Title: Sailor Moon RPG - Dimensional Justice
Genre: RPG
Developed by: Gau of the Veldt
Site: closed
Last version: July 09, 1998
Platform: DOS, Windows 95/98
The only characters you'll find in the demo of the game are
Usagi (the one you'll start with), a crazy jailer, a cute
bunny whose language you'll need to learn, a "nasty"
criminal, a fortune teller that doesn't say anything (though
there's lots said about him). The other Sailor senshi are
done but the story does not include their joining into the
The game starts in a cave. You'll have to walk around, find
a lever and pull it. Then you must search for a ladder
leading you outside. You arrive to a village called Jao.
Here you meet the above mentioned characters and can talk
with them (including a bunny). The world outside of Jao does
not exist in demo and the game ends here.
The game was developed using the VERGE game creation
system (
http://www.verge-rpg.com/ ) in its version 1 (MS-DOS).
The project formerly was hosted at (http://www.geocities.com/bvanderbelt/Miles/smrpg/smrpg.html), closed
now. Project team: Gau of the Veldt, Mayor Anime, Amiboshi
(Andrew), Kardian (John), Miles, Chibi Panda (Darin), Wynn,
Neo Queen.
After Gau of
the Veldt abandoned the game in 1998, no one tried to
continue it (though the project was declared as open for anyone willing to
The game can be run under Windows XP using DOSBox
utility (free download is available here:
http://dosbox.sourceforge.net ) After downloading and
installing it, open folders with the game and with DOSBox.
Drag Dimensional Justice executable (smoon.exe) with left
mouse button and drop it into DOSBox executable (DOSBox.exe). After
this the game works under Windows XP without any problems.