Title: Sailor Moon RPG: The Moon Child
Genre: RPG
Developed by: Tyler <smrpg.55[at]gmail.com>
Last version: November 2009
Platform: Windows
Sailor Moon RPG: The Moon Child is a role-playing game where
you control what the Sailor Scouts do. You embark on a
journey along with Usagi Tsukino, a 14 year old girl who
lives in Japan. She is re-awakened by her guide, Luna.
As the player, you have no idea what’s going on, you just
want to save everyone around you. As the story progresses
mysteries start to unfold and questions get answered. The
Dark Kingdom seem to want innocent peoples energy, but why?
Why does “Kuro” want the crystals so badly? What will the
crystals do once they’re reunited?
All of these questions get answered as you play through the
game as Sailor Moon and the other senshi.The game requires
installation of RPG Maker XP runtime package (23.8 MB):
Moon Child walkthrough (written by Sailor-Vhoorl):
Downloadable version of walkthrough (doc file format):