Title: Sailor Moon 82
Genre: RPG
Developed by: N/A
site: closed
Date: 1/28/1997
Platform: Ti-82
This is a small text-only RPG for Ti-82 calculator (the site of its creator
was formerly available at (http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/4981/index.html )
All text below is written by Andreani Xavier:
The TI-82 is a very old discontinued calculator from
1993. The game is still compatible whit more recent
* TI-82 Stats, TI-82 Stats.fr
* TI-83
* TI-83+, TI-83+SE
* TI-84+, TI-84+SE
Except the TI-83 (discontinued too), those calculators are
still actual, sold in shops, and used by students.
Depending upon the link or emulator software software used,
the file SLRMOON2.82P may have to be renamed, before being
transferred to the calculator or emulator:
- to SLRMOON2.83P (for a TI-83, TI-82 Stats)
- to SLRMOON2.8XP (for a TI-83+, TI-84+)
After downloading and
unpacking the archive below, double click Vti.exe.
The archive have a save for the game already - ti82.sav
and it will be loaded automatically during start of the
emulator. After this, with your mouse click "prgm"
button on your emulator. You will see a menu with only one
choice: 1:SLRMOON2. So click "1" button and
then "enter". The game starts here. You must use
number, direction and enter buttons to control it.
Here are instructions how to load the game manually,
without using sav-file After starting the emulator (without
sav-file present in emulator's directory) you will see "Mem
cleared" message. Press a blue button with "2nd"
written on it. Then "x, t, e/LINK" button. You will
see a menu (screenshot#2). Press "right" direction
button (so as to select "receive" menu item) and then
- "enter" button. If everything was right, now you
will see "Waiting..." message. Click right mouse
button on emulator and select "Send file to VTI"
option. In dialogue window browse for our Sailormoon game
(it is called SLRMOON2.82P). You must have a message "SLRMOON
PRGM Done" after this.
From now on follow the same
steps as for playing the game with sav-file.
Another thing I've discovered on that game:
On the 1st menu where you have to type a number from 1 to 7
to choose character (Sailor Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury,
Venus, Tuxedo Mask, and Nephlyte...)
If you type 8, you choose the hidden character Malachite.
You usually have to fight in order Jedyte, Nephlyte,
Zoisite, Malachite, Queen Beryl, and Negaverse.
Of course, if you choose Nephlyte, you don't have to fight
Nephlyte :)
But there seems to be a small little bug: if you choose
Malachite, you really have to fight against Malachite at
your 4th fight... But it doesen't prevent you from ending
the game: just kill yourself, Beryl and Negaverse. Simple :)
Download the game + Virtual TI emulator (524 KB). ti82pack.zip