Usagi that she is one of the Senshi they are looking for. Once the cut scene ends, head right to get to the next screen and...oh son of a bitch.

Kuro will meet up with Usagi, because he wants to help now. Setsuna reasonably calls bull, but Kuro gives Usagi a transformation pen. After discussing the specifics of the pen, Kuro says his birth crystal saved him, and he will then join the party.

(NOTE: Kuro is (almost) the best character in the game. I.e., he should under no circumstances leave the party. Well, unless someone else needs experience.)

Continue heading right to reach a store, an Inn, and a weapon shop (if you are actually able to get an Armor of Legend or Legend Casque, then whoever wears one will become nigh-invulnerable to physical attacks), and get whatever you need before heading back to the Academy where Michiru was playing. Open the middle red door of the academy to be allowed inside, then walk up a screen. Continue moving up until you see a black star on the floor, then keeping heading left until you reach a room with a large carpet covering most of the floor with three read doors at the north most side of the room.

Go through the middle door and Usagi will find Michiru talking about the sea. Once Usagi stops coming onto Michiru, she will join the party. Once she does, go keep heading right until you reach the black star on the floor (the one that you saw before you had to hold down the left arrow button down a stupidly long hallway). Leave the academy (there's no need to go up the stairs or go right down the other hallway; nothing is happening there yet). After more condescending from Rei, Michiru will suggest they go over to her house.

Go to the area of the store/Inn/weapon shop and continue heading right by several screens until you reach a massive house with two connected doors in the front. Go inside and Usagi will show off her (non existent) intelligence in this game. Michiru will say that Haruka is in the forest and (almost threateningly) will say there is one too many Senshi in the group. After Kuro speaks up about him being a Senshi just like her, Michiru (and Naoko) find this to be skeptical. Once Michiru and Setsuna run off, Ami mentions that she has to leave the party because she is going to school in Germany. Michiru and Setsuna walk back over to insult Ami, and so Ami runs out of the house with Usagi soon following behind. After some cheering up, Minako comes out to say they are going to recruit Haruka and head back to the Hikawa shrine.

Exit the town and then head downwards to the next screen. Walk on the left side of the brush and head left to the long screen. Follow the path until you reach a crossroad with a path heading upwards, and then head upwards along that path. Eventually, you will find Sailor Uranus slaying a nondescript monster and Michiru calls Sailor Uranus out on killing a helpless enemy (clearly not knowing of Usagi's slaughter of centipedes and lizards). Once Uranus transforms back into Haruka (who is not a guy), she will join the party.

Follow the path back to Osaku City, and then go through Sendai Cave and Juuban Lake to reach the Hikawa Shrine. Once you're inside, the Senshi have just finished catching up on what is happening, and Michiru says that Ami should leave the group so she can continue her studies. After some brow-beating, Ami agrees to leave, and then the Outer Senshi move onto the topic of thanking Kuro and letting him stay because he is really hax. Ami leaves by herself to the airport and it is really sad and stuff, and then the scene cuts to Ami. After Ami says she will miss everyone, Kuro runs on screen, and gives her a good bye card signed by all of her friends, and he gives her a new transformation pen...despite the fact that she's leaving. Eventually, she starts walking to get on board the plane and decides to read the card.

The scene then cuts to Usagi and Mamoru, then to Makoto and...Kuro at Juuban Lake, and then Rei and Yuu-kun at the Shrine, and Minako and Motoki at the arcade, and Michiru and Haruka at blah blah blah, this is a ship tease scene. Eventually Setsuna teleports in with Michiru and Haruka and says that Black Moon Clan is up to shenanigans. All the Senshi are called to see the black dust and learn that the Black Moon Clan have kidnapped the Senshi's guardians (?) and are holding them hostage in another dimension. However, Kuro gives (?) Rei, Minako, and Haruka new attacks to help prepare for storming the dimensions to save the guardians.

Go gather supplies if you are need of them before talking to Kuro. When you do, the Senshi will all transform and head into the Dimension.

Scene 2: Into the Dark Depths! The Search for Rei's Guardian!
Area: Dimensional Prison
Enemies: Nuri (EXP: 392, Gold: 34), Pyralis (EXP: 450, Gold: 41), Hakan (EXP: 400, Gold: 36)

Upon teleporting in, Sailor Mars will fall to the floor, which apparently signifies that her guardian is in this dimension. Head up the ladder and snake through the maze of spears (making sure to get the chest), and then head up the ladder at the end of the maze. Head up through the next room and climb up the ladder to reach the next screen.

Move alongside the left side of this screen to find a passage to another room, and you'll see a number of "impassable barriers". Follow the already made stone path, and once it ends, head up four squares and then walk left through the next barrier. Next, walk up three sqaures to find the next passage through the barrier. The next passage is three squares down, and the one after that is one square down.

The next four passages are three squares up, just go forward, six squares down, and then ten squares up. Go to the next room to find...a bunch of teleporters.

At the left, bottom-most platform, once you step on the teleporter, you will end up on the left, middle platform with two teleporters. The right teleporter will send you back to the bottom of the room, the left one will transport you to the top, center-most platform, and step on the left teleporter here to be taken to the first hole. Flip the switch in this new room to destroy a block in a maze that will be coming up. Once you flip that switch, step on the teleporter and stand on the middle, bottom-most platform.

Once you step on the teleporter on the middle-bottom platform, step on the left teleporter, and on the next platform, step on the right teleporter to be taken to the next hole. Once you flip the switch, a block on a ladder will be destroyed, then step on the teleporter in this room.

Step on the right-bottom platform and walk on the teleporter, then take the next two right teleporters to reach the next hole. Take the door key from this chest and then step on the teleporter.

Leave this room and walk right through the barricades to reach the wide open area. Move to the right side of this room and head up to reach the next screen. Climb up all of the ladders to find another chest with a door key! Climb all the way back down and exit this room, then walk down along side the right wall to find another screen exit.

In this next room, keep heading right to find a maze. Take the narrow, one square path heading up to find a chest containing a perfume, then go up the adjacent upward path. Follow the path going down to find a chest containing a seed of life (the path that was going right leads to a dead end), then follow the path that was heading left (on the path that lead to the treasure chest) to the exit. Walk to the rightmost side of this barrel room to find a door key, and then walk back through the maze and room after that.

Once you are back in the wide open area, head up and walk leftwards along the wooden barricade to find a locked door. Once you unlock it, do the same for the next two wooden barricades to find a ladder to climb up; result. In this new wide open room, head along the right wall to find a long passage upward. Keep heading upward to find a chest (contains seed of life) nestled in a cranny, then head left to find a branching path heading up. Keep heading up and the game will prompt you to save, and you will also find a lovely healing fountain.

After a while of going up, the Senshi will find Grandpa Hino hanging out by himself. Before any official rescuing can take place, Koan will come by and wtfpwn Grandpa. After some "insults" are thrown, Koan will say Berthier has kidnapped the next guardian, who was taken to the Water Temple...damn it. Apparently, the guardian taken was Miss Mizuno (?), and you will be thrown into a fight with Koan!

Boss: Koan, or Catzy if that's your tea of choice
Level Recommended: 36-39
Attacks: Dark Fire
EXP: 9500
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Like all bosses at this point, Koan's HP is completely absurd, and her attacks do a fair chuck of YOUR health. Of course, also like quite a few bosses, she does NOT target more than one person with any attacks, so her threat rating is low. What I'm getting at is...spam specials.

After Koan is killed, which...seems a little harsh, everyone will be warped back to the Hikawa Shrine. Once Grandapa is done with his senior moment, the Senshi decide to head on over to the Water Temple (and I whole-heartedly agree with Usagi, I am sick of that damn cave).

Scene 3: Back to the Water Temple! To Rescue Mizuno's guardian, Ms. Mizuno!
Area: Hikawa Shrine

Go back to Sendai Cave and tell the guards to let you pass before pressing on to the Water Temple. Examine the black dust next to the Water Temple's entrance and you'll be prompted to enter. If you are prepared, do so.

Area: Dimensional Prison
Enemies: Laec (EXP: 480, Gold: 33), Nahlah (EXP: 400, Gold: 32), Dour (EXP: 500, Gold: 41)

Rei proceeds to point out the obvious and everyone proceeds to be a jerk to Usagi. Open the chest for an iron sword (three guesses who it belongs to) and head up to the next room. Keep moving up through the room with the tree islands to reach the next room. Go up along the path going up to enter a wide open area. head left to eventually reach a blue chest with three healing rains. Now, exit this room and then follow the path down and to the right till you reach the south-east corner of this oddly square island. Head up a little bit to find a screen exit going right, and follow it.

Walk right on the top half of this island to find a Super Potion, then walk down a bit and walk on the narrow strip of land. Head down at the forking road to reach another room. Follow the thin path going right to soon come across a lower and upper going left. Go along the lower path to soon reach the next area. Head down to the bottom of this screen and then right to get to the next room. Go right and down a bit to get to a chest, and once you open it follow the land going right to reach another wide open room.

Move up through this area to find a cave opening and a door and switch. Don't bother with the door and switch yet; instead, go inside the cave to find a well wanted healing fountain! Move upward through this cave (takes a while) to find a wall switch. Once you flip it, the door at the top of the stairs outside is completely destroyed! Now, exit the cave and open the chest which contains a full perfume. Once you start to walk up the stairs, you will be prompted to save your game, and then continue on left to the teleporter.

Once you step on the teleporter, the three Outer Senshi (a term which makes Mr. Dies Guadii very unhappy) decide to stay behind while all of the other Senshi go save Ms. Mizuno. Fair enough. The Senshi will find themselves on a small isle with Ms. Mizuno, and Berthier soon shows up to ruin the rescue. Apparently, Berthier is, like, a bajillion times stronger than her sister Koan. Considering that a lot of enemies have claimed that, you can tell Berthier is about to get her face wrecked. However, before any combat starts, Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus show up! I...guess they wanted to make a flashy entrance? Now combat starts.

Boss: Berthier, or Bertie if youfre a dub fan. Or...Beruche if her battle screen is to be believed
Level Recommended: 38 - 40
Attacks: Dark Water
EXP: 10000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Despite her attacks being a little stronger than Koan's, she is killed swiftly, if not swifter, than her sister.

Once Berthier is dealt with, the scene switches outside with Sailor Mercury scanning for the Senshi. Once they exit from the Dimension, they are surprised to see her, and upon seeing her mother, Sailor Mercury screams out that she is her daughter (in a way; they should of kicked her out for that). Once you decide on your party members, Ami says she came back because no one believed she would actually leave the game in the first place. Haruka then stomps out anymore celebrations and says they have no idea where the next dimension is (or...Luna and Artemis for that matter. Weren't they in this game?). Of course, thanks you Ami's complete hax computer, she found out there is dimensions at the police station. After discussing supplies and how far away it is and so on, Luna walks in the shrine! She badgers Ami about her studies before Setsuna makes her speak her mind, which Luna mentions that they found Rubeus. Luna says she found Rubeus at the elementary school, but Haruka is in a nay-saying mood and says they have to save dimension or something.

Area: Dimension that...I still don't know where this is.

Esmeraude whines at Diamande for having Rubeus guard the guardians, but Diamande...seems to have a lack of words. After more moaning from Esmeraude, Saphir finally tells her to shut it and Black Lady warps in. She tells them what you already know, and Saphir asks if Rubeus found the next guardian, which, of course, he did, and Calaveras is watching over her. Saphir, asking where Rubeus is, is answered by Wiseman teleporting in and saying...nothing helpful. As Saphir whines (Black Moon Clan whines a bunch) about the Moon Child, Wiseman says not to worry because Black Lady is stronger than Sailor Universe. Yeah, sure pal; some hack from Sailor Moon R is stronger than the guy who this game is named after, I buy that. Once Wiseman and the pink spore leave, we cut back to the Hikawa Shrine!

Optional: Rubeus is actually fought in this version!
Area: Hikawa Shrine

Head on over to the Juuban High School, and then go right a bit to soon reach the Elementary School. Now, keep heading right to find an unmarked building. Go inside, and DO NOT TALK TO THE GUY IN FRONT OF THE COUNTER UNLESS YOU WANT YOUR GAME TO CRASH! Instead, head right and go down the stairs. Usagi notices nothing out of the ordinary, but suddenly the room shakes! Rubeus says these cats belong to them and says they have to come and get them. When you are ready, go through the door.

Area: Rubeus's Realm
Enemies: Plef (EXP: 500, Gold: 23), Wore (that's not a nice name to call someone...) (EXP: 500, Gold: 43), Jalk (EXP: 500, Gold: 43)

Go up to the next screen and walk around the wall to reach a small room. Step on the cracked floor that is closest to the north-west corner of the room, and once you are teleported, step two squares north, and then two squares east to be teleported to the next section of the screen. In this section, walk left four squares, down one, two left, down two, four left, one square up, one left, two up, then one square right and you can finally exit this teleport mine-field. Rubeus, you are a son of a bitch.

Thankfully, this zig-zagging room is trap free, so just walk to the purple door and go to the next room. Walk over to the screen exit in this icy room, and then continue right to the next ice field. Keep heading right, and you will be given a choice of going up, down, or right. Go right and open the three blue chests here for a seed of magic, a seed of HP, and a rainbow storm. Exit this screen and then take the down path to find two more treasure chests, containing the Ultimate Gloves (equip this to whoever you want, but I recommend giving it to a character with low attack power), and a door key, and then keep going down to reach the next screen. Here, there are two more chests, containing a seed of life and a full restore respectively; once they are gotten, continue left to the next screen. Follow along the narrow path (ignoring the cruelly placed out of reach healing fountain) and you will soon see four more treasure chests (gee, if Rubeus lured the Senshi in here to kill him, why is he throwing all of this free stuff at you?) which contain a full perfume, 400 gold, and Ultimate Boots (same advice about giving them to a weaker character so they can catch up with the damage output). However, you got to turn back because the door down this path is locked. Yes I know, a dungeon with backtracking, but go back up to where you were offered a choice of an up, right, and down path and take the up path. Go up until you find a locked door, then unlock it with the key you found on the down path before going on.

Minako will be glad they that she found Artemis, but Artemis thinks they should of just went to the next dimension without him. However, once Usagi asks where Luna is, he freaks out that she came back for him and then asks for them to let him out. Now, quick test, can you find what will unlock Artemis in this room? If you said an invisible switch that is activated by examining the right side of the stone wall jutting out between the two cells, you'd be right! Artemis will walk out of the newly unlocked cell to join you, so now go get the key inside of the chest in his cell and go all the way back to the locked door that could not be opened before (at the end of the path I said don't bother with). Save your game, and then unlock that door and head inside.

Rubeus welcomes the Senshi before telling to not even bother to get the orb as there is a barrier around it. After some smack talk, Kuro says that Rubeus doesn't stand a chance in hell against all of the Senshi, and so the battle begins!

Boss: Rubeus, the Bonus Boss of the Game!
Level Recommended: 39 - 41
Attacks: Defending (Ladies and Gentlemen, the only enemy in the game who will block your attacks), Dark Fire, Dark Blast (800+ damage and poisons)
EXP: 20000 (!)
Gold: 2000 (!!)
Items: Seed of HP (!!!)
True to his word, Rubeus is a lot stronger than the Black Moon sisters (both his physical and special attacks deal around 500 damage). Of course, you're controlling the Sailor Senshi; it's obvious who is going to win this fight.

Rubeus curses at the Senshi and teleports away, and Luna is glad to see them. Haruka sys that they are being teleported away since this dimension has started to eat itself or something. Back at the bank, Haruka notes that this was a pointless venture (well, it was optional, Ms. Prissy Pants).

Scene 4: If there is a Hell, it would look something like this dimension.
Area: Hikawa Shrine!

Go over to the police station (its right from the hospital), and examine the black dust to go into the next dimen- holy...where is this place?!

Area: ...this must be the bowels of Cthulhu or something...
Enemies: Lufian (EXP: 468, Gold: 20), Ife (EXP: 500, Gold: 43), Agapios (EXP: 475, Gold: 32)

Usagi will complain about the smell, and Jupiter will respond that it looks like they are inside someone (or from the look of things, an entire dimensional plane of flesh and blood...itfs a messed up universe out there). Minako will collapse, showing that her guardian must be here, and it will be time to get to lookin'.

Head across that...web-looking thing, and keep heading right to find the next screen exit. In this next abominable room, head left until you reach the end of the screen, and then go up a bit to find a stair case; go down the stair case. Now, walk down through the, more than likely, digestive juices to soon get to a switch; upon pressing the switch, a barricade in front of a fleshy stair case will be destroyed.

Go back to up the stair case in this area and then open the two treasure chest (which contain a super potion and full perfume) before climbing the stairs. Walk northwards to climb up another set of stairs, then go left to find a way through the wall of pink muscle. After heading right through the second muscle barricade, head left again to find the screen exit upwards.

Ooh boy, a statue-teleporter puzzle. Examine the farthest statue on the left to be teleported up a layer, then examine the left statue on this layer. On this new layer, you have a choice between more statues, and each one goes to a different room on the top layer; of course, the solution is to examine the left statue, and then the left statue in the next segment. Now, head up through the screen exit.

Head up through this zig-zagging room and you will eventually find the screen exit. Head up the left web bridge and enter the room it leads to, then open up all three treasure chests for a seed of life, a perfume, and a super potion. Now, exit here and head across the right web bridge and enter the room it leads to, then take the treasures on the right side of the room which are a perfume, a seed of life, and a super potion. Yep. Now, exit and cross the center web bridge and move up to exit this screen. Move on north through this room and after you exit it, you'll find two healing fountains and six chests (super potion x 2, seed of life x 2, full perfume x 2). The game will ask you to save before heading up the web bridge, and then keep going on.

In a room with a...I don't want to know, Minako recognizes the guardian here as Katarina, the police woman she was friends with in the Sailor V manga and who then stabbed Minako in the back to steal her love interest (but in fairest, she did think Sailor V was, you know, dead, at the time). Usagi proceeds to tell her that she is going to be in for a world of hurt, but Calaveras is not threatened by her in the least.

Boss: Calaveras, or Avery to some people
Level Recommended: 39 - 41
Attacks: Dark Whip
EXP: 10500
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Does her physical attack deal 40% of the average Senshi's health? Yes. Is she difficult to take down? No! She is even easier than Berthier! WTF. So yeah, no difficulties here.

After that pathetic excuse for a fight, Katarina recognizes Minako and is surprised she is not dead. When Usagi asks who she is, Minako says she is someone who is very important to her. Sure she is. She explains what happens six months ago in England, her love life, how her and Katarina were BFF. One exploded building later, and Minako's, uh, not!boyfriend and Katarina think she is dead. And become a couple. Back in the present, Minako tries to play it off like it was all no big deal, and no believes her. Michiru interrupts this scene by noting that the dimension is not disappearing like it usually does after they murder someone. After some techno babble from Ami, the Senshi teleport Katarina back to Juuban, while simultaneously warping themselves over to Makoto's dimension.

Scene 6: Senshi! Come out to play! *clacks bottles together*
Area: Dimensional Prison
Enemies: Thor (EXP: 525, Gold: 31), Tyrell (EXP: 565, Gold: 37), Barak (EXP: 574, Gold: 34)

Jupiter says that this must be her dimension (obviously), but no one seems to mention the fact that she isn't reacting to it like the other Senshi did to their's.

Go left to the next screen and get the super potion in the chest before continuing left to find two chests with a seed of life and super potion, then keep going to the next screen. Keep on going left to the next area (all of the paths lead to the same place), and then take the path on this screen going left to find another super potion, and then keep on this path to reach the next room. Walk left as far as you can before heading down to the bottom of the screen, then head left again to exit to the next room. Follow the narrow path until you get to the main island, then go left to find a healing fountain and the tale-tell Senshi symbol showing that this dimension is over, so head over there and save.

Kuro will be surprised by the area you found, which is apparently his home town. Okay. The Senshi follow him into a run down, empty house, which amazes him. Makoto and Kuro begin to have a heart to heart, and he reveals that he escaped the Dark Kingdom when he was five years old (Beryl hadn't yet replaced that box switch, you see) and nine years later he had the black crystal used on him to make him EVIL. After his background is done being fleshed out, Kuro and Makoto begin to have a special connection. On the other side of the room, Haruka says that she still doesn't trust Kuro (for some reason) and Michiru chimes in on how she doesn't like him either. Before this...this continues, Petz calls for Kuro to come outside to play, and one fade to black later, everyone is outside facing off against her. Once the mandatory insults are thrown, Petz revealed that Makoto's guardian is Kuro. As if you didn't see that coming from a mile away. Luckily, the fight starts, so this madness will now end.

Boss: Petz, but some may call her Prizma
Level Recommended: 39 - 41
Attacks: Dark Thunder
EXP: 11000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Petz, poor dolt that she is, did not notice that the Black Moon Clan sisters keep getting easier as boss fights go on, so she is pretty much S.O.L.

After that curb stomping, Kuro is still freaking out that he is Makoto's guardian. Soon after that, Rubeus and Black Lady teleport in with the three Moon Gems (...there is no logical reason I can think of why Kuro will not keep those with him at all times). Luckily however, Kuro does...something and pwns Rubeus in, like, three seconds, but the Black Lady teleports away with the gems. Once Kuro stops being emo about himself being a threat, he then gushes on about how he'll protect Makoto.

Scene 7: To the Door of Time!
Area: Juuban High

After the Dimension, I don't know, implodes on itself, a fade to black shows Usagi and Ami at school. Kuro then shows up saying how he wants to go to school, and Usagi starts shipping Makoto and Kuro. Mercifully, we are spared when a monster shows up to cause shenanigans.

Mini-Boss (yeah, been a-while since one of them): Nukpana
Attacks: He'll be dead before he even attacks
EXP: 580
Gold: 17
I don't even know why he shows up.

The scene cuts to Kuro and Jupiter in the park, basically on a date, they fall in love, random monster shows up.

Mini-Boss: Birsha
Attacks: Pffft.
EXP: 600
Gold: 26
Same as the last one. Why is it here?

Scene cuts to Minako and Rei at the Hikawa Shrine, small talk and minor shipping ensues, Kuro comes by to say "Hi!", and another monster shows up. I swear, this guy is a Doom Magnet...

Mini-Boss: Maur
Attacks: Screaming in agony and then dying
EXP: 594
Gold: 27

Kuron goes to meet Setsuna, Haruka, and Michiru at, well, Michiru's house, and they talk about how they are sick of monsters showing up. According to Kuro, there must be a hole in the time seal. Ah huh; Setsuna didn't know this how? Once the game tells you to SAVE SAVE SAVE, you will be controlling Kuro. Leave the house and get supplies if you want, then come back to start another cutscene. The Senshi have circled around to begin the Sailor Teleport, and Makoto tells everyone to not screw up and get punkfd like what happened to Rei at the end of Part 1.

Area: Door of Time

Setsuna tells everyone to brace themselves while she operates on the door, and you will be prompted to throw a party together.

Area: Yep, its that time again.

Esmeraude whines at Diamande that Rubeus is a waste of carbon, and then she throws a fit once she learns that Black Lady is in charge. Diamande finally says something, which annoys Esmeraude since it is sweet nothings to Black Lady. Once they stop yelling at each other, the...that was it?

Area: Door of Time
Enemies: Queran (EXP: 613, Gold: 28), Maur (EXP: 594, Gold: 27), Kolli (EXP: 550, Gold: 26), Birsha (EXP: 600, Gold: 26), Claec (EXP: 625, Gold: 29)

Setsuna opens the door and everyone runs inside. Continue forward for a few screens and Esmeraude will block the entrance to Crystal Tokyo. Curb stomp in three, two, one...

Boss: Esmeraude
Level Recommended: 40 - 42
Attacks: Evil Glory, Broken Heart, Black Out
EXP: 13000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
The fact alone that she can hit everyone at once with one attack makes her far, far, far more dangerous than any of the Black Moon sisters. But, she just isn't up to Senshi killing.

Once they kick Esmeraude's corpse off of the platform, continue through the door to reach...

Scene 8: The end of the Black Moon Clan! The Moon Child's final battle!
Area: Crystal Tokyo
Enemies: Queran (EXP: 613, Gold: 28), Birsha (EXP: 600, Gold: 26), Hadrian (EXP: 581, Gold: 27), Claec (EXP: 625, Gold: 29), Kolli (EXP: 550, Gold: 26), Nukpana (EXP: 580, Gold: 17), Maur (EXP: 594, Gold: 27)

Walk forward a bit and Saphir will teleport in to tell the Senshi that Wiseman has taken over the Black Moon Clan and won't tell him his new plan to blow up Crystal Tokyo, so he is bored with working for him now. When Makoto asks where the Moon Gems are, Saphir says Wiseman still has them. Once Saphir decides to take them to Wiseman, Black Lady came in and kills Saphir in, like, three seconds.

Boss: Black Lady
Level Recommended: 41 - 43
Attacks: Evil Glory, Rock Storm, Death Circle
EXP: 15000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Shefs mildly more challenging than Esmeraude. That isn't saying much.

Once everyone finishes stabbing the Evil out of her, Wiseman will come by and throw a hissy fit and, uh, eats Saphir before leaving. Ami's computer will detect two castles, and Kuro reveals that one of them belongs to Usagi. Cause she is queen of Crystal Tokyo. And is Chibiusa's mother. And Mamoru is her husband. I'm sure you're all familiar with the plot.

Keep following along this path until you reach a stair case, then go down it. Go south a bit to find a super potion, then take the path going left that was behind the staircase you came down to reach the next screen. Walk north-west to find the next screen exit, and continue north-west ward in this room to find a chest, then go south west to find the next area. Follow along this path and the chests you find for a seed of life, super potion x 2, and full perfume x 5. Then, go south for a ways to find the next area.

Head right to find more treasure chests (super potion x 5, seed of life x 2, seed of strength), up, around, and down from that blockade keep following this path till you reach the next screen. Although you could follow down that narrow path that contains a seed of life, I suggest you ignore it unless you did not stock up on them. Head south-west through the pillars and then follow along the black path and use the healing fountain before saving. You may then enter the door.

Area: Black Moon Castle
Enemies: Queran (EXP: 613, Gold: 28), Birsha (EXP: 600, Gold: 26), Hadrian (EXP: 581, Gold: 27), Claec (EXP: 625, Gold: 29), Kolli (EXP: 550, Gold: 26), Nukpana (EXP: 580, Gold: 17), Maur (EXP: 594, Gold: 27)

The Senshi will find themselves in a square room with a large crystal in the center. Keep going forward and you will soon find super potion x 6, full perfume x 3, and seed of life x 3. Go up the staircase and continue forward. Follow the way up (the way left just leads to an elixir which you can get if you want), and then take a left from the stairs and keep going left to reach a screen exit.

Take the path upper path going left, and eventually you will come to a left path going down, a right path going down, and a path going right. Take the left path going down, and then head right by two squares before heading down the right path. After a while of following it, you be offered a choice of going down or right; take the path going right to find a switch. Once you press that switch, a chess piece blocking a screen exit will be destroyed; find your way back to where you first left the left path going down, and then go down to find an exit to the next area.

Head left a bit to find a door key, and then exit this room and the maze. Walk right to the staircase and unlock the door before entering the next room. Thatfs...a lot of statues. The one you need to click to continue on is in row two, column four. After heading up the stairs, follow whichever path you think is pretty, and then in the next room, take the left most path and keep on it until you find another set of stairs; go up the stairs. In this room, head up the left wall, where you will find a screen exit, and then follow the path left. You finally reached the end, as the lovely healing fountain and Senshi symbol will indicate. Once you finished saving, continue up the stairs for a cut scene.

Diamande will welcome the Senshi, cause he is just that kind of guy, and is not the creepy, stalker-rapist you may of heard of about at all (seriously, he hasnft done a single evil thing throughout the whole game!). Yeah...anyway, Diamande starts monologuing, saying that he didn't want to replace the Moon Child with Black lady, and then Haruka asks him if his plan involved having Saphir killed. When he hears this, Diamande takes this news surprisingly well, but then Wiseman comes in and kills him in, like, three seconds. Wiseman says he will kill all of the Senshi here now, so then they will never protect Neo Queen Serenity in the future, and then he will be free to slay the Queen. Of course, the Senshi will put a stop this right now...

Shape the Future!

Boss: Wiseman
Level Recommended 43 - 45
Attacks: Psybeam (900 - 1400 damage), Death Circle (1000+), Physical (600+)
EXP: 20000
Gold: 1000
Items: High Potion
If you think Wiseman will be a piece of cake like the other End of Part are so, so wrong. He has ten's of thousands of hit points, and pretty much all of his attacks can nearly kill a Senshi in one hit. So, as for healing, do not even bother with Super Potions in the like; instead, just revive any Senshi that is wiped out with a seed of life, and dedicate two of them to using perfumes so other Senshi can use their specials (if you are using Sailor Universe (which you honestly should, especially for this fight), have him attack with his sword instead of using a perfume since his attack three times more than the average Senshi). The one saving grace of this fight is that Wiseman will only kill one Senshi at a time, so with patience and some good thinking, the Senshi will win the day.

Wiseman falls to the ground, and the Senshi begin to leave the area. But, before they can go, Wiseman fires one final attack at Jupiter and Kuro jumps in the way to save her...

Scene 9: All for naught.
Area: Graveyard

Katarina, Minako, Ami, Rei, Michiru, Haruka, Setsuna, Chibusa, and Mamoru stand at a gravestone, and Rei wonders if "she" will come. Minako tells her that Usagi is completely devastated, so she doubts it. Ami is still in complete disbelief over what happened, and Katarina thanks Minako for calling her so she could pay her respects. As Katarina begins her speech, Usagi and Makoto finally come along, both of them incredibly depressed. Makoto asks if she could say something real quick, which Katarina allows, and she thanks Usagi for bringing her here. She tells of how Kuro saved her life from Wiseman's final attack, and steps down once she is unable to continue. Once its over, Makoto begins regretting that Kuro sacrificed himself for her, but Ami and Rei try to cheer her up. Haruka says everyone should head on home, and Michiru says that she senses something evil stirring.

Area: Black Moon Castle

Wiseman's spirit will's itself back into existence before teleporting away...

Area: Professor Tomoe's Room

Tomoe wishes his daughter goodnight, and Hotaru does the same before climbing in bed.

Area: Infinity Academy

Kaorinite asks Tomoe how his daughter is doing, and Tomoe answers that she is a little better since her seizures have slowed down. Suddenly, Wiseman's spirit possesses Tomoe, and he soon declares revenge on Sailor Moon...

End of Part 3.

================ ooOOoo ================


================ ooOOoo ================

Written by: Sailor-Vhoorl (aka Andrew, aka Donavan, aka Smith, aka I lie about my name a lot)
Dedicated to: All the Moonies who gave their lives to make this guide possible.

This is the final stretch of the game, dear Moonies! For a refresher since last time, Kuro was killed (again) and had a touching funeral, and Wiseman possessed Tomoe (because Pharoh 90 couldn't be bothered to make an appearance)! I sure hope the Senshi are doing better since we last saw them.

Scene 1: The History of the Moon Kingdom...will have to wait, because the Sailor V games were stolen!
Area: Hikawa Shrine

Rei says its been three weeks since they defeated Wiseman and Kuro's passing. She heads off to bed after hoping that Makoto is doing better, and then has an odd dream...

Area: Moon Kingdom

Sailor Jupitor and Sailor Mars are sparring with each other, but are soon interrupted when the entire palace begins shaking. The princess walks into the training room and Sailor Venus runs over to ask what is going on. After the screen flashes a few times, Princess Serenity says she is scared, but Venus reassures her that they will protect her. Ami senses that there is someone in the castle and Mars tells the Senshi to go check on the Queen while she stays in the training room with Serenity. In the Queen's room, the Senshi asks why Beryl is on the moon, who responds that it is because the Moon Child was called 86 years early. Beryl then takes the giant crystal next to the Queen and fatally wounds the Senshi. Venus asks if the Moon Child is safe, which the Queen says yes, and then tries to heal the Senshi. Back in the training room, Serenity hopes everyone is okay, but despite Mars's assurance, she soon realizes they have all been killed. Beryl teleports in murders Sailor Mars and Serenity. Back in the Queen's room (again), the Queen begins mourning and a baby Kuro crawls in the room. The Queen uses up all of her life to reincarnate the girls and transport Kuro to the earth...

Area: Hikawa Shrine

Rei wakes up and reflects on her dream before Usagi calls out to her. In the next room, Mamoru, Rei, Usagi, Minako, and Ami have gathered, and Ami asks how she has been without the pink spore around, to which Usagi gives an...odd answer to. Usagi reveals that she sent a letter from the future to her past self, thanking her for keeping Chibiusa safe, and soon Rei tells them about her dream. Usagi is shocked by it, but Minako says that it must of been B.S., because Beryl was a total wimp to beat earlier in the game. When Mamoru asks what the Queen looked like, Rei gives a description of her, which Usagi says is the person she met who gave her more powers. Ami then mentions her vision that she had on the train, and Mamoru mentions that they can go to a library to read documents on the attack (?) who were written by some guy from Yekohema City. Coincidentally, Ami says there is a train leaving for Yekohama in 15 minutes, but first they need to go to Juuban Lake to pick up Makoto (and Mamoru FINALLY joined the party!).

Exit the Hikawa Shrine and head to Juuban Lake to see Makoto standing on a small dock. Usagi is thrilled to see Makoto since it has been awhile, but Makoto is still depressed. Usagi says they are heading to a library to find out more about the Moon Kingdom, of course Makoto just doesn't want to come. However, once she mentions that the library is Yekohema, Makoto realizes that is right beside Kuro's old town and joins the party. Of course, before we head on over to the train station, go to the store district and talk to Motoki. Apparently, someone stole all of the Sailor V games and he is offering an award if someone can bring back all 20 of them. Oh yes, gentle reader, its quest time.

1. Head right from the arcade to find a Sailor V game!
2. There is a Sailor V game inside the weapon shop!
3. Exit the weapon shop and continue right to find the hospital. Head up the left staircase and go left by one screen to find another Sailor V game!
4. Head all of the way to the left end of the second floor of the hospital to find the next Sailor V game!
5 and 6. Leave the Hospital and head right to the Police Station. Go inside and you will find two- yes, two- Sailor V games (apparently the warden and the prisoner were playing with them to pass the time)!
7. Exit the Police Station and head left pass the Hospital and store district. As you can see, the next Sailor V game is right next to the path going to school!
8. Head up the path going to school to find the next Sailor V game!
9, 10 and 11. Go left into Juuban Forest and follow the path to another Sailor V game, another copy of the game sneakily hidden behind a tree on the left side of the screen, and yet another one hidden behind a tree at the right of the screen!
12. Leave Juuban forest and head right to find a Sailor V game to the right of the school!
13 and 14. Continue right to the elementary school to find a Sailor V game on both sides of the building!
15. Go back to the crossroad of the high school, store district, train, and lower levels of town, and follow the crossroad down. Walk right and just before the path to Juuban Lake, there will be a Sailor V game!
16. In front of Usagi's house, you will find yet another copy of the Sailor V game!
17 and 18. There is a Sailor V game between train station a and b, and another Sailor V game in front of train station b!
19. There is another copy of the Sailor V game in front of train station d!
20. At the beginning of the Juuban lake path, there is another copy of the Sailor V game!

Go back to Motoki and talk to him several times in order to give him back every single copy of the game. Upon giving him the last one, the enjoyable victory jingle will ring and he will give you your reward of 1500 gold! Huh.

Moving on, go into trains station b and pick up the train tickets on the corner of the red-pink carpet (that's real classy of you, Usagi; especially after we just finished hunting down stolen copys of a video game!). Talk to the train man and he will say the train to Yekohema will be leaving soon, and we will be on the road to learning about the Moon Kingdom!

Scene 2: A fighting tournament?! In a Sailor Moon RPG!? Why!?!
Area: Yekohema City

Usagi and Rei have a quick back and forth before Makoto leaves the group for Kuro's home of Inazawa City. Once she leaves, Minako asks what the name of the guy they are looking for, and Mamoru answers that his name is Edward Socartes. Classy. Follow the path right to reach Yekohema City proper, and continue past this screen of houses by following the path upward. Continue past this next screen of friggin giant people and you will soon find the entrance of the library.

After a brilliant deduction from Usagi, Ami suggests everyone splits up to look for books. Badger the Senshi for some exposition, then talk to Mamoru to further the scene along. Some senile man will shout out to no one in particular that people are reading his book (he probably does this everyday), and then we fade to black.

Area: Inazawa City

Once Makoto reaches the City, she wonders aloud if his house is still open. Welp, none of the houses on this screen are Kuro's, so walk leftwards to the next screen and knock on the door that is closest to the top right of the screen. Once she walks inside, Makoto starts getting depressed again and has a flash back to the dimension where her guardian was "kept". She then decides to talk to others to see if they knew him, so go outside and talk to the giant woman next door. Apparently, her mother knew who Kuro was, so walk right to the previous section of town and knock on the door of the house on the lower-left corner of the screen.

The woman inside asks who is knocking and Makoto asks if she knew anything about Kuro, and is then promptly invited in. For some reason, Makoto is astounded that the old woman can cook, and the old woman is surprised that Makoto actually knows Kuro. Apparently everyone in the village knew and loved Kuro, and when she asks how Kuro is doing, Makoto totally dodges the question. She then mentions the fighting tournament and how he did so darn well at it, which gives Makoto the incentive to check it out.
Go left to the farthest reach of town and go inside the giant building there. Talk to the equally giant-sized man at the counter, who takes surprise when Makoto says she wants to enter. However, after some convincing, he says that Makoto can't fight in what she is wearing now, so when he goes down stairs to get something, Makoto transforms into Sailor Jupiter and then uses the disguise pen she "borrowed" from Usagi to change her outfit black so she isn't recognized. Once the guy comes back, he is surprised to see that she is already in a suitable fighting uniform, and then tells her to continue on. However, before she leaves, he asks for her name, which she gives as Kuro so his name will live on as the fighting tournament victor.

Walk forward and talk to the man. Time to begin the first round!

Mini-Boss: Azzan
Attacks: Ineffectually Bum Rushing
EXP: 250
Gold: Zilch
As you can see, "Kuro's" skills have been changed to fairly vanilla fighting moves (but the animation is still a nice touch), but for some reason, "Kuro" is still able to use Flower Hurricane to paralyze her opponent, which is blatantly cheating but we won't dwell on it. As for your opponent...hope that you're attacks donft kill him.

Second round, GO!

Mini-Boss: Birkita
Attacks: Sissily Slapping
EXP: 250
Gold: Nada
I'm honestly at a lost for words here.

Third round, GO!

Attacks: Flexing his muscles
EXP: 250
Gold: Nope
He may of come in second place at the last tournament, but he sure as hell ain't coming anywhere near the top in this one.

Fourth round, GO!

Mini-Boss: Favra
Attacks: Stabbing with an illegal weapon
EXP: 250
Gold: Yep takes two attacks to beat her. Kudos to her for that.

Okay, this is starting to get embarrassing.

Mini-Boss: Uzi
Attacks: Takes a cue from Favra and fights with illegal weapons. No wonder they made it farther than anyone else...
EXP: 2000 (?)
Gold: Guess
If you go through pretty much every fight without healing, he will probably kill you. And that's no good. So please, don't...don't let that happen.

The man will congratulate "Kuro" for making it to the finals, and says the final opponent is Ptilol, a name so classy even "Kuro" is confounded by it. Apparently, she was auto-qualified for the finals, but enough of that; it's show time!

Mini-Boss: Ptilol
Attacks: Defeating "Kuro" off screen
EXP: No EXP for you!
Gold: And as if you were going to get this anyway!
Try not to scream out loud that you don't even get a chance to fight her; thatfs all the help I can give you!

Once Ptilol wins, "Kuro" (are you sick of me doing that? Well tough.) compliments her, Ptilol tells her that she better be stronger when they next fight. Creepy. After a quick fade to black, "Kuro" expresses disappointment that she didn't win so Kuro's name will be remembered. However, it turns out Ptilol was disqualified for the fact that she broke in (and the people with the stabbing weapons weren't kicked out because?) so Kuro's name will live on after all! Oh, and she gets 500 gold and a good luck prize from Kuro, so that's cool too.

Area: Yekohema Library

The Senshi (and Mamoru) gather around Mr. Socartes and tell him that they wanted to read about his Moon Kingdom documents. When Rei asks about the books being fictional, he says that is not the case and then says that if you need to prove something, you won't get anywhere. Classy. he then goes on to say that he knows that the Senshi are still alive in the present day as they were reincarnated. Of course, when Rei asks for more information, he tells them that he knows they are the Senshi, but one of them is missing. Once he leaves, Minako assumes that he knew they were the Senshi because he's completely insane. However, they now know that the dreams must of been true and they should go find Makoto. Leave town and follow west down that path that Makoto took.

Area: Inazawa Pathway
Enemies: Haru (EXP: 650, Gold: 32), Oxton (EXP: 643, Gold: 24), Welby (the best enemy in the game) (EXP: 670, Gold: 25)

Head left to the next screen and then keep headin left to reach the screen after that. Follow along the path and soon enough the Senshi will find Makoto. Usagi notices that Makoto is looking much more cheerful and Makoto promises to tell her everything on the way home, as well as bake something yummy for Usagi! Upon hearing this, Usagi screams out that she loves Makoto, which causes her to glimpse back to the Moon Kingdom. However, Usagi snaps Makoto out of it. Go back the way you came and climb up the steps so you can enter the train station.

Area: Train Car

Makoto just finishes telling them what happened, and Minako asks if she felt weird that people thought she was a man, which she says that the only thing that was weird was being called "Miss Kuro". Suddenly, Katarina bursts into their room (what the heck is she doing on this train?) and she tells them that there was a kidnapping at the elementary school in Juuban. The kidnappers are demanding that Sailor Moon enter the school (why? She hasn't really been 'main character-ish' enough to warrant that.) for the kids to be returned safely.

Scene 3: The Soldier of Destruction is born!
Area: Juuban Train Station

Go buy some supplies if you need them, then head east of Juuban High to find the elementary school. A police officer will tell Usagi to buzz off, but Katarina will force him to let her in. Walk over to the group of Senshi outside of the school and a cut scene will start. Katarina will say that it has been impossible to get inside of the school do to the doors disappearing, which Michiru explains as...something. Haruka questions as to why they would want Usagi (yeah, me too) but then she reassures her that she'll protect her "dumpling head" (which rubs Mamoru the wrong way). One transformation sequence later and the Senshi will be inside the school.

Area: Juuban Elementary...kind of...
Enemies: Pendera (EXP: 950, Gold: 29), Howahkan (EXP: 800, Gold: 25), Delip (EXP: 864, Gold: 17)

Usagi freaks out about how the place looks, and Ami explains that they are in a half-dimension. Classy. Suddenly, Kuro's good luck charm starts making a noise, but the Senshi dismiss it. Go forward to the next room and take the screen exit to the left. Head left and on the bottom path is a pair of Power Blue Boots (For Ami), and the top path contains a healing fountain (which is good, because the enemies here do stupid amounts of damage). Exit this room and head right to reach the next area. There is a merchant here (?), so you can buy some items.

Head to the south-east corner of this room to find the next area, and then head right to find four paths going down. Path #3 is the only one you need to go down (path #1 has a super potion, path #2 has a perfume, and path #4 has a seed of life), as it has a switch that will destroy a crystal blocking a staircase. Go back to the second room of the dungeon and go up to very top of the staircase. Go down the staircase that leads into the pillar you just walked up, and once you reach the bottom, take the path going right. Eventually, you will reach a room with nine treasure chests. Every chest here (except for the right-most chest in the middle row) contains one gold; the center right chest has a door key.

Take the path going left and keep on it until you find a purple door; there is a chest at the left-most side of this room which contains a healing rain. Unlock the purple door and head on to the next room, and then walk north through this room to get to the next one. Follow along the path here to find a teleporter; take it and the next teleporter you find to end up on a ledge. Ignore the teleporter here for now and go forward to the next room (SAVE YOUR GAME AND HEAL UP).

Walk forward a bit in this room and Kaorinite will be surprised that you survived so far. After some back and forth, Kaorinite will say she let the kids go as soon as the Senshi entered, and reveals she is working for Wiseman (isn't it sad, Pharoh 90?).

Boss: Kaorinite
Level Recommended: 46 - 48
Attacks: Thunder Strike, Death Circle, Evil Chain
EXP: 17000
Gold: 500
Items: Rainbow Storm
Going through this dungeon is more difficult than defeating Kaorinite, but you still need to keep everyone's HP above 400 or she will one shot the whole party with Evil Chain.

Once the Senshi finish gloating, Makoto prepares to finish off Kaorinite. But, before she can, Hotaru arrives to stop her. Kuro's charm begins to react to Hotaru's presence and transforms her into Sailor Saturn, which causes Michiru, Setsuna, and Haruka to freak out; Haruka then attacks her with World Shaking, and it does nothing! However, once Kaorinite fires an attack at the Senshi, Hotaru protects them, so, clearly, she isn't so bad. In another twist to this scene (thats what, five so far?), Sailor Saturn causes Usagi to awaken into Super Sailor Moon, but Kaorinite runs away before Usagi could kill her.

(NOTE: Sailor Saturn joins the level 60! Very useful if you been slacking in level grinding.)

Step on the purple switch and exit this room. Step on the teleporter to be transported to the path below, and then go back to the entrance of this dungeon. Step on the teleporter here to be transported outside. Once the scene ends (its not that important), go to the Hikawa Shrine to start another scene.

Rei asks why Haruka tried to kill, and Haruka says its because she is the Soldier of Destruction. That's a flimsy excuse. When Ami learns about Hotaru's illness, she says that her mother would be happy to treat her. Unfortunately, once they start talking about Kuro's charm, Makoto goes back into her emo mood (and even Rei tells her to chill!). Soon, Michiru and Haruka leave to investigate the Infinity Academy and Setsuna goes with them.

Exit the Hikawa Shrine and go through Juuban Lake and Sendai Cave to reach Osaku City. Exit the city and follow the path through Osaku Forest to reach Saitama Forest. Stay on the path and you will eventually reach Saitama City. Head inside the Infinity Academy and head up a screen. Head up a bit and then go right to find another room. Exit to the next room and then go down the stairs. Keep heading right to soon find a room full of discarded papers.

Examine the third paper one the second from the top row to start a cut scene. Haruka will note that she left in a hurry and Michiru will find out they call themselves the Death Busters AND that they have obtained another black crystal that is locked away in the ruins of the Dark Kingdom. After a bit, Eudial will walk in the room and attack them.

Boss: Eudial
Level Recommended: 47 - 48
Attacks: Fire Wall, Fire Blast
EXP: 15000
Gold: 500
Items: Hyper Potion
Eudial is fairly dangerous since her attacks do a high amount of damage, and her Fire Wall hits everyone (keep everyone's HP above 600). However, winning isnft the problem; it is making sure everyone stays alive to get EXP after the battle!

Eudial will die and will drop an information packet about the Senshi Wars. Apparently, Sailor Pluto, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune managed to briefly stop Chaos before it could enter the kingdom, but Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus died in the process. However, Setsuna reincarnated both Michiru and Haruka.

Enter Eudial's office and examine the paper on her desk and Setsuna will see that the Witches 5 have the 4 keys to get the black crystal. Haruka will go back to the previous room and will bring back a key that she dropped.

Scene 4: Hunting down the keys to the Dark Kingdom
Area: Juuban Lake

Usagi and Mamoru are out on a boat, enjoying each others company, but Chibiusa soon falls from the sky to wreck the moment. Back on land, Mamoru welcomes Chibiusa back to the past, and when Usagi asks why she came back, apparently Neo Queen Serenity sent her back to be trained to be a Senshi because the Senshi from the past kept sending her letters asking for it. Ah huh. However, Mamoru says that the letters must of been sent by "the enemy". Sure. Soon Makoto will call Usagi to tell her to go to the Hikawa Shrine.

(NOTE: Sailor Chibimoon joins the team! Like Tuxedo Kamen already in your party, she is completely useless.)

Go back to the Hikawa Shrine and Mamoru will ask if anyone sent any letters to Neo Queen Serenity...which no one did. He then goes on to claim that someone posing as them must of wanted Chibiusa to come back to the present, but when Setsuna suggests that she go back to the future, Chibiusa tells her that she can help fight "the enemy". Suddenly, Chibiusa notices Hotaru and becomes BFF's with her. Just like that, with zero build up. Haruka eventually shuts her up and Setsuna tells everyone on how the Death Busters have hidden another black crystal in the Dark Kingdom ruins, and the Michiru goes on to mention that Chibiusa must be apart of their plans. Michiru then asks if Ami can scan for the other keys, which of course she can, so the next stop is Okazaki City.

Exit the Hikawa Shrine and head east to Juuban Lake (unless you need supplies), and you will see those dogs that have been blocking the way are finally gone! Head on the pathway to reach...

Area: Okazaki Pathway
Enemies: Futkefu (EXP: 950, Gold: 31), Nastas (EXP: 978, Gold: 28), Bentleah (EXP: 860, Gold: 24)

Follow the path to the next screen and open the chest for a perfume before continuing on to the screen after that. Keep following the path for a few screens and you will soon find the merchant from the school! If you are okay on items, just pass by him to the next screen.

Area: Okazaki City

Open the chest for a healing rain and then save your game before heading up the path. The Senshi will find Mimete resting on the road, and she knew they were coming. She thanks the Senshi for killing Eudial so that she could get her position. She then mentions that once she kills them all, Professor Tomoe will be ecstatic, but says that Sailor Moon has to be taken in alive. However, Chibiusa says that they will get the key from her, but as fate would have it, Mimete was not even trusted with one of the keys; itfs Telu who had the key in this area. But, what she does have are the Space Sword and Deep Sea Mirrors that Wiseman ordered her to destroy. Naturally, this does not fly with Setsuna; boss time!

Boss: Mimete
Level Recommended: 48 - 50
Attacks: Charm Buster
EXP: 20000
Gold: 500
Items: Full Restore
Although her attacks hurt for a good 600 points of damage, she is no big deal, especially since Usagi and (if you decide to use her) Hotaru's specials deal around 2500 damage to her.

Once Mimete is dealt with, Neptune and Uranus's legendary weapons will return to them, which not only gives them far stronger attacks, but also gives them new specials! Head forward into the cave.

Area: Okazaki Cave
Enemies: Sanat (EXP: 1250, Gold: 30), Keondre (EXP: 1200, Gold: 21), Cian (EXP: 1000, Gold: 34)

Follow the only path through this screen, and on the next one, just head right and up. Open the chest for a seed of life and continue to the next screen by going left. When offered a choice of going up, left, or down, go down into a small area to get a full perfume, a super potion, and a pair of Red Slam Heels for Rei! Exit this area and then take the path going left (the path going up is a dead end) to reach the next screen. Follow along the top path to reach a wide open screen, and then go up to find a crystal teleporter and a path going right. Take the path going right, and on this screen, follow the path to find a chest containing a boss key. Go back to the teleporter and examine it to end up in a room will a moving skull...thingy. Step on it quickly and then examine it to be teleported to a ledge with two teleporters; examine the left one and you will be teleported to an area with a locked door. Unlock the door and the game will prompt you to save; do so before moving on.

Telu, like Mimete, was expecting the Senshi, and she agrees with Haruka's sentiment that Mimete was a waste of space. Eventually, Hotaru will ask what they are doing with the Black Crystal, but Telu ignores the question.

Boss: Telu
Level Recommended: 49 - 51
Attacks: Mandragora Buster
EXP: 20000
Gold: 500
Items: Rainbow Storm
Although Telu does have stronger attacks than Mimete, the fact that you can use Super Sailor Moon's, Sailor Saturn's, and Sailor Uranus's super attacks to wipe out half of her health in one turn, makes her...well, easier.

Makoto notes that the Witches 5 seem to be getting stronger, and Usagi will pick up the fallen key. Once Rei and Usagi get done arguing, Ami scans the key to find the next two are located at the next town over. Go forward and exit the cave to reach...

Area: Himeji Pathway
Enemies: Bentleah (EXP: 860, Gold: 24), Futkefu (EXP: 950, Gold: 31), Nastas (EXP: 978, Gold: 28)

Follow the path to the next screen and then take the path going right as it leads to a super potion (the left path has no items), then continue on the path up to arrive in...

Area: Himeji City

The going right leads to the Inn (you might need to stay a night), Item shop, and Weapon Shop. The path going left is the housing district (completely useless), but the path heading up leads to will eventually take you to a locked building. it doesn't stay locked for long, as the door flings itself open. Spooky.

Area: Himeji Chruch
Enemies: Careah (EXP: 1357, Gold: 37), Kanaye (EXP: 1300, Gold: 21), Haru (EXP: 1100, Gold: 30), Hoshi (EXP: 1050, Gold: 30)

Go forward through the door, then head along the left wall to examine a hole in the ground. Ami says that the key is somewhere below them, but none of the Senshi can fit down there. Head right to get to the next screen, and then continue right to find two chests (healing rain and antidote). Of course, the door is locked, so exit this room and head up the staircase, then go up the staircase after that. Step on the blue switch, then go down both of the stairs and head left back to the room with the hole. Keep heading left to the next screen and you'll see two doors have been opened. Go through them and head left down a hallway.

Follow along this path to soon be led to a door key, then go back to the locked door on the right side of the church. Inside of this room, there is a small red gem; examine it and- what. I...well, now that Usagi has become incredibly tiny, go back to that hole and jump down. Ignore the teleporter and continue through the door and then head up to the next area. Follow the path up to get to the next screen, then take the right route; puzzle time.

The top tile on the center path is slightly lit up: if it points left, take the left path; if it points right, go right; if the left and right floor tiles are lit up, then you take the center path. Or, to be quick about it, left, right, left, (SAVE YOUR GAME AND HEAL) center.

Makoto will recognize Ptilol, and apparently Ptilol liked Jupiter's outfit better black. However, Ptilol will leave the Senshi to Viluy as she needs to meet Cyprine at Himeji Mountain. Eventually, the fight will begin.

Boss: Viluy
Level Recommended: 51 - 52
Attacks: Dark Water
EXP: 22000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
She's standard Witch difficulty, nothing too serious.

Usagi will take the final key, and it will be time to leave this place. Head back to the teleporter and you will be transported outside, then stock up on items and heal at the Inn before heading left from the church.

Area: Himeji Mountain
Enemies: Cho (EXP: 1300, Gold: 24), Kin (EXP: 1400, Gold: 15), Kisho (EXP: 1246, Gold: 30), Gin (EXP: 1100, Gold: 40)

Ami will tell you that the key is on the top of the mountain, and then climb up the stone steps before continuing north. The woman here is selling weapons and armor, but since money in this game is nigh-impossible to come across, try to ration by only buying four pieces of each armor (if you decide to at all) and swap them between Senshi; then, continue up the path. Keep heading up and climb all the way up the stairs, and head up north to get a healing rain before continuing north. Keep following along the path and you'll soon see two chests (seed of strength and high perfume) and climb up the stairs before going right. Head past the stairs (dead end) and on the next screen go down those stairs. Head right and climb up the next stairs and head right, then follow the way of north. Climb up the stairs case before saving your game and healing, and you will soon reach the top of the mountain!

Ptilol pretty much expected that Viluy would be killed, and her and Cyprine they introduce themselves as the final Witch. Soon, the battle will commence.

Boss: Ptilol and Cyprine
Level Recommended: 52 - 54
Attacks: Fire Blast (Ptilol), Dark Fire Blast (Cyprine)
EXP: 4000
Gold: 1000
Items: High Potion x 2
This battle can be a pain in the ass if they decide to spam physical attacks, since that can hit for 800 damage (over 1400 on a critical); their specials, however, aren't so bad. Focus on one at a time, because with just one of them around things are much easier.

With the final key in hand, it time to go back to the Dark Kingdom...

Scene 5: The Twin Ladies of Darkness have been awakened!
Area: Himeji Mountain

Take the path east to end up on the half-way point between Himeji and Ehima Mountain, then continue on the path. Once you reach a set of stairs, head down and continue on the path. Head down the next staircase you find and you will be on Ehima Mountain proper. Go down all the way to the base of the mountain, and you will soon end up in the trippy teleporter room.

Examine the teleporter to be warped to the platform with four teleporters on it, then examine the one on the right side of the platform. Continue right and you will be back in...

Area: Dark Kingdom
Enemies: Welby (EXP: 1400, Gold: 25), Fujita (EXP: 1575, Gold: 30), Takumi (EXP: 1500, Gold: 30), Kouhei (EXP: 1200, Gold: 30)

Continue right and you end up back where the grassy fields of the Dark Kingdom were. Rei finds this place incredibly unnerving as the monsters they killed here before are screaming out because Daimons have infested this place. Keep going up to soon see a flash back of Prince Endymion attacking the Senshi, which sickens Mamoru. Use the healing fountain if you need to before moving on.

Open the chest for a super potion, then walk your way through the castle. In the room where Naru found Ami's computer, head left and enter the door on the right to see a purple treasure chest which contains a door key. Go back to the previous room and head up. When you offered a choice between going up or down, go up and enter Queen Beryl's throne room. Makoto thinks back to when they fought her, and she bets that could easily kill her now (uh, Makoto? Dear? You could easily wipe the floor with her then, too). Go up a room and open up all of the colorful doors before unlocking the new one. Save your game and then walk forward.

Before Makoto can destroy the black crystal, Kaorinite teleports in and takes it. Rei notices that this new black crystal is more powerful in that you don't have to accept it (wasn't the old one like that?), and the black crystal will turn Sailor Saturn into Mistress 9! However, Makoto holds out Kuro's charm and it causes Hotaru and Mistress 9 to separate into two different beings, which...Minako finds incredibly odd. Kaortinite tells Mistress 9 to get out of dodge and says she'll bring Black Lady over shortly.

Boss: Kaorinite
Level Recommended: 53 - 55
Attacks: Evil Glory, Death Circle, Physical (can do up to 1800 damage on a critical)
EXP: 30000
Gold: 750
Items: High Potion
She has become a HELL of a lot tougher since last time (she has about 20,000 hit points!), and her Evil Glory will wipe out the whole party if they don't have above 700 HP. Pay close attention to HP and SP and she will eventually go down.

The Senshi begin to plan their next move, and everyone tries desperately to convince Chibiusa to go back to the future. Eventually, Minako collapses to the floor, and Haruka orders Usagi to take Minako to the hospital while she takes Chibiusa to the Door of Time.

Exit the Dark Kingdom to the trippy star room and examine the teleporter. Then, examine the teleport on the leftmost side of the north side of the platform, then leave this room. Go west and climb up the stairs, then follow the way until you go down another set of stairs. Head south and then go down another set of stairs and continue down to Ehima City. After heading south through the city, you'll find the boat. Once Usagi convinces the guard to let them on, it'll be time for...

Area: Door of Time

Chibiusa says that she's sad that Setsuna had to stay here all by herself, but Pluto says its her destiny to remain here. Go up and head right to find a passage to the next room, then go up a few rooms to arrive at the door. Setsuna contacts Neo Queen Serenity says they need to send Chibiusa home to keep her safe. Unfortunately, it seems Kaorinite survived her last battle and uses the black crystal on Chibiusa. Doubly unfortunately, it seems Setsuna forgot to take Kuro's charm, so Black Lady and Kaorinite get away.

Scene 6: Hotaru to the rescue! Time to save Chibiusa and Minako!
Area: Minako's Hospital Room

Ami can scarcely believe that the doctors don't know what's wrong with her, but Makoto shuts her up so Rei can communicate with her. Ah huh. Once Rei finishes her chant, she'll learn that Minako has been poisoned by the black crystal. Well damn. Setsuna, Haruka, Michiru, and Hotaru will come into the room and tell Usagi what happened to Chibiusa. Before Makoto gets too down in the dumps, Hotaru tells her to get over herself. Setsuna asks Rei what's wrong wih Minako, and once she learns what it is, she will think of a way to help her. Hotaru will then leave after Makoto gives her Kuro's charm so she can help Chibiusa.

When you leave the hospital, Luna will meet Hotaru outside to tell her she hooked up a teleport to the beginning of Saitama Forest in Usagi's room (hopefully her parents won't ask questions). Go to Usagi's room and use the teleporter, then go to Saitama City. Go inside the Infinity Academy and head into the basement, then go right to end up in the room with the papers covering the floor. After going through a few offices, head right to find a door key, and head back to the locked door in the first room of the basement. Step on the teleporter inside and, you can finally claim that beautiful chest that has been teasing you since the beginning of the game; Usagi's Ultimate Weapon, the Spiral Heart Moon Rod (Upgrade)! Step back on the teleporter and go back to where the path split before, this time take the left path.

It's puzzle time again! Go to the lower left section and step on the square in the 2nd row, 6th column. Go to the section that was just unlocked and step on the 3rd row, 7th column. The next sections hidden switch is in the 1st row, 2nd column, and then you are free to get the chest with the key. Go back to the locked door and open it up, then save your game and head down the hallway.

Hotaru will start to feel nervous and will transform before calling out for Chibiusa. Black Lady will come out from the door in front of her and she will throw the charm in Black Lady's face, which will separate Chibiusa from Black Lady. Of course, then Black Lady will run away, and it will be time for the final showdown with Kaorinite.

Boss: Kaorinite
Level Recommended: Sailor Saturn's level is overpowered for anything that this game could throw at her, and Chibiusa...well, yeah.
Attacks: Death Circle
EXP: 20000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
She's seriously pathetic.

Back at the hospital, Usagi and Makoto will greave over Minako, but Hotaru and Chibiusa will soon come back. Apparently, Chibiusa remembers everything that Black Lady does, and says that by awakening Mistress 9 and Black Lady, it will call Chaos from it's slumber. This, of course, is a Bad Thing. However, those two won't produce enough energy alone, so the Death Busters are going to revive Kuro (dude just can't stay dead!) and awaken the Moon Child. Of course, as much as Makoto wants that to happen, Haruka says that reviving him would pretty much screw over the whole universe. However, this discussion is soon stopped by Minako stirring in her coma, and Setsuna says they have to help her. Right on a cue, a door leading Minako's subconscious (smile and nod, just smile and nod) will open in the wall. Enter when you are ready.

Area: Minako's Nightmare
Enemies: Masakazu (EXP: 2000, Gold: 38), Kiyoshi (EXP: 1780, Gold: 50), Fujita (EXP: 1600, Gold: 37), Momoko (EXP: 2100, Gold: 50)

Once the scene ends, head right for a ways and you will find a merchant. Usagi questions exactly how she got here, but she gets no answer. If you have the money, feel free to buy any of the weapons she sells, and then continue up on the bridge. Soon, Usagi will see Minako come out of a nearby cave and take something from a chest. Continue on and you will soon be in a volcano. Follow the path going down and open a chest for a healing rain before continue the trek down. When you are offered to go right or down, head right to the next screen, and keep going right.

Usagi will finally catch up with Minako. Minako will take Usagi up to the top of the ship to highlight how messed up this dream is, and you will soon be back down stairs. Open the chest for a full perfume and head left to see the Volcano has turned into an ice cavern. Messed. Up. Head up to a lock door, but Minako will unlock it; then head on in. Go up a screen and you will be in a flower "maze", but it's incredibly easy to find your way through (the chest contains a healing rain). In the next section of the "maze", step on the square to the right of the flower pot, then take the path going up to find a door. Walk up to the icy patch (SAVE GAME) and stand on the just barely visible teleporter to be transported to a black crystal. Hotaru is under whelmed by it, but, it's time to end this dream.

Boss: Poison
Level Recommended: 55 - 57
Attacks: Death Circle, Thunder Scare, Evil Glory
EXP: 20000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Although this boss can kill you if you aren't careful, she really isn't that terribly hard.

With the poison purhed from her, Minako wakes up. However, Minako says that her coma was a distraction so the Death Busters could bring Kuro back to life. Setsuna kills the argument between Haruka, Michiru, and Makoto, then Hotaru says they have to go to the Infinity Academy.

Scene 7: Tears of Usagi
Area: Juuban Hospital

Leave the hospital and get any supplies you may need before heading off to Saitama City. Once you get near the stairs to the Infinity Academy's basement, Setsuna will check to make sure you are ready; this is the point of no return in this game! All of the Senshi will transform and it will be time to go down the stairs. On the way to the room where you fought Kaorinite for the final time, a moon symbol will prompt you to save your game. Once you do so, head on to the next room.

Kuro has been waiting for the Senshi, and he will summon his Birth Crystal. Before Rei can destroy it, Kuro will send it away and Professor Tomoe will come out to welcome the Senshi. Once Rei back sasses him, Kuro will teleport over and slap her before warping back to Tomoe's side. Tomoe will then throw a final insult before leaving the room, and Kuro will reveal that he has actually be feigning being controlled by Wiseman (sly dog). Kuro says that the black crystal can't control him because it was used on him before. Before he leaves, Kuro will tell Makoto that he loves her. Of course, this happy time is cut short when Wiseman's spirit arrives in Tomoe's body. Wiseman will throw Tomoe's body to the ground and the battle will begin.

Boss: Wiseman's Spirit
Level Recommended: 56 - 57
Attacks: Death Circle, Psybeam
EXP: 50000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Death has not weakened this guy down one bit! Then again, YOU are far stronger than you were last time, so his attacks aren't going to hurt you for nearly as much as they did last time. Defeating him will take a while, but it's not the uphill battle it once was.

Wiseman will repossess Tomoe once his energy runs out and will teleport out of the room. However, as he leaves, he fires an incredibly strong attack to kill everyone in the room. Before it fully goes off, Setsuna stops time and tells them to leave the room quickly. However, by stopping time, she is says she has performed the greatest taboo, and then she forcibly teleports them out of the room. The energy blast will resume and Pluto will die in the blast, causing Usagi to break down in tears. Once the Senshi manage to bring her together, it is time to go to the next room.

Chibiusa tries to open the door, but its locked. When Ami sees her symbol in front of another door, she realizes that must be where the key is; of course, only Sailor Mercury may enter that door. When you are ready, enter through it.

Area: Trial of Mercury
Enemies: Kita (EXP: 3750, Gold: 30), Mine (EXP: 5000, Gold: 30)

Gracefully, there is a healing fountain at the beginning of the trial. Go up to the next screen, and continue up on the screen after that. Head left to find a full perfume, a full restore, and a door key. On the path going right, you'll find another door key. Now, go up the center path to find a full restore and a full perfume, then unlock the door. When you unlock the next door, you will see a copy of Sailor Mercury; when you talk to her, she will begin to degrade Ami for burying herself in that computer, and will try to break her will. However, Ami will see through her disguise and will discover she is a monster.

Mini-Boss: Naida
Attacks: Ice Burst
EXP: 20000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
It dies in one hit from Sailor Mercury's best attack. So yeah.

A chest will appear in the copy's place, but as soon as Ami opens it, a bomb goes off and throws her to the ground. Back with the Senshi, Rei will sense Ami's death, and the door to the next room will open. Usagi begins to cry again, but the others convince her to get a hold of herself. Go to the next room.

The door here is locked as well, and Minako will realize it's her turn to go through the next door. Usagi begs for her not to go, but Minako will have none of it. Rei then suggests they both go together, but the door refuses their entry so it has to be Minako alone. When you are prepared, go through the door.

Area: Trial of Venus
Enemies: Ringo (EXP: 3000, Gold: 30), Sachiko (EXP: 2000, Gold: 30)

Minako will end up in a Castle-like area, which she quite likes, and yes, there is another healing fountain. Head right to the next screen and get the full restore before moving on. Yep...teleport maze. The order goes as follows; left, right, center, treasure chests (full restore x 2, full perfume x 2), step on the teleporter to go back, right, right, right. Ignore the teleporter as it just takes you back to the beginning, and head right to another teleporter. In this new room, head down to the next screen and follow the path to a copy of Sailor Venus.

The copy thinks Minako is a pathetic excuse for a Soldier of Love since she doesn't have a boyfriend, and tells her to not even mention Allen since he never even cared about her; he just used her to get Katarina. However, Minako says she forgave Katarina, and then goes to show her just who is pitiful!

Mini-Boss: Uriahu
Attacks: Physical
EXP: 20000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Sailor Venus's Heart Resurection won't quite finish the clone off in one hit, so you'll have to attack her once more.

Once the chest appears, Minako gets ready to open it, but hesitates since she thinks it is a trap. However, after debating with herself enough, she opens it anyway, and the bomb inside goes off, killling her. Usagi is about ready to break down in tears again, but Haruka tells her she can grieve later; they have a job to do. Go to the next room.

Makoto sees that it's her turn to go, and Usagi again tries to get her to reconsider. Once Makoto manages to calm Usagi down, it'll be time to go. Once you are ready, head inside.

Area: Trial of Jupiter
Enemies: Shigekazu (EXP: 1900, Gold: 30), Haya (EXP: 2000, Gold: 50), Seiichi (EXP: 2300, Gold: 30)

Go across the bridge and head up to the next screen. Follow along the path going right and eventually you'll soon come across a screen with a log and two chests. On the left side of the log, there is an invisible switch; once it is pressed, a teleporter will appear. It will lead to a door key and a full perfume, then continue on the path right. You'll come across a chest with a full restore and a locked door. Once you unlock it, head up the path to soon find Kuro. He has come to warn Makoto about how dangerous this place is, and says they should just leave now and live normal lives. Of course, Makoto will realize this isn't Kuro; just another monster.

Mini-Boss: Huojin
Attacks: Thunder Strike
EXP: 20000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
It is killed simply, just like the others.

When Makoto sees the chest, she realizes this is what was killing the others, but knows that there is no other way; she opens it and the bomb explodes. By this point, Usagi has been traumatized into silence by her friendfs deaths. Go to the next room.

Hotaru sees her door and Chibiusa tries to prevent her, but Hotaru is adamant on going ahead. Prepare yourself before going through.

Area: Trial of Saturn
Enemies: Yei (EXP: 2500, Gold: 30), Taku (EXP: 3000, Gold: 31), Yukio (EXP: 2000, Gold: 40)

Open the chest for a full restore and continue to the next room; open the next two chests (full perfume and a seed of mana) and head left to the next screen. Take the second path from the top that heads right (the rest lead to nowhere), and then go through the door. Open the chest for a full restore and continue north to find Professor Tomoe.

Hotaru will ask what her father is doing down here, and he said he came to say he's sorry for putting his work before his own daughter. Hotaru says she'll forgive him, but not until Wiseman is no longer corrupting him. However, soon Hotaru will realize this isn't her father.

Mini-Boss: Fintan
Attacks: Death Circle
EXP: 20000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
One Silence Glaive Surprise, and it'll bite the dust.

When Hotaru sees the chest materialize, she decides not to even bother opening it and begins to leave the room. However, she doesn't get far before a monster teleports behind her and stabs her. Chibiusa has an outburst, but it'll be time to move on to the next screen. Take the path going left for five full restores, then go right to arrive at the next room.

Chibiusa, although briefly shocked, is ready to go through her door. But, Usagi just can't let her go in there and says that everyone else dying has been nothing but a mistake. Once Haruka quiets her down, Mamoru will notice that there is a second door that will take them to Chibiusa's room. Once Mamoru convinces Usagi that he has to go with Chibiusa, it'll be time for the next trial. Get ready...

Area: Trial of Chibimoon and Earth
Enemies: Tadako (EXP: 4500, Gold: 30), Umeko (EXP: 3000, Gold: 30), Sumi (EXP: 2500, Gold: 30)

Chibiusa will notice that this place looks like her home in Crystal Tokyo and will hear Neo Queen Serenity calling for help. Take the path going right to soon find three chests (full perfume, full restore, rainbow storm), and then take the path up. Head left on this screen to find a pink switch, then go back to the red curtains to see they have opened. Once you go through them, you'll find Neo Queen Serenity. Chibiusa will ask what she is doing here, but the Queen will just beg for help. Examine the middle plant on the right side of the room, and then open the new chest for a door key. In the next room, you'll find King Endymion.

Mamoru will be a little surprised to see his future self, and King Endymion calls him a useless king for letting Neo Queen Serenity give up her powers to stop aging; thus, the world is completely defenseless. Mamoru counters by saying to him that they are fighting for a world that won't need defending, and Chibiusa will see through the illusion of King Endymion.

Mini-Boss: Paytah
Attacks: It wont live long enough to use one.
EXP: 20000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Sailor Chibimoon and Tuxedo Kamen are strong enough to kill this boss. That speaks for itself.

Once the chest appears, Chibiusa opens the chest, but Mamoru pushes her away before the bomb goes off, and is vaporized in the process. Upon seeing this, Chibiusa will try to run away to Usagi, but the monster that killed Hotaru will come by to kill her as well. Once Usagi realizes both her future daughter and husband are murdered, she'll say this all must be a dream; but, the remaining Senshi will give her the strength to continue.

In a room further away, Kuro, Tomoe, Black Lady, and Mistress 9 stand by a massive black crystal. Kuro will ask Tomoe why he looks so tired, and he will say those girls managed to best him. Black Lady will taunt Kuro before fading back to Usagi.

In the next room, Haruka gets ready to go through her door and she says bye to Michiru. Michiru, not one to take this lying down, forces herself through Haruka's door by sheer force of will, but not before telling Rei to make sure to have Usagi continue.

Area: Trial of Uranus and Neptune
Enemies: Mayako (EXP: 3500, Gold: 40), Zinan (EXP: 3750, Gold: 30), Yogi (EXP: 4000, EXP: 30), Midori (EXP: 3200, Gold: 30)

Haruka was expecting Michiru to make it through, with Michiru saying it was because Haruka's good bye was lousy. Go north to reach the next screen, then head left to find a chest (full perfume x 2), and continue down. Get the seed of life, and head to the next chest for two super potions before continuing on. Head left for a while and go up into the cave mouth to find another healing fountain and a pair of stairs. Head up the stairs for a door key and a healing rain x 3, then leave the cave and follow the path west to find a door to unlock.

The couple will find a copy of Haruka, and it will try to lecture the real Haruka; safe to say, it doesn't work.

Mini-Boss: Enki
Attacks: Rock Throw
EXP: 20000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
It never stood a chance.

Haruka tries to send Michiru away so she can open the chest, but Michiru is here with her to the bitter end; so, Haruka opens the chest, and both are caught in the blast. Go to the next room.

Rei promises Usagi she will be back, and it will be time for the final trial.

Area: Trial of Mars
Enemies: Keiko (EXP: 3000, Gold: 60), Jiro (EXP: 4013, Gold: 48)

After Rei muses over the Death Buster's love of volcano's, go north to find a chest with two super potions, then continue the trek north. Grab the full perfume in the chest and take the left path going up for a seed of strength and the right path going up for a door key; now carry on to the next screen. Open the door and head forward to talk to Yuuchirou.

Rei asks what he's doing here, and he says that Kaorinite, against all logic, brought him here. Of course, soon this nonsense will be cut short.

Mini-Boss: Huo
Attacks: Fire Blast, Dark Fire Blast
EXP: 20000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
Use Mars Flame Sniper. Twice. Fight over.

Rei decides to ignore the chest and begins to walk back to Usagi, but then quickly turns around to frag the monster before it can attack. Go back to Usagi, and she will be thrilled that Rei came back. However, Rei will be struck down by a bolt of lightning from Kaorinite (you really got to admire this woman's determination). However, Rei incinerates Kaorinite with a final Mars Flam Sniper, and Rei will die soon after.

Scene 8: In the name of the Moon, my friends, and the whole universe, I will punish you!
Area: Infinity Academy

Usagi will begin to mourn all of her friends, her will finally shattered, but Queen Serenity will contact her. She will reveal that she is Usagi's past life's mother, and will give her the strength to fight on. Make your final preparations, fellow Moonie; the final battle is through that door. After a while of walking, you will find Tomoe.

Professor Tomoe welcomes her and Kuro asks why Usagi is alone. Once he hears it's because they all died, he is rendered speechless. Tomoe rubs their deaths in her face, and then he has Black Lady and Mistress 9 step toward the black crystal. When Tomoe tells Kuro to walk to the crystal, he goes berserk and stabs Tomoe, forcing Wiseman's Spirit out of him. Once the room shakes, Wiseman will say Chaos will soon be here, and Kuro will strike down Wiseman, Black Lady, and Mistress 9. Of course, it becomes apparent that this has done nothing to stop Chaos, and Mistress 9 will fire a blast of energy at Kuro, flooring him. As Chaos begins to awaken, Kuro will reveal that Sailor Moon is actually the other Moon Child (not the Moon Child; just the other one). You see, that test at the very beginning of the game was checking to see if Serenity was the Moon Child! Kuro will then give Usagi the last of his strength, it will be time for the final battle!

Ready? GO!

Final Boss: Chaos
Level Recommended: 57 - 60
Attacks: Death Circle, Evil Glory
EXP: 20000
Gold: 500
Items: High Potion
For a fight this epic, it will be seriously difficult, right? Well, no. You see, Chaos's attacks only do about 300 damage each, but on the other hand, you have a lot of hit points to deplete to end this. So, make sure to keep your HP and SP up, cause this takes a while.

With Chaos banished, you'll- whoa, what...

Area: ???

Usagi will be on her own, reflecting over her victory. However, her friends will appear behind her and congratulate her for defeating Chaos. Michiru will say that Kuro used the last of his power to bring everyone back, but unfortunately, Setsuna and Kuro are gone for good. Usagi will then run over to embrace Rei, crying, and we fade to white.

Epilogue: Rest east, heroes...
Area: Various

Usagi will begin to narrate over what has happened, saying that everyone has gone back to living a normal life.

Usagi and Mamoru are in the park, and they are soon joined by Haruka and Michiru; Usagi looks away from them embarrassed...

At Yekohema Library, Ami is speaking with Mr. Socartes...

Rei is at the Hikawa Shrine, staring into a fire, which soon bursts and blackens her face...

Makoto and the old woman she met in Kuro's home village are cooking...

Minako and Motoki are at the arcade, and Minako seems to be talking to him about something important...

Luna and Artemis are in Usagi's room, apparently now smitten with each other.

In front of Usagi's school, Naru and Umino have fallen in love, and Usagi soon walks in on them...

At the graveyard, the Senshi (and Mamoru) have gathered at the graves of Kuro and Setsuna...

In Crystal Tokyo, Chibiusa has gone back to her parents...

At Hotaru's house, Hotaru and her father are patching things up...

At a gathering in Usagi's house, she'll say they always meet when they can; that Michiru and Haruka are at a new school (good thing, since they killed all of the staff at the previous one); Hotaru is nursing her father back to health; while she herself is, in her own words...

gI'm Tsukino Usagi, 14 years old. I'm a bit rash and a crybaby. But, actually, I'm an agent of love and justice; Pretty Sailor Soldier, Sailor Moon!h

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