SailorVGame @ LainNet



Title: Sailor Scouts Forever
Genre: RPG
Developed by: Bobsymodel
Site: n/a
Last version: August 01, 2007

The Story (author's description):

Act 1
While the Cats are Away the Scouts can not Play

Luna, Artemis and Diana are on a vacation, and ever since they have gone, things seem to have gotten slacker. Soon the scouts are informed of a new Governor of the Galaxy, who is placing laws against any type of magic. But this is only making the nega-creeps sneakier, it would seem that the real problem at hand is; how are the scouts going to fight off the Galaxy's laws and protect the Earth, without the advice of their favorite cats?

Demo version of the game was released on August 01, 2007. (the demo requires installation of  RPG Maker XP RTP )

Download demo version of the game (19.7 MB)



Title: Young Scouts: Energy Crisis
Genre: RPG
Developed by: Bobsymodel
Site: n/a
Last version: August 27, 2007

Author's description:

"Queen Beryl is resurrected by a mysterious force this time, however she is back with a vengeance. She'll no longer be fooled into trusting weak and pathetic fools under Queen Metalia's orders, no, now she is in charge!

Unfortunately for her, the pretty sailor soldier of love and justice, Sailor Mini Moon will be there to attempt to foil her plans!

However, an advantage goes to the evil queen as Rini, has found a new crush, with plenty of complications, her attention will be taken away from her duties as a scout and pointed towards the direction of her love interest.

Hopefully with the help of her sidekick the pretty sailor soldier of rebirth, Sailor Saturn, the two can team up to take out Earth's new potential threat, while maintaining there cool school looks and social attitudes."

Download demo version of the game (6.85 MB)

This page was updated on August 29, 2007.