SailorVGame @ LainNet



Title: BSSM: E.S. Chronicles
Genre: RPG
Developed by: Setsuna
Platform: Windows

The project of developing a Sailor Moon RPG using RPG Maker XP. Development of this project was started around January 2007 and abandoned shortly after that.

This story is completely original and based mainly on the manga storyline of Sailor Moon. It occurs after the end of the Sailor Stars arc. Usagi and company are currently 2nd year (11th grade) students, and Mamoru is in America studying. (Don't fret, he calls Usagi every night.) Haruka and her team have reprised their roles as well, Haruka and Michiru as Juuban High Students; Setsuna as Juuban Junior High School Nurse; and Hotaru as a Juuban Junior High 1st Year (6th Grade).

Everything was going smoothly in the 30th century, until Sailor Pluto, the soldier of revolution, burst into the Queen's Chamber. Obviously shaken, she explained that the corridors of time and space were twisting; something was happening in the past. Chibi-Moon, concerned for the others well being, announces her intentions as sets off to the past. Pluto quickly follows behind, leaving a discontented Neo Queen Serenity. To council the queen's feelings, the Amazoness Quartet, guardians of Small Lady, follow the two senshi. Meanwhile in the 20th century, lights are spotted across the sky. A strange power is causing changes in the winds and tides. And the Sailor Starlights have reappeared; this time with Galaxia! What could be so dire that it called the Starlights?'ll just have to wait and see. n_n

Creation Progress:

Scripts: 90%
Story: 30%
Attack Animations: 0%
Music: 50%
Backgrounds: ?%
Voice Actor Scripts: ?%
Enemy Development : 30%
Various Animations: 20%
Attack Programming: 0%
Battle Development: 100%

Demo Version status: about 45%

Characters development progress:

Inner Senshi Moons Outers Starlights, Kakyuu, Galaxia Animamates
Civilians: 50%
Soldiers: 100%
Battlers : 100%
Voice Actors: 40%
Princess: 0% (being Redone)
Civilians : 25%
Soldiers: 100%
Battlers : 100%
Voice Actors: 50%
Princess: 50%
Civilians : 45%
Soldiers: 100%
Battlers : 100%
Voice Actors: 75%
Princess: 0%
Civilians : 20%
Soldiers: 100%
Battlers: 100%
Voice Actors: 0%
Princess(?): 0%
Civilians: 50%
Soldiers: 50%
Battlers: 20%
Voice Actors: 0%

You can watch a small video (12 seconds) of the battle system here (289 KB, flv):

Beginning of the story:

Click, Click, Click; the sound of heels reverberated down the grand entrance hall of the palace of Crystal Tokyo. The doors of the royal chamber were thrust open and the queen stood up in surprise.

"Pluto, what's wrong?!" the queen said, shocked by the sudden intrusion of the normally passive soldier.

"My Queen," Pluto said in an apologetic manner, " please forgive me. The corridors of the past are twisting and fluctuating in a manner I've never seen before." She kneeled down on one knee and looked softly at the queen.

The king stepped beside his wife and gently took her arm. "Setsuna," he said in his quiet, deep voice as she shifted her look to his direction. "Go to them, that is what you are silently pleading. The senshi of the past will need your help."

Setsuna glanced back at the queen who nodded slowly. "Please protect the past."

"Puu..." a voice said from nowhere.

"Small Lady?" the three voices echoed each other.

"I know spying isn't admirable," the princess said stepping out from behind a large pillar. "But I saw Puu running down the hall so urgently. The others....they are in danger, aren't they?"

For a moment no one said anything, then Pluto stood. "Small Lady, we don't know. Nothing like this has happened like this before." She smiled at the young lady who would one day be queen.

"Momma, Poppa, I'm going." she made the statement definitely.

"Small Lady..." Neo Queen Serenity started to move towards her daughter.

"Pink Sugar Moon Power! Make-up!" she shouted and let the transformation commence. With her finishing pose, she waved at her momma and ran from the place crying, "Diana! Pluto! Let's go!"

Diana hopped on Pluto's Shoulder, "We have our orders, Puto." Pluto nodded at the grey kitten and took off after her."

"Neo Queen Serenity, King Endymion," Vesta's voice said. "We will help her as she needs it." Four smiling faces stood before the royal pair.

"Sailor Quartet?" The queen looked up slightly teary eyed. "Yes, please do. It's time now, isn't it? Watch over them."

* * * * *

Click shots below to view them full-size

This page was updated on June 26, 2008