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    Here are the the two main reasons why I decided to write a compilation of all ykywtmsmw (You Know You Watch Too Much Sailor Moon When) statements collected from the Internet:
    1) YKYWTMSMW pages were much more popular several years ago. Since then many of them are closed and abandoned, and right now there are very few (if any) moonies on the Net who update their YKYWTMSMW pages on a regular basis. In fact, up to 80% entries in the compilation were collected from already closed or abandoned (updated the last time in 1999-2000 years) websites. I hope that my work will help this field of knowledge not to be forgotten.
    2) Though the compilation is available online (check menu on the left), its main form is a downloadable version. Downloadable version allows very easy to print out all ykywtmsmw statements, thus freeing a moonie willing to have a copy of so indispensable book from necessity to collect all YKYWTMSMWs on their own. The compilation is totally free for distribution and if you have your own website, I encourage you to put it on your website for download without asking any additional permission of mine.

    As long as I have new ykywtmsmw's to add, the compilation will be updated regularly. I invite everyone to send their ideas to me. After checking the uniqueness of submissions (i.e., that there are not the same statements in the compilation as yet) - that won't take much time since I almost memorized the list already ^_^ all submissions will be added to the end of the list with the name of the author and email address included in brackets after the statement.

    Please, send your new ykywtmsmw ideas to


    The compilation version 5 contains 6045 ykywtmsmw statements (April 18, 2007)

    Download the book in txt format (255 KB)

    Download the book in doc format (557 KB)

    Download the book in pdf format (797 KB)

    The very first YKYWTMSMW  page was started by Starfox ( - now closed; an exact copy can be found at: ) who published his own ideas and those submitted by other moonies. The page has become very successful but despite this it was closed by Starfox on December 1997 after getting 1420 entries (published ones). All content of the website was declared as free for use by anyone.
    Mara Jade published almost all YKYWTMSMWs compiled by Starfox (with some editing/changing the order of entries) and continued the list, adding the fifth page (the list of Starfox was divided into four pages). Unfortunately, her site, though not declared as closed, was abandoned in 1999 (as on March 26, 2006 it is still online: ).

    Since then many other YKYWTMSMWs pages were open by different moonies. Sometime their titles vary like "Your are obsessed by Sailormoon when" or "You like Sailormoon too much when" but "YKYWTMSMW" title is used the most often. These pages included (if they did) only parts of YKYWTMSMW lists by Starfox and Mara Jade. Moreover, if these parts are included they are usually not noted as such ones but mixed (and often edited) with the original YKYWTMSMWs by the owner of a page. In practical terms it makes extremely difficult to discern original entries for a certain page from the ones taken from other pages. This all really messed me up while I compared entries from different pages in order to be sure that a certain statement will appear in my compilation only one time. I excluded only clearly identical statements; the ones that used the same idea but with different hints of meaning are included into compilation. Taking into account the quantity of sentences I had to read and compare with each other it is still probable I omitted something and you can encounter the same statement twice.

    Apart from excluding repetitive statements, YKYWTMSMWs included in the compilation appear in the same form as they were published at their original sites. Using MS Word spellchecker, I corrected only obvious orthographical errors in compilation, but as far as spelling concerns arguable matters (e.g. personal names) I did not edit anything. Url addresses of original pages that ykywtmsmw statements were taken from appear in the compilation in blue color; the comments, written by the authors for their pages and necessary for understanding the sense of some statements, appear in red color. All copyrights for YKYWTMSMWs belong to their authors and not to me. Entries are enumerated all through for convenience of citation (quotation).

    Here is the translation from French of the pledge from ykywtmsmw #3994: "I (write your name here) solemnly declare to be faithful and bear a sincere allegiance to her Majesty the Neo Queen Serenity, a ruler of the Earth, to her descendants and to her successors, in accordance with the Law".