SailorVGame @ LainNet



Before you will be able to send your scores to Sailor V game 1.2 Internet high scores table you must register your name and password in data base. The main purpose for this registration is avoiding different people sending their scores under the same names (or nicknames). Your name and password must have between 3 and 20 characters. This page uses JavaScript so your browser must allow this script. If by some reasons it is impossible or you have any other problems with registration please email the owner of this site.

Please, remember (and write down) the name and password you have submitted and do not register twice.

If the name you are trying to register was already chosen by a different player, you will be said so on the next page. Press back then and choose a different name. After your name and password are submitted to data base, you can use them to send your Sailor V game 1.2 score to Internet highscore table (your name will be shown only if it is among top 100 results). The table contains only one entry per player. I. e. when you send a better score than the one you have sent before, your entry will be updated with a new score (and moved in position dependently on other players’ scores).


enter your name


enter password