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Name: Sailor Pluto Fan
Time: June 15 2006 - 3:36 pm

I'm sending you an E-mail about info. on the "3D Adventures of Sailor Moon". I own it, so that might help. I also have some .WAV music files from the game. I actually found them on a Rolalty-Free Music CD I bought at the dollar store. So expect that soon, and you can update the 3D Adventures articles if you like.

Anton-P: Thanks for info. I have the game too. I'll try to add something into article about it.
Name: Кейт
Time: June 13 2006 - 4:12 am

Name: Alicia
Time: June 11 2006 - 1:44 am

hey, you have a great talent for drawing!:)
Name: Кейт
Time: June 09 2006 - 7:27 am

А по-русски можно? (Счас попробую перевести : Plese sing me to Russian?) , а у тебя есть русскоязычные сайты , а то я по английски не говорю , и почти не чего не знаю :-(

Anton-P: (Russian lang., since Kate does not speak English): Русского варианта сайта нет. Гостевая предназначена для сообщений на английском. По-русски лучше по любым вопросам пиши на email: <>
Name: bluewave
Time: June 09 2006 - 7:25 am

Hey Mr. Admin....are the sites alright? hope i gave a little help for the sailor moon fanatics

Anton-P: Yeah, everything is fine.
Name: bluewave
Time: June 09 2006 - 2:35 am

You want to watch sailor moon movies and series? here is the site: type to the search bar "sailor moon movies" or just "sailor moon" You want to download sailor moon games like in 3DO, sega saturn and more? here's the site: just type to the reseach bar "sailor moon"...well the site is in frech wordins but still you can understand it slight.
Name: monica
Time: June 09 2006 - 2:14 am

hello, can you send me the stages of sailor moon for mugen, please my email is thanks

Anton-P: I am preparing an update about Sailormoon Mugen stages and all of them (that I found thus far) will be listed on the Mugen page in a day or two.
Name: Кейт
Time: June 08 2006 - 9:03 am

Надеюся Вы по русски говорите :-)

Anton-P: (Kate wrote in Russian: "I hope you speak Russian"). Yes, I do, and in my turn I hope you speak English and will understand my answer ^_^. The case is that other visitors of this site do not understand Russian language for the most part and that's why all messages in the guestbook must be written in_English_only.
Name: Кейт
Time: June 08 2006 - 9:00 am

Привет! Стоко много игр здорово! А как скачать игру вто от сюда :/mg/dev/dvlp.htm Буду рада если мы обменяемся ссылками

Anton-P: (Kate wrote in Russian: "Hi! How many games. Cool! How to download the game from here: /mg/dev/dvlp.htm ? I would be glad if we exchange links."). The mentioned link leads to the game currently in development by Chains of Fate. As yet he did not release any playable version of it (accordingly to his statement, the game will be finished approximately in a year). As to links exchange, I am obliged to decline because our sites are in different languages.
Name: bluewave
URL: http://www./
Time: June 08 2006 - 4:07 am

i would like to send a picture of sailor moon to this site...but i don't know how....

Anton-P: Till now I was not thinking about creating galleries of fanart... Not because I have no interest for it, but because there are a lot of other Sailormoon websites on the Internet, accepting fanart submissions and right now it's hardly necessary to create one more. You can find sites with fanart galleries without difficulties or you can post your pictures at any Sailormoon forum. I hope you understand me.
Name: Michi
Time: June 07 2006 - 8:39 am

Hooray, at last russian moonies begin doing smth!) And I like this something very much) And how 'bout the russian version of the website? Or you do have it, and I'm just too lazy to find the link? ^_^"

Anton-P: Hi, Michi. As to the Russian language version of this website, it does not exist.
Name: blue123
Time: June 06 2006 - 9:57 am

Ok. It'll be there within the hour. I don't have the time to put down the story, it'll be in the next demo.
Name: blue123
Time: June 06 2006 - 9:16 am

Me again. I can send you a demo, should I use your address?

Anton-P: Yes, this is my email box. I'll be waiting for your demo.
Name: Stacy
URL: http://Http://
Time: June 05 2006 - 3:45 pm

I LOVE your site! I've never seen so many games before (nor have I dreamed of so many!) Thank you! (^_^)
Name: blue123
Time: June 05 2006 - 8:58 am

Umm... it's fan created, and it's a WIP. I'm still working on it, and it's coming along nicely.
Name: blue123
Time: June 04 2006 - 6:58 am

Very nice site. As I said on the GMC, would you be interested in hosting my game? Might not seem very SM at first glance, but...

Anton-P: What game are you talking about? Do you have a finished game already or only plan to create one? In both cases I am interested ^_^
Name: Oleg
Time: June 02 2006 - 8:05 am

Let's make link exchange.
Name: Anton-P
Time: May 31 2006 - 3:09 am

To Sailor Pluto Fan: I have received your second game, thanks. I am working upon update right now.
Name: Sailor Moon Freak
Time: May 29 2006 - 2:54 pm

Thank you so much!.I tryed to Email the game to you before on my computer but it said their was an error so I was wondering if you got the game. If not, Ill try my cousions computer in a few hours.

Anton-P: I am fearful the problem is not in your computer, but in my evil email box :( Please, send your files to <> - I hope there won't be any problems with this address.
Name: Sailor Pluto Fan
Time: May 29 2006 - 12:59 pm

Thank you soooo much for hosting my game! I'll send my other game possibly soon (when I have time). It is more like a platform game. I totally agree on the Luna game (it is difficuly, my high score- 3). Thanks again!

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