SailorVGame @ LainNet



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Name: Tantrumbull
Time: October 21 2006 - 2:50 pm

I was so hungry the last time that I didn't notice I used a typo when letting you know about the bad iso. :P
Name: Tantrumbull
Time: October 20 2006 - 11:09 pm

Btw, Anton-P, thatiso of Sailor Moon for the sega saturn that's on the download page is actually a bad rip version that doesn't work on the real system. There's a version that works on the real system available on a torrent sight right now if you want to download and replace it with the one you have.

Anton-P: Thanks for info. Actually, I did not try the image (it was uploaded by Andreani Xavier) since I have the original CD and did not know about the problem until now. I'll prepare a new image and replace the old one.
Name: Anton-P
Time: October 20 2006 - 12:27 pm

Today I uploaded scripts for a message board. If it is working fine, the board will be used instead of this guestbook. I welcome everyone from now on to post messages here: /mboard/
Name: Tantrumbull
Time: October 20 2006 - 1:23 am

There will be others that will appear.
Name: Andy
Time: October 19 2006 - 8:37 am

Pity another project's gone down the drain.
Name: gamerboy255
Time: October 14 2006 - 12:35 pm

It looks like SM Eternia's site is gone. Another unfinished SM game!!!!!!!

Anton-P: Indeed :( Taking into account the years the game was in development it was highly improbable that it will ever be finished. It looks like Guardian Terry lost all interest in the game long time ago already... There is nothing to be done, though.
Name: gamerboy255
Time: October 12 2006 - 1:54 pm

There is a YKYWTMSMW list with over 1000 entries at

Anton-P: "One kind moonie" mentioned on this page is me! ^_^ Formerly I have sent ykywtmsmw compilation to several owners of SM websites and some of them published it on their sites. Thanks anyway :)
Name: Aisha
Time: October 12 2006 - 8:54 am

Yes, Anton, I'm seriously considering it. I would probably use Sawblade Software's Power Game Factory (unless I can find another builder for free - I can't code!). I'll do my best with the free demo, then if I think I can build the whole thing I'll do it. Email me the sprites, tiles and stuff over - I'll have a go?

Anton-P: Will you create an exact copy of the game or rather a different Sailor V game just using the same sprites? I mean, if your goal is simply to make the game available for Macintosh users, does it cost such efforst? There are several PC emulators for Macintosh and I guess they can be used for this purpose. I am a bit busy today (burning Sailor Moon DVDs for a moonie friend of mine ^_^) so I'll prepare sprite sets and send them to you tomorrow.
Name: Aisha
Time: October 12 2006 - 1:20 am

Hi there I want to make a Mac version of the Sailor V arcade game, but have no sprites or screenshots. As Im on a Mac, I cant open the exe to get my own. Could someone email me as many screenshots of the game as they can, along with all the different poses sailor V makes? Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!!

Anton-P: Hi! Do you seriously consider developing it? It would be great if you can. I can send you all sprite sets for Sailor V and all enemies, tile sets etc. Recreating the whole game anew will require a lot of work. What development tool will you use?
Name: Andy
Time: October 09 2006 - 9:24 am

I got it. Please discard the email I sent back, I've realised what you want.
Name: Andy
Time: October 09 2006 - 7:36 am

I'll help with dialogue. Just give me the context of what is happening, and what you basically want. Do you still have my email address? PS: I am still working on my game, I will email you soon.

Anton-P: I have sent you an email with several example dialogues.
Name: Andy (blue123)
Time: October 07 2006 - 10:19 am

Hello again Anton, I've tried sending you a few emails but for some reason I can't. Just wanted to ask you if you need help with anything (Aswell as dialogue) on your current WIP.

Anton-P: Were you sending emails to my box? I didn't receive any letters from you recently. As to the game, yes, I need help with dialogues. I wrote many already but I still need more. It would be great if you can write some.
Name: Cynthia
Time: October 05 2006 - 8:11 pm

I have found a PS version quiz moon game on this site, but now the download is not available any more-_-" Is there someone ever seen it??

Anton-P: I viewed the page but I did not understand much of it :(
Name: gamerboy255
Time: October 03 2006 - 3:52 pm

I received an e-mail from the creator of SM: Alternate Beginning. He says that Version 4 should be released soon and that it still is in production. O and btw, the URL of his new site is:
Name: Yana
Time: October 02 2006 - 6:35 pm

nope haven't abondoned yet!=) I have worked on the sprites sheets.
Name: Yana
Time: October 01 2006 - 7:15 pm

hey ur sites getting really awesum! i just started a new 1!XD srry 4 advertising my site.

Anton-P: Hi! How your Good&Evil Sailor Moon RPG is going on? I hope you didn't abandon it?
Name: Tantrumbull
Time: October 01 2006 - 12:31 pm

It's been listed on DK's Sailor Moon games page near the bottom even before the first arcade Sailor Moon was finally emulated in MAME. I haven't seen a third game listed on but it's not unusual for them to have games missing from their lists.

Anton-P: DK's Sailor Moon games page points to Ken Arromdee's faq as its source of information. And taking into account the quantity of "n/a" and question marks in video games section of this faq it looks like its author never played any game he mentioned. Without playing them and without hearing about even half of them (!) Ken Arromdee still call a priori all existing SM video games "terrible as games". I do not see a single reason to consider his faq as a source of information at all.
Name: Tantrumbull
Time: September 30 2006 - 7:51 pm

What about an arcade version of BSSM S? was that false too?

Anton-P: This is the first time I hear about it. Where did you find information about such a game?
Name: gamerboy255
Time: September 30 2006 - 2:43 pm

If you have ever played the Nintendo DS dating sim called Sprung, I liked how they handled the whole sex in a dating sim thing. They told you they did it but in a discrete way so younger players wouldn't get it and older ones would. For example they would say they had "coffee" all night. You could do that in your dating sim.

Anton-P: But will people who like hentai games be satisfied with a mention of "coffee" and won't they claim explicit scenes? ^_^
Name: gamerboy255
Time: September 29 2006 - 6:05 pm

On SM Additional Story, I can't get passed the first boss. You can't level up and you havent even had control of a character yet. they kill me in 2 shots And it says game over. Can someone help me?

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