The description below is provided by Daniel Bruce: This
game plays just like Othello except that the lowest score or a tie
score wins a round. Your opponent is the computer which plays as
each of the sailor senshi starting with Usagi. When you win a round,
a doujin picture of the senshi that you defeat is revealed along
with a password that can be used either to view the picture or to
play from where you received the password (players can figure this
out on their own or you can figure it out for them).
For those of you who have never heard of Othello, it is a board game
(possibly from Ancient Greece) in which players take turns placing
colored pieces onto an 8x8 grid. The playing pieces are disks that
have two colors on them, one on each side, which are usually black
and white. You place your piece onto the grid forming a row if three
or more pieces with at least one of your opponents pieces falling
between two of your pieces. You the flip your opponents piece(s)
over so that the entire row is the same color as your piece(s). More
than one such row can be formed with just one piece. The highest
score (the player with the most pieces on the board when all pieces
have been played or all possible moves have been made) wins the
round or game. Moon Rinse (above) only differs in the winning
objective( lowest score or ties win instead of highest score
winning) and playing piece colors (red and blue instead of black and
white). Game controls are as follows:
Space: start game/place piece
Numbered keypad (0-9) or arrow keys: move pointer around grid.
(Note: Whether you use the keypad or the arrow keys may vary
depending on your computer system and/or keyboard layout. Also, if
your keyboard has a numbered keypad, you may have to turn off NUM
LOCK in order to play the game). |