SailorVGame @ LainNet



Title: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Stories
Genre: Life Sim/RPG
Developed by: SakuyamonX
Site: forum thread
Last version: n/a
Platform: Windows
Author's description:

Live your daily life as one of the Sailor Senshi, and live out your own stories!

Will come in 5 Versions:
Usagi's Story
Ami's Story
Rei's Story
Makoto's Story
Minako's Story

Sooner or Later these will be released as well:
Chibi-Usa's Story
Haruka's Story
Michiru's Story
Setsuna's Story
Hotaru's Story

*A Sailor Life Simulator!*
Play as a Sailor Senshi, and take care of yourself. However the task is difficult, as you must lead a double fight. Fighting Evil by Moonlight, Winning Love by Daylight~ (*shot* for the pun). The game revolves around your choices, will you fight the Youma at night, but fail the exam in the morning? Your little Sailor Senshi has Needs, Wants, and Memories. As you start accomplishing your goals, you unlock new Sailor Senshi allies who can fight with you in battle, and unlock new "Sailor Fuku (Outfit)". You play as a different Sailor Senshi each version (Like Usagi in Usag's Story). Each Version have key differences in, Mini-Games (Based on the Senshi's personality, so Ami would have a trivia/study mini-game), Story (Each Sailor Senshi have their own unique personality that match their Manga/Anime/Live Action Counterparts, and other details!!!), Items, and more!!!

*From Menial Tasks to Saving the World!*
Go to Restaurants for food, or get cooked food! Study for exams, spend time with your Boyfriend, activities of any ordinary Junior High School Girl. However, you must stop invading enemies, beat missions assigned by Luna/Artemis/Diana/Phobos/Deimos. However as you progress your normal life, and life as Senshi start to get intertwined. Will you fight all night, and miss school next day? Can you hide your identity from your friends, and family?

Your life as a Sailor Senshi is documented in Memories, and effect gameplay at times. You fulfill your Sailor Senshi's wants and goals to earn points (remember each Sailor Senshi have their own Wants and Goals). Eat, Shower, Socialize, in order to keep Needs in a healthy state.

*Allies System*
You don't have to fight alone! Add 3 more Sailor Senshi to your Party, to help with battles~ You can unlock Allies through Mini-Games, Befriending, Points, etc. You can also *loose* allies. Allies are also not limited to just Sailor Senshi...

*Sailor Fuku System*
You can unlock alternate Sailor Fuku (Outfits), like Super Sailor Moon, Eternal Sailor Moon, Sailor Cosmos, etc. Each one has their own strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. You can also unlock change the Sailor Fuku of your allies. The Sailor Fuku aren't just limited to Anime, You can unlock outfits from all incarnations of Sailor Moon, including the rare "Manga Prototype Outfits".

More details soon~

-This game won't be a free roaming RPG, you'll guide your Character with Menus, and Word Boxes. BUT the Battles are Turn-Based, and in your full control. I might jump to free roaming RPG, if I can find someone who can map really good in RMXP.
-This game is melting-pot of all Sailor Moon incarnations, meaning it's not just strictly a Manga, Anime, or Live Action based, but all of them combined (it takes place in an Alternate Universe).
-Spriters please!

Note: development of the game was abandoned shortly after the start.

This page was updated on September 14, 2007.